November 18, 2009
Well this one will be a shock to all cause as you know my lovely wife is the one who does most of the writing on the blog, but with the new news of me going to be a DADDY I thought I would add my two cents.
As you all know by now my Lil swimmers swam their tails off, and I am going to be a dad. Kinda scary huh? When I got the news that Melissa was prego I did not think that a person could be so excited yet so scared at the same time. It was not a scared like OMG we are having a baby, it was more like I am scared to fail as a dad. What if my best is just not good enough? However at the same time I felt like a little kid who just got his first puppy. There is nothing more that I have wanted since we said our I DO's than to have a baby, and some how and some way I got Melissa to stray away from her 5 year post it note plan and have a baby early.
I know that people say that a mom becomes a mother at conception, and that a dad does not become a father until birth. I think that I will have to disagree with that, I know that the baby is not growing inside of me but I feel the pain sometimes too
I mean I get up every time Melissa gets up at night because she don't feel good or just cant sleep, I may go right back to sleep right after I ask if she is OK but damn it I get up and I am still just as tired as if I was up all night. I have also found out that I have become a light sleeper now because I used to be able to sleep through a hurricane now I wake up with the slightest move Melissa may make.
I know that when our families find out that we are having a baby they will be as excited as we were or at least me, and I cant wait to tell them so we can see the looks on their faces. The look on Charle's face you will be able to use on a master card commercial. I already have it all wrote out... OK well at least the end, the look on Chuck's face when he finds out he is going to be a Grandpa... PRICELESS!!!
With all this being said I don't think that I have too much to be afraid of because we will have a GREAT cast of loving people around to help us succeed in our journey. From Charles, Lisa, Mark, my Mom, DAD, and all of our awesome friends! So I would like to go ahead and thank all of you now for being there with us down our new path in life.
So sweet and funny :-) You guys will be great parents. You live and learn and your child will survive knowing you wanted and did what you thought best. Their smiles, laughs and hugs make it all worth it and the best part are the most forgiving people. We could learn a lot from them.