Monday, March 28, 2011

Our Little Monster

So last night Josh and were eating dinner and watching some TV. Easton was on the floor crawling around and playing with her toys. She recently figured out how to pull herself up on the end table by the recliner. And who wouldn't want to scope out this area? At any given time Josh has 3-5 hats stacked on top of the end table, a plate, a glass or two, all three remotes. Heck he even has fun bright colored wrappers. I mean it is an 8 month old's dream! Usually Easton pulls herself up and goes for whatever is in arms reach and Josh just scoots it farther back on the table and she will move on to something else. Welp... not anymore! Last night when Daddy scooted everything back Little Ms. Thang crawled under the end table and popped up on the backside and went to town grabbing. As Josh is trying to hang on to his bowl of soup and keep Easton from destroying anything, he asks me if I am done eating. I say yep. He then replies “Come get this little monster”. It started laughing so hard. Daddy is going to have to start picking up after himself more! I must say one of the best things about Easton crawling is Josh doesn’t leave his Josh’s in the living room anymore. He is beginning to understand the importance of picking up and putting away.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Mommy and the Little Fishy

I am so glad we decided to sign Easton up for swim lessons. I am sure many people thought it was ridiculous to pay for swim lessons when she was just 7 months, but we all have really enjoyed ourselves. We've had three classes so far and I can tell she has become more relaxed in the pool and interested in the songs and activities. In fact at our past class I put her under the water three times and she didn't shed a tear. Now that Easton is crawling she likes to be on the move all the time. So swim lessons gives you some one on one time with her. We are thinking about signing her up for another round.

Below is her coming out of the water after I put her under. She was a rockstar!

Monday, March 21, 2011

8 Month Pictures

This past Sunday I was able to snap some shots of little Miss Easton. However, she has a cold, I have a cold so we kept it to one outfit and very few pictures.

(can you see the drool coming down her chin)

( this one is my favorite)

( Second favorite)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

8 Months Old!

Easton is 8 months old and is all over the place. This past month has brought so many new discoveries. She can now:

  • clap her hands
  • waves
  • pull herself up on the couch, toys, crib and anything else that is stationary
  • jabbers like crazy
  • hauls booty crawling

I have kept this kind of a secret and haven't talked about it very much, but Easton is sleeping through the night! I was so afraid I would jinx it so I never posted anything on facebook or the blog, but since she has been doing it for over a month now I figure we were safe to spread the word. Momma is getting EIGHT hours of sleep! She now eats stage 2 baby foods and takes one 8 oz. bottle of breast milk at daycare and nurses in the morning and at bedtime (Yep, I am stilling going strong with breastfeeding). Easton is such a happy baby. She loves to laugh, play, talk and destroy. When I say destroy I am referring to her dropping items from the highchair, banging toys together and pulling on Mommy's hair as hard as she can. She is definitely at the cause and effect stage. We are still in size 2 diapers, 6 month pants (even some of those are too big) and 6-9 month shirts. No teeth yet, but she chews on everything and drools. For obvious reasons I am ok with her not having teeth right now. She weights 14 lbs. 10 oz. and is 27" long. In a month she gained 3 oz and grew 1 1/4".

I am really behind on getting her 8 months pictures done, but I will post them soon.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Crawling Tragedy No. 01

Welp, we had our first crawling accident last night. I was in the shower, Daddy was in the recliner and Easton was playing on the floor and crawling around. Next thing I know Josh and Easton are both coming into the bathroom and Josh is say "Momma help us." I slide open our shower door and could tell Easton had been crying. Josh looked upset and panicked and I had no idea what the hell had happened. So there I am naked, shower running and listening to Josh tell me that he thinks he smashed her head in between the recliner and the floor. Here is how it went:

Me: What happened?
Josh: I am not sure. I leaned up in my chair and next thing I know she is screaming and laying on the floor next to my chair. I think I might have smashed her head.
Me: She looks ok.
Josh: Are you sure? Look at the side of her head. It is all red.
Me: She may have a bruise or bump, but she is fine.

Josh leaves to let me finish my shower. Josh comes back.

Josh: Momma, are you sure!? Look.
Me (once again door open, shower running and naked): Yep it is red and looks a little purplish. Josh she is fine.

Josh leaves once again and I finish up shaving my unbelievably hairy legs.

