Monday, November 19, 2012

Dancing Diva

I am a dance mom! Well, not the crazy, screaming, crying, TLC dance mom, but our little bug started dance class last Monday. She is enrolled at Bryd's Dance and Gymnastics. Her class consists of 15 minutes of tap, 15 minutes of ballet, and 30 minutes of gymnastics.

Monday was our trial class, which really means... a free class to see if you are kid is going to freak out and scream their head off or cry the entire hour of class. I am happy to report Easton did neither. Thank God! It helped that her friend Izzy was in the class. Izzy use to go to daycare with Easton, but recently began a private preschool. They were inseparable. Izzy had been going to dance for awhile, so she kept showing Easton how to do things. Going as far as moving her leg for her. It was adorable.

I was not able to go into the studio with Easton. As much as I wanted to photograph every freaking adorable second of it, I refrained and followed the rules. They took Easton into the studio and fitted her for tap shoes. She was hesitant at first and clung onto my hand, but with a little nudging and help from Ms. Hannah, Easton walked into the studio with her.

I was THAT Mom. The one who is hovering outside the dance room, peeking in between the blinds, just trying to get a glimpse of what they were doing. Normally the blinds are completely closed, but that night they were slightly opened enough to where I could watch Easton, but she could not see me. I get keeping parents out. Toddlers are non-listening hellions when there parents are around. But I still asked for a tour of where Easton would be for her session. Do you think I am just going to let you take my baby into a room for an hour without checking it out first? Don't think so!  They actually are in two rooms, one is for dance and the other is a freaking awesome padded fun house for gymanstics! Anyways, Easton was very still, wide-eyed, and in awe for the first 10 minutes of class. Taking it all in. She was quiet, not smiling, just not sure of what to do or what was going on. I being her Mom, wanted to run in there and help her. Save her. Show her what she was supposed to be doing. Make her feel more comfortable. Make her fit in. But I didn't, because I know she is smart. She needed time to soak the new environment in. She needed to watch everyone for a bit and find her place. Then she did and loved it. She was smiling, following instructions, dancing around with her ballerina bear. She relaxed and just had fun!

Izzy shared her snack with Easton. Seriously, how cute are those two!

Our little dancing bug and getting fitted for her tap shoes

Standing in her circle next to Izzy. This was the best picture I could get.

I am lucky enough to work for a boss that didn't think twice when I asked to leave at 4 pm on Monday's to take Easton to class. His response was "They grow up too fast and you need to be apart of special things like this. Enjoy them." I must agree they do grow up way too fast!

Saturday, November 17, 2012


Fort Scott or BUST! Last Saturday, after lunch, we loaded up and trucked it to Fort Scott. Josh and I have been trying to do more date nights, so waaaay back in June my In-laws stood in line for Jason Aldean and Luke Bryan concert tickets. For $100 bucks we got two tickets and one fantastic date night. It seriously was the best concert I have ever been to, Josh agrees. The entire concert was acoustic and completely relaxed. Jason and Luke drank whisky and beer, sang some of their hits, bull shitted, clowned on each other, and  sang some more. It was the funniest and best atmosphere ever for a concert!
Loaded and headed out!

We hit up the local bar for a quick drink. (read: I chugged a rum and sprite!)

The other duo that joined us, some family.

Josh and I sat down in the seat and pretty much ate our knees. Another couple down from us began laughing was we said "Shit! We don't fit!" The seating is the original seating from when the hall was built... needless to say midgets would have fit comfortably.
I will remind you that we were in Fort Scott, America, the venue was... hmmmm... small. There was only 1,300 seats and to be in the back row was nothing like the nose bleed section at the Sprint Center.

While we were at the concert, Easton spent some quality time with her Grandpa Bosley and Grandma Chris.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Truly a FIRST haircut!

I finally took Easton in for an actual haircut instead of just a bang trim, with much dismay from the Hubby. He was stinking worried about her looking like a boy. But the fact is E isn't going to have luscious long locks. Nope, she was cursed blessed with her Momma's fine, thin hair. Short bobs will be her hair's BFF for a long time.

To lighten the blow to the hubby, Jessi only took off about an inch. Nothing too dramatic for the first time.  Just get rid of all the crazy different lengths.

Not sure about this whole washing the hair thing

Hmmm.. pretty sure she is giving me the evil eye for taking so many damn pictures

She sat still and didn't fuss. Pretty sure she didn't say a word, actually.

Looking Good!

She received a certificate and bag of her cut off hair.

Check out Jessi Romo at Uptown Image in downtown Bonner Springs... She rocks!

Of course, QT donut for being such a big girl!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Yee-Haw! Halloween 2012

Halloween this year was lots of fun, even though Easton was perfectly with just trick or treating one house and enjoying the candy. She didn't quite understand the concept of the more houses you hit the more candy you get. She was happy to just start digging into the candy she received at our first stop of the night. I am sure that will change next year.

This year, once again, we kept our trick or treating route limited to family and friends. By 8:30 pm we were home with a tired, sugar crazy 2 year old. She loved knocking on the doors and attempting to say "Trick or Treat!", but in the end I think she was still too shy to get trick or treat out when the door was opened.

Yee-Haw and Trick or Treat from our little Cowgirl!

Bobbing for Apples and Sugar High!

I am lucky enough to work for a boss that understands my desire to be a great working mom. So at 3:00 pm on Halloween I ditched out of work early and headed to Easton's Halloween party at daycare. I brought my camera and I was able to capture some great photos of the kids and help out with games. Easton was so excited to have me there, she kept saying "That's my Mommy!" It melted my heart to see just how excited and proud she was to have me there. Parents were asked to sign up for different treats and bring them the day of the party for the kids to enjoy. The kids played pen the tail on the donkey and bobbed for apples.
The Hubby and I busted out some pretty awesome pumpkin Rice Krispy treats!

Ms. Cathy and her crew!

Easton loved bobbing for apples. She thought putting her face in water was the greatest thing ever!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Hookem' Horns

Work hooked me and Josh up with tickets to the KU vs. Texas game on 10.27.12. Vern and Jake were able to join us. We hit up QT on our way to the 11 o'clock kick off for coffee and hot chocolate since it was a chilly morning. We had kick ass parking and great seats. Personally, I was thrilled to see that our seats had cushions and backs! Score! Even though we were extremely out numbered, since we were sitting in the alumni section, Josh wore his Texas jersey proudly. Thankfully there was two Texas fans behind us that he chummed it up with.

Of course, you can't go to a football game without some drama.. right? Well, first a lady bumped into me and I spilled a entire pop on the people behind me. Then in the last half of the game, KU fans began getting pretty ugly. Well, one particular fan stood out. A grown man, I'd say about 36 in age, flipped Josh off. Really!? Josh's response? "Win or Lose, we are still going to booze!" This guy was being a complete jerk to all the Texas fans around. Unfortunately, he wasn't drunk so his rude and obnoxious behavior wasn't alcohol driven. Sadly, he bolted before Josh could shake his hand and tell him good game. Because, honestly, it was a good game and in the end Texas pulled off the win. It is so sad to see grown man have such unsportsman like behavior. It was embarrassing.

All four of us had a great time and here are some pictures...

While at the game, my parents and Uncle Markey took Easton to Boo at the farm. Here are the pictures my brother sent me...