Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Our first TWO Weeks as Mommy and Daddy!

So its been two weeks since Easton has made her debut and boy, or should I say girl, they have been like nothing we have ever experienced before. You can read all the books in the world about newborns, but there isn't anything like caring for the real thing. We have had some really rough nights were Josh was up at 1:00 am for two hours trying to get Easton to go to sleep, but ended up waking me because by then she was hungry again. We have also had nights when she is in bed by 10:00 pm, up at 3:00 am to nurse and then up again at 6:00 am (fortunately, lately we have had more of those nights) But when she smiles at you and you get a big whiff of her baby scent, all those rough nights seem to disappear and that moment melts your heart. Mommy and Daddy are surviving, but we could not have done it without the help of family and friends. Especially my mom. She spent this last week with me since Josh had to go back to work. She did laundry, made me lunch, cooked us dinner, helped me bake dog treats, entertained/watched Easton while I got a quick nap in and helped me get some errands ran. It was great having her here!

Breastfeeding has gone REALLY well! I am amazed at how well it has gone. I have heard so many horror stories from other moms who had breastfed that I just assumed that I would have just as much trouble. Fortunately Easton and I have mastered it without cracked or bleeding nipples! Thank God!

Easton's Stats.....
We have had two visits to the pediatrician since coming home from the hospital. The first was Monday, July 19. One day after coming home from the hospital. Dr. Yu (pronounced like the word You) wanted to follow up with Easton to make sure her jaundice was clearing up. He looked her over and told us to keep supplementing until my milk came in. Well we only supplemented one more time and than BAMB! Hello boobies! Good-bye colostrum and supplementing formula and hello boobie milk! The next appointment was for the Tuesday, July 27. Within that week Easton gained 14 ounces! Yes, 14 ounces! Dr. Yu was amazed and happy! He really wasn't expecting her to gain that much in a week. I was one proud Mommy! Easton's current weight is 8 lbs. 4 ounces. She is 20 3/4 inches long. She is growing like a weed!

On a sad note... I found out I will not be able to take 12 weeks off for maternity leave. Eight is all I will be able to take off. My work is more than happy to let me take off 12 weeks, but our short term disability policy will only pay up to 6 weeks so I am using some vacation and working a couple things out with my boss and will only be off for 8 weeks. Next time I will do better research and not rely on two men to know about our maternity leave benefits. Right now I am focusing on the time I do have to spend with my little girl and will cross that bridge when I get there.

On a happier note.... we have had some crazy moments in the Bosley household since Easton's arrival. Below are stories of things that have happened day in and day out.

Fiber is like a Stool Softener? Right?...
All you Mommy's out there can relate to this one! While in the hospital they give you stool softeners to help make pooping less traumatic and painful. So when I get home I start taking fiber pills. Yes, fiber pills. For whatever reason I thought this acted like a stool softener. WRONG! I had not pooped in like three days and then it finally hit me! I seriously was in the bathroom for 45 minutes trying to poop without pushing out my insides and blowing out some stitches! I came out of the bathroom and this is the conversation between Josh and I:
Josh: Were you in the bathroom?
Me: YES! For like 45 minutes! I am such a retard!
Josh: Why?
Me: Well I have been taking two fiber pills a day thinking they were like stool softeners! Do you know what size of poop I just passed!....
Josh: The size of Easton! ( by this time Josh is laughing so hard at me)
Me: You need to go to Wal-Mart right now and buy some stool softeners! Tell the pharmacist I just had a baby and I am breastfeeding and then ask them what they recommend.
Josh: Ok (still cracking up)