Once I am out of the shower I go downstairs to check on both of them. Josh is cuddling Easton. He still looked panicked and frazzled. We start talking about what he thinks happened and he begins to get upset.
Me: Honey she is fine. Look she is laughing and talking up a storm.
Josh: I know, but I hurt her and it really scared me.

I have always known Josh would be a wonderful Dad, but I never realized just how soft hearted he would be when it came to is little girl. Just shy of 8 months, Easton brought tears to her Daddy's eyes.

The rest of the evening Josh kept checking Easton up and down. Even calling me into the bathroom when he was giving her bath to look at her red spot. Like a good wife I reassured him that she was just fine and now that she crawls bumps, bruises and red spots are going to start to appear. She is a tough cookie and will survive.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Swim little fishy Swim

Easton splished, splashed and swam. Today was the first of six swim lessons at the YMCA. Since Momma had to order a new swim suit for her Mommy body, Daddy got in the pool with Easton. It was so great to see him and Easton together and since he was the only Dad there I was so proud of him. Easton seemed to really enjoy the water. They practiced kicking their feet, splashing with their hands, 1-2-3 jump, blowing bubbles, and even going under water. They were in constant motion in the water and even sang songs. It is a 30 minute class which is perfect. Not too long and not too short. About half way through the instructor took Easton and dunked her under the water. She cried, but she soon was distracted by the floating duck. Overall we really enjoyed the class. Towards the end we could tell Easton was getting sleepy and needed her mid-morning nap, but she didn't have a meltdown. Just a couple of cries off and on.

Daddy and Easton before class

It's ok kisses

Easton was a fabulous assistant for the instructor.

1-2-3 jump!

Big splash!

Motor boat.

Blowing bubbles

Kick! Kick! Kick!

This is right after she went under water.

Grandma Bosley came up to watch

The GREAT CRIB Escape!

This past Friday night before bath time Easton tried to make a run for it! Once again Josh and I were lucky enough to witness another milestone! At first she was pushing her bumper down peeking out at the puppy dogs. Then....

Ta-Dah! She was up on her feet in no time. Josh and I looked at each other in amazement and Josh said "I am lowering her bed!" We had already lowered it once since she started crawling, but apparently we need to go down one more notch.

Wow! That's a long way down there!

Easton is on the MOVE!

On February 24 at 7 months and 1 week old Easton decided she no longer wanted to stare at her puppy dogs from afar. Nor did she want to be confined to a blanket of toys. She figured there was MUUUUCH more interesting things to play with beyond the blanket. Most importantly there was a better way to get there than by rolling... crawling! We were lucky enough to both be able see her accomplish this milestone together. Seriously my heart leaped when I saw her put one hand and knee in front of the other. Josh and I were truly amazed and so so proud of what she was doing. We were beaming from ear to ear and kept telling each other "did you see that?" and "look at her go". I have not been so proud in my entire life as I was at that moment.

So from that Thursday evening forward we haven't stopped saying "No Easton", "Get back over here", "Not your toy", "We don't put that in our mouth", "Heeey, Heeey, Hey", and "You are quick". In the few short days that Easton has learned to crawl she has managed to grab the dog's tails and paws, get her finger stuck in the vent, bang her head on the entertainment center, grab picture frames, attack shoes, found a plug-in and make a run, or crawl, for the dog toys.

Easton looks so tiny on the floor crawling. I mean like a speck in the big carpet sea. She loves to explore the world around her by touching, slapping and running into stuff. She has also started waving her arms and "clapping", but she only does it when she wants to. Rarely does she do it on cue.
I leave you with pictures of Easton riding her new horsey! (she is naked because we were getting ready to do bath)


Tea anyone? Pooh, Mr. Foot and Bevo joined Easton in her crib for an afternoon party. I imagine the conversation went like this:

Easton: Good afternoon everyone!
Everyone: Hello Easton
Easton: Welp lets get one thing straight. This is my crib and expect everyone to follow the rules. 1. No leaving crumbs in the bed. 2. No touching anything important, like my mobile. and 3. The pacifiers are OFF LIMITS!

Easton: Alright not that you are all aware of the rules. Let the fun begin!
Everyone: Yes ma'am!

Easton: Bevo (Texas longhorns mascot) my daddy has been teaching me how to two-step. Lets give it a whirl.
Bevo: Well I am from Texas! But do you mind if I four-step.

Easton: Yay!!!! You are a wonderful two-stepper Bevo!