Monday, September 17, 2012

The Road to 13.1: Broadway Bridge 10K

“Lexie! Lexie! Lexieee!” pause…. “Lexie! Lexie! Hey! Lexieeee!” pause…. “Lexie! Lexie! Lexie!” It seemed like I screamed after Lexie for a mile. It however, was more like 50 feet. Every other runner around her heard me. In fact, they all turned around and acknowledged my crazy ass screaming some random girl’s name. I was trying to catch up to Lexie as I was yelling her name leaving the aid station, but damn if I was going to toss my Gatorade cup to sprint to get to her. I had yet to take a drink and we were coming up on 6 miles so I needed a drink desperately. Chucking my cup at the back of her head did cross my mind and I even thought, screw it she can run the half marathon route, but she was lucky and one runner managed to get her attention. The runner in front of Lexie turned around and began waving her arms in front of Lexie. I saw Lex give the runner a WTH look and a half-assed wave back. It was classic! The runner then begins pointing back to me and that is when Lexie turned around and I pointed to the left and yelled "10K this way!" . Lexie’s response was priceless “What the F*ck!” Lexie turned and headed my direction and we got back on the 10K route. As we got back on track...

Lexie: What the hell was that!
Me: I don't know, but I was screaming your name for what seemed like a mile!
Lexie: Did you see any route signs?!
Me: Nope, the volunteers at the aid station told me. How loud is your freaking music?
Lexie: Dude, music is what keeps me going. Not chatting it up or listening to labored breathing.
Me: Well you may want to turn it down a little so you can hear things!

I imagine Lexie was rocking out to “I’m Sexy and I know it” and was so caught up in it that she didn't hear me yelling her name!

So it was 6.2 miles and I felt pretty dang good the entire time. We ran across the broadway bridge and around the downtown airport. It was neat to see a plane taking off over us as we ran.
Time: 59:46
Average Pace: 9.59

Pre-Race Photo

Post Race Photo

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Daddy-Daughter Date... TREX

I can remember the first time my husband absolutely melted my heart. You are probably thinking when he proposed to me or him saying our wedding vowels, but those aren’t it. Though they are very special moments to me and I will cherish them a lifetime, they do not come to mind when I think of heart melting moments. The first time my husband melted my heart was the day Easton was born. From the moment she entered into the world Josh was right by her side. He wanted to do it all, be where ever she was, and cuddle her all the time. My heart just melted to see him transform into a Dad without missing a beat. It came very natural to him.

Now the second time my husband melted my heart was this past Saturday. While I was at a late afternoon baby shower, Josh got Easton ready for their first Daddy-Daughter date. I got home just in time to snap a few pictures before they headed out the door to T-Rex and I headed downtown for a bachelorette dinner.

Can't wait for this chica's wedding!

At the top of the kitchen stairs, I was greeted by an adorable excited 2 year with pigtails. My heart instantly swelled up. My husband took the time to make sure Easton looked as cute as can be for their date. He put her jean dress and white sandals on. He put her hair in pigtails with green butterfly clips attached to each one. He cared enough to make sure she looked all cutie-patootie for their date! I can tell you my dad didn’t know a thing about pigtails, much less how to do them. Shoot, he probably thought they had something to do with pork reins. Josh has done pigtails for Easton many times, but to come home and see that he didn’t throw her into short and a t-shirt made this Momma’s heart melt.

While at my dinner, I received a phone call from my husband:
Josh: Your daughter just peed on me and I just took her potty!"
Me: Did she pee while she was in there?
Josh: Yes.
Me: What did you do?
Josh: Took her upstairs to change her undies.
Me: What does your shirt look like?
Josh: There is a spot, but you really can't see it unless you are looking for it.
Me: Oh, well then.. have fun.

Even though it took them an hour to get a table, Easton had a potty incident, and bedtime routine was shot to shit, Easton had a blast spending the evening with just her Daddy. The next morning, she told me all about the dinosaurs she saw with Daddy.

For Josh's sake, I hope Easton never gets too old for Daddy-Daughter dates.

Digging for fossils...or just digging in the sand.