Mommy and Daddy vs. Breast Pump....
A couple days after leaving the hospital I decided I should start pumping so I could build up a stock pile of breast milk before I returned to work. My plan that evening was to pump on my right boobie while I nursed Easton on my left. I get the pump out and bring it into our bedroom. I start putting the parts and pieces together and hold one of the shields (the part your nipple goes into) up to my breast. I turn on the machine and nothing really happens. I barely get any vacuum/suction and by this time Easton is crying up a storm wanting to nurse. So I decide now probably isn't the best time and I would have to figure it out later. I get myself situated on the bed to begin nursing and Josh hands me Easton. I am sitting there doing the nursing thing when Josh takes it upon his self to figure out how the breast pump works. Next thing I know he is holding the shield up to my right breast while I am still nursing Easton. He turns on the machine and CRANKS the vacuum up full blast! I do a scream/laugh at him, because it feels like my nipple is being sucked up through the tubing! He laughs and says sorry. He obviously figured out how it works! So here we are me holding Easton nursing and Josh is scrunched down holding the breast pump shield up to my other boobie watching it slowly fill up. Our arms were so intertwined and Easton's legs and feet were positioned around the shield. It seriously was ridiculous. I really wish we had recorded this moment, because it was a circus and I was laughing so hard at Josh holding the shield up to my boobie and me trying to nurse Easton. It was a comedy act!

Projectile Vomiting on Daddy....
I just had finished nursing Easton and Josh was working on burping her. My mom, brother and me were all talking not really paying attention to what Josh and Easton were doing. Next thing I hear is
Josh: She just projectile vomited all over me!
Me: (go over the chair where they are and stand there. Once I evaluate the situation I start busting up laughing!)
Josh: (frustrated and annoyed that I am laughing and not doing anything) Melissa its on my face! Get me something to get it off my face!
Melissa: (still laughing) Ok.
Josh: Gross!

Nana gets the poopie end of the deal....
I gotta admit I have not changed very many diapers since we have been home. The first week Josh was totally on diaper duty and rocked at it. I joked and said Mommy does the boobie and Daddy does the diapers! Then this past week my mom checked in for diaper duty. So I have been lucky, but don't worry next week my luck will change because I will officially be on my own. Yikes! Alright on with the story. The other morning my mom was changing Easton and I was sitting in our rocking chair getting ready to nurse her. Next thing I know I hear my Mom say "Oh my God!" I look over and see runny poop running down the side of the changing table, on the changing table pad, on my mom's clothes, it was everywhere! Easton had blown butt all over! Nana was quick to react by grabbing a wipe and holding it to her bottom, but she wasn't quick enough to keep it from going all over the place. I just started laughing and so did Nana! Easton was a little stinker that morning! I must admit I was glad it was Nana and not me.

Mommy and Easton!

This is a VERY common sight in our house. Daddy and Easton sleeping in the recliner!

Mommy even gets a nap in every once in a while.

She has changed so much since we left the hospital. She is starting to develop her personality and more facial features are appearing everyday. She still has blue eyes right now. The doctor said she could have brown, green or hazel eyes. We are hoping for hazel or green. Time will tell.

Easton and Daddy spend a lot of time in this chair just chilling and watching Sports Center. She doesn't seem to mind and Daddy loves it!

Bath time is Daddy-Easton bonding time. Since we are not introducing a bottle until we have been breastfeeding for at least three weeks, bath time is a way for Josh and Easton to bond. Her first sponge bath at home was July 20, 2010. As you can tell from the pictures she was not a happy camper. Our system is Josh does most of the washing and handling, while I do more of the assisting. It works out pretty dang good. Oh, but Mommy always does the lotion.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Our version of TLC a BABY STORY!

July 16, 2010 at 4:33 pm Easton Blondell Bosley was welcomed into the world weighing 7 lbs. 15.5 oz and 20 inches long! Everyone has a labor and delivery story and we are no different. So here is ours:

Our day began at 5:15 am on Friday, July 16, 2010. We set three different alarms to make sure we did not over sleep. Josh took Tylenol PM to ensure he would be able to get a good nights rest. I took the day before off and cleaned our house so I was exhausted and slept a lot better than I thought I would. At 6:20 am we said good-bye to our doggies and headed to Shawnee Mission Medical Center to begin our induction.

The last time we were a family of two plus two doggies!

