Monday, November 16, 2009

My SNIFFER has went into OVERDRIVE!

November 16, 2009

Saturday evening as Josh and I were getting ready for bed. I kept smelling this sour musky odor. For the life of me I could not figure out what it was. Pre-pregnancy I had a nose like a bloodhound as Josh would put it. I could smell anything and smell it miles away. Now pregnant this trait has only gotten worse. So this smell I was smelling was driving me nuts because I could not figure out where it was coming from. I would get whiffs of it every now and again. I kept telling Josh I smelled something and couldn't figure out what it was. I thought maybe it was Josh. Now my husband isn't dirty, but sometimes he doesn't realize when his towel is needing a washing and that dirty towel smell transfers to his body when he drys off. Yuck I hate that dirty towel smell! So as inconspicuous and nonchalant as I could. I leaned over and gave him a kiss on his shoulder while taking a deep sniff to check out his odor status. He just looked at me and laughed. He was on to my game.

Josh: Did you really just sniff me and play it off like you were trying to give me a kiss?

Me: (laughing hysterically) Yeah, sorry I can't figure out this smell!

Josh: Maybe it is the dogs?

Me: No I already sniffed them.

Oh, the pregnancy moments just keep getting better and better.

So this past weekend I finished the Book " The Real Deal Guide to Pregnancy" by Erika Lenkert. I absolutely LOVED this book! It told me what I needed to know with humor and real life experiences. Josh even found humor in many of the real life stories I read out loud to him. This is a mom-to-be book not really one to read with the dad-to-be. Although several times I did make Josh turn down the football game so I could read a passage that would benefit/help him. So if you are preggos this book is a good one!

We just finished our 4th week of pregnancy. Below is a picture of my pouch. I have had a lot of bloating and have seemed to consume a ridiculous amount of food lately. Right now I look fat and not pregnant.

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