We headed back to our room around 7:30 am and got settled in. Nurse Ann went over everything with us. She was an AMAZING nurse and I can't thank her enough for all she did for Josh and I. Around 8:30 am Nurse Ann began putting my IV in. At the same time the anesthesiologist came in to review the epidural procedure and make me aware of the complications. Now as most of you know I am TERRIFIED of needles! As the Nurse is sticking me in my hand for the IV this guy is rambling on about remaining still, cleaning the area three times, and the side effect that could possibly result from an epidural. Do you really think I was paying attention to him! NO! Finally I had to tell him I really wasn't focused on what he was saying, but instead I was panicking over the needle they were putting in my hand. He then stopped his spill until they were done. Josh knows how I am crazy scared of needles and how they make me panic so he asked the nurse to cover the IV with gauze so I couldn't see anything. I must say Josh was on top of his game from the time we arrived until we left the hospital. Dr. Grounds came in around 8:30 am and broke my water and they began the Pitocin. While they pumped the Pitocin in me Josh and I agreed to have immediate family members in the room until things got too painful. Then we were kicking everyone out! From 8:30 am to 11:30 am the contractions were not bad. I bull shitted with my family and the nurse came in and checked me every hour to see how I was progressing. I used the birthing ball and humor to help cope with the contractions. Around 11:30 am bulling shitting and humor went out the window. The contractions became much more intense and I no longer felt like having company so out the parents went. I kept telling the nurse I felt like I needed to poop. She said honey it just the pressure from the baby, but you can try. Now up to this point Josh had accompanied me to the bathroom for all my pee trips, but the poop one he said "Momma you are on your own for this one. Let me know when you are done and I will come back in and help you wheel out your IV stand." I completely understood and really didn't think I could poop with my husband standing right there holding on to my IV pole. Yes, I was the girl who got the urge to poop once my contractions picked up. Weird I know. Because standing and leaning over the birthing ball was the most comfortable position for me, we decided to have the nurse monitor Easton's heartbeat through an internal monitor instead of the one that straps to your belly. My contractions began in my back so leaning over and allowing gravity to help me cope with the pain felt the best. After about 15 minutes of using the birthing ball it wasn't cutting it so the next best thing was my husband! We seriously looked like we were at an 8th grade dance. You remember... guys hands on the girls waist. Girls arms stretched over the guys shoulder. Both swaying back and forth not really moving their feet too much. In fact, between contractions I asked him if he felt like he was in middle school all over again. We laughed briefly, because my contractions were only given me a 45 second rest in between and they were no laughing matter. The other thing that helped me with my labor was the hot packs. Josh would hold one on my back and I would hold one on the front. They were heavenly! During this time I also started to feel very nauseous and since I was planting my head in my husbands chest every time I had a contraction I quickly realized my nausea was being caused by his cologne. I told Josh "You have to got to change your shirt!" and without missing a beat or hesitating he ran over to our bags grabbed another shirt and swapped them out all while I am yelling "Hurry! Hurry! Here comes another one!" I also decided that the gum he was chewing was making me nauseous so I told him he needed to spit it out. Once again without even blinking he ran over to the trash can and got rid of it before another contraction came. Oh, and I said serveral times to the nurse that A Baby Story is full of shit! Around 1:00 pm I no longer wanted to do med free birth. I was dialted to a six and wanted an epidural! By 1:15 pm. I was on my way to a pain free labor! The random crap that kept coming out of my mouth during the whole epidural process was crazy. For instance I blurted out "I have no idea how 15 year olds do this! I am 27 and can't do this!" Josh says I was breathing so hard and fast that he thought I was going to pass out. He kept trying to get me to slow down my breathing, but I just wasn't having it! Once the epidural was in and done. Life was fabulous! We let family come back into the room and around 3:15 pm it was time! I was dilated to a 10 and Dr. Grounds was on her way! I began pushing and thankfully I pushed for less than an hour. I kept asking the doctor if was doing it right because I couldn't feel a thing. No pressure or pain. In between contractions my husband was a rock star! He feed me ice chips and patted my head with a cold wash cloth. The doctor and the nurse said he should be a doula because he was so damn good! When Josh asked what they do, Dr. Grounds said they help women who don't have good husbands during labor and delivery. The entire delivery process was not what I expected at all. In between pushes we were all bull shitting. Talking about Dr. Grounds having more kids, the car she drives, etc. It was much more relaxed than I thought it was going to be. I did have mirror setup and I was able to watch my progress with every push. Josh even worked up the nerve to look "down there". He said he looked three different times. The first when we could start seeing her head. The second when she crowned and the third when she came sliding out. Once she was out and Josh cut the cord, they placed her on my stomach and I immediately began bawling! I was so overwhelmed with pure happiness to finally meet our little girl. She instantly melted my heart and I was in love and in Ahhh... of what Josh and I had created. A perfect beautiful girl! She was having trouble pinking up so they gave her a little oxygen and set her right back on my chest. Skin to skin contact was so important to me, so I was glad to have her back within a few short minutes. After that time just seemed to fly by. I was able to nurse right away and Josh assisted in giving her her first bath. We had the nurses wait to give her her shots and put the eye medication in until we had time with her to bond and just enjoy our family. Oh, and of course I asked to see the placenta. I had carried it around for 10 months and wanted to know what it looked liked. The scrub tech nurse held it up in front of me and Josh. That thing is bigger than you think and it is solid. Around 5:30 pm the families eagerly headed into our room were Easton Blondell was loved on by all! Around 10:00 pm the nurses moved us to our recovery room and we got settled in for the night. While we were in the hospital Josh went EVERY where Easton went. Even if it was midnight and they needed to do some tests in the nursery. Josh NEVER let her go anywhere without him. My husband was simply amazing not just during the birth of our little girl, but throughout our entire pregnancy even post-pregnancy when I felt like my insides would drop out at any minute. He was my biggest support and I know I would never had made it with out him. He kept saying how proud he was of me during the delivery, but I was so proud of him. He instantly went into Daddy mode when Easton came into this world and he has never looked back. I am so lucky to have such a hands on husband who wants to change diapers, get up during 2:00 am feedings to help me get my pillows stacked up for nursing, burp her when he is watching Sports Center, and love on her so much. I told him since he was so awesome this time around that we would have another one in a couple of years! He just laughed! Oh and by the way, I asked Dr. Grounds if I pooped while pushing and she said no! Guess my labor poop paid off earlier that day!

Welcome to the world Easton Blondell Bosley

I couldn't believe she was finally here!

Proud Daddy!

Happy Family!

While in the hospital we had to supplement formula because she had jaundice. But as soon as my milk came in that following Wednesday, we said good-bye to formula and hello to the boobie milk!

Mommy and daughter!

Josh introducing the dogs to Easton

Thursday, July 15, 2010

DuE DaTE and The NiGHT before!

Today is my due date... July 15, 2010, 40 weeks pregnant! Today is also the eve of our induction! This induction was decided this past Tuesday at my doctor's appointment. Tomorrow, July 16, 2010, exactly one month before our second anniversary and exactly two months before my 28th birthday, at 7 am we will go to Shawnee Mission Medical Center as Josh and Melissa Bosley, husband and wife, and leave Sunday afternoon as Daddy and Mommy of a beautiful little girl named Easton Blondell Bosley. Tomorrow I will meet the person who was well worth the extra 60 pounds of weight, the crazy road map of stretch marks on my belly, the countless numbers of bathroom trips in the night, and the crazy outbursts and moments. In some ways I feel Josh and I have been cheated. We didn't get to experience the crazy moment of "Oh my god my water just broke" and we run off to the hospital in the middle of the night. Part of me was excited about getting to experience this chaos of being pregnant. But things happen for a reason and our future holds a 7am induction one day after my due date.

What I am feeling.... Exhausted! I took today off so I could clean our house from top to bottom, do laundry, run to Wal-Mart THREE different times, take our dogs to get bathed, and get a pedicure. Our home is ready to bring Easton into. I am also nervous. I told Josh don't be surprised if I just start crying on our way to the hospital. Of course he just laughed. I am nervous about the pain, what to expect, if my mind and body can handle such a thing as giving birth. However, I am also excited! Excited to see if she has red hair. Does she have Josh's eyes and my nose. Will she be as long as I think she is. Excited just to meet the little girl that won our hearts from the day we found out we were pregnant and has been the center of our lives for the last 10 months! Right now as I type this I can't help to cry as I am just overwhelmed with what the next 24 hours holds for us.

Please send happy labor and delivery thoughts our way as start our day as husband and wife and end it as daddy and mommy!

Friday, July 9, 2010

You are going to make me PEE in my BATH WATER!

I just have to share a recent conversation Josh and I had because it seriously brought me to tears.

This past Tuesday evening Josh suggested that I take a bath to see if we could stir up some contractions and get the show on the road. Now our tub is a jacuzzi tub that is deep, so I told him that these days I could no longer get out of the thing without some help so he needed to come check on me in 3o minutes. I soak and read my Baby America magazine and let the warm water hopefully start some major contractions. Thirty minutes later Josh comes up stairs and ask me if I am ready to get out. I tell him sure as soon as I wash my face and body. Below is the conversation we had while I was washing. A little background on why this conversation even happened: We had a doctor's appointment earlier that day. That morning my mom made the comment that maybe the doctor will tell us to go right over the the hospital we are having this baby tonight. Of course I made the mistake of telling my husband this as we were walking into our appointment. So for the next several hours this is what he pondered.

Also why this conversation is so flippin' funny to me is because Josh and I have done a complete role reversal. In our relationship I have always been the planner. I am the more serious one and I worry about all the big and little things. However since getting pregnant I really have become more relaxed and tend to go with the flow about things, especially in my last trimester. I chalk it up to the hormones. Now Josh is the one that is so worried and freaked out about things. He stresses and worries about having bags ready for the hospital, a car seat, and everything else about Easton. It is crazy how worked up he gets over the whole thing and how serious he is. Josh used to be more of a go with the flow kinda guy and it will all work out, but since we hit our last trimester he has totally done a 180. During this conversation he was dead serious and not messing around.

Josh: Don't you think we should put our hospital bags in your car like one of the books says you are supposed to do at 35 weeks? Melissa we are coming up on 39.
Me: No.
Josh: Melissa what if the doctor had said we needed to go straight over to the hospital? What then?
Melissa: Josh if that was to happen someone would have to come to our house to take care of our dogs anyways and they could pick up our bags then.
(I am still in the tub and Josh is sitting on our bathroom counter. By this time I am laughing hysterically. So hard I have tears rolling down my cheeks!)
Josh: Melissa what about the paperwork the doctor gave us? Hmmmmm?
Melissa: Josh if the doctor tells us to head to the hospital, I am sure they can print off another copy of my records before we trucked over there. But if you want me to I will throw the pink bag with all the paperwork in the car so we have it just in case.
Josh: You don't even have all your stuff packed! I am going to be running around like crazy getting all this crap you haven't packed while you are in labor.
Melissa: Josh stop, you are going to make me pee in my bath water.
(By this time Josh starts laughing too and I cross my legs to keep from peeing in the bath tub. Believe me this was extremely difficult given my situation)
Josh: You don't even have all the stuff together. Like in a bag or anything sitting on the counter where I can just grab it.
Melissa: Honey do you want me to put all the stuff in a bag that needs to go to the hospital, but I also still need to use. Most of it is in those to draws. (still laughing uncontrollably) Josh it will be fine. Don't worry.

I love my husband for worrying so much! He truly is going to be a fabulous dad!

The doctor's visit..... gained another 4 pounds which puts me at 60 pounds to date! Yes 60! Easton heart beat was in the 140's. My blood pressure was a little high, but they had me lay on my left side and it dropped tremendously. We are still dilated to a conservative 4 and 80% effaced. I didn't see my normal doctor this time because she is on vacation. But I see her this Tuesday the 13th and we are going to go ahead and schedule an induction for the 16th. So in one week or less Josh and I will be Mommy and Daddy!