Thursday, January 27, 2011

Looks who's sitting up!

This past week Easton has really mastered sitting up all by herself. There are times she does nose dive into her toys, but for the most part she can hold her own.

The picture below she was doing one of her loud scream/shrieking babbles. It is so funny to watch her do these and talk to her toys.

Bedtime book!

Boy Crazy Easton!

It's official! Easton is already boy crazy! Yikes! This past weekend we went over to visit a great friend from high school that I hadn't talked to in 10 years. Ten Years! Kim and I got to catch up and it was great to mommy talk with her. Her son, Carson, is 16 days older than Easton so
it was nice to compare tricks, get advice and ask "Is your baby...". It was a really great time except when Easton spit up her lunch time carrots on their floor (sorry again Kim). We plan on getting the kiddos together again when they are old enough to actually play together.

Mommy and Easton before leaving for her playdate. You can't really read it, but Easton's shirt says: Potential Playdate.

Carson and Easton playing with Carson's toy.

Easton was amazed by Carson. It must of been his big brown eyes!

She also thought Carson was funny and kept wanting to touch him! She would smile her big gummy grin at him.

We had a blast with Kim and Carson!

Monday, January 24, 2011

6 Month Pictures.... Redo!

This past weekend I shot Easton's 6 month photos again because I wasn't too happy with the last ones. She still wasn't thrilled about the tutu and in a couple of them you can see drool coming down her chin.


We decided to QUICKLY take Eaton outside to feel the snow after the snow storm a couple of weeks ago. WE bundled her up and Josh left her hands out so she could feel the snow. She hated it! I am not sure if she started crying because she didn't like the feel of the could snow or if it was because we bundled her up like an eskimo!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Good Morning from Mommy and Daddy's bed!

Good Morning! This is the face I get ready to each morning. Right now I can get away with propping her up on a pillow in our bed while I get ready. Those days will soon becoming to an end, but right now I am going to enjoy looking over at her smiling as she watchs me blow dry my hair.

Hello Green Beans.... I don't like you!... I think...

Easton meet green beans... Green beans meet Easton. Wednesday night we introduced Easton to Green Beans, but before we did that we busted out her sippy cup. Our doctor told us that Easton can now receive 4 oz. of either water or 100% juice mixed 50/50. Now I am by no means the perfect parent nor do I know all the answers (who does, right?) but the theory behind introducing the sippy cup at 6 months is that Easton only receives breast milk in her bottle and all other fluids in her sippy cup. Our goal is to ditch the bottle at one year and use only a sippy cup. For right now we are only doing water in the sippy cup. Thoughts behind this.... I want Easton to ask for water or at least like water. Right now she is at the age we can control what goes into that little body of hers. In a couple of years that will no longer true, so while we can we are going establish healthy eating habits. As a family we can all benefit from that! So juice will have to wait for a while!

At first I think she thought it was a toy until I held it up to her mouth, then she realized "Hmmm... something comes out of this when I suck on it" When she sucked on it it choked her up because she isn't use to a fast flow. Since I am stilling nursing we have not increased the nipple flow in her bottles. So when the water came rushing out with little effort on her part she got choked up. We will continue to work on it!

Lookin' a little crossed eyed.

Night 1 of green beans was a fun mess! At first she really didn't know what to think of the taste. She is use to her bland cereal and now we are busting out some flavor.... it just took her by surprise. Night 2 of green beans when much better with minimal amounts on her face and in her hair. She did make a couple of faces like "What is this crap", but overall she gobbled it down. Next veggie on the list is carrots!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

6 months and still a Skinnie Minnie!

Seriously where did half a year go!? How is it that my baby is 6 months old today? I pretty sure I blacked out for some of those months, because they have flown by.

Easton is at a great stage right now. You can roll and throw her around (in a playful manner of course) and be a little more rougher with her. She is past the delicate baby stage, but still isn't mobile. Yep, the key to that last sentence is she ISN'T mobile. Which means we can play around with her and she will be in the same area as we left her. Notice I said area... well she has mastered rolling and turning and she is currently perfecting scooting. So while she isn't mobile just yet, she still manages to reach those toys that are just out of arms length and roll around all over her blanket. I tell Josh all the time this is such a wonderful age and to enjoy it because before soon she will be getting into all kinds of things.

Easton's Stats:
  • 6 mo. Shirts

  • Pants... welp once again my skinnie minnie needs the waist of 3 mo. and the length of 6 mo. so for now she just has saggy britches.

  • She pushes herself onto her hands, but hasn't figured out all fours yet. Though she will put her booty in the air and get on her tip toes.

  • We are working on sitting up by herself. She can only do it of a very short period.

  • She wants to sit up so bad that when she is laying on the floor or your changing her diaper she will do baby crunches. Where she lefts her head up to her belly trying to sit up. It is so funny!

  • We are still rocking size 1 diapers!

  • 7 oz. is still the magic number for her bottle at daycare.

  • She says Da..Da..Da a lot. Which Josh LOVES. We are still working on Ma..Ma..Ma..

  • She has finally got into a nap pattern. She usually takes an hour mid-morning nap and anywhere from 20 mins. to an hour and a half afternoon nap.

  • No sleeping through the night yet. She wakes up around 1-2 am 80% of the time to nurse or be rocked, but every once in awhile she will sleep right through the night like a rockstar. It is just hit and miss.

  • She LOVES the dogs. They are her BFFs! She thinks it is so funny to match them play and walk around. Once they are in her sights her eyes are locked in on them.

  • She gobbles down 4 tablespoons of cereal twice a day like a champ.

  • She rolls, rolls, and rolls. She has figured out that she can roll over to her toys to get the ones out of reach.

We went and saw Dr. Yu on the 17th and he said she is looking great! We can start baby food 3 times a day, breakfast, lunch and dinner right away. He said to start with veggies and give her one veggie for 5 days and build on that. This way we will know what she is allergic to. She has a cough, stuffy nose thing going on and he thinks its allergies. So we are giving her 1/2 tsp. of Zyrtec at night to see if clears things up. Oh, I almost forgot... she weighs 13 1/2 lb.s and is 25 3/4 inches long. Dr. Yu said she is following her curve nicley! He also asked me if she was sleeping through the night and I said sometimes, but most of the time she wakes up once a night to nurse. He smiled and said "She is just snacking. She can sleep through the night." He went on to say to let her cry for 20 mins. when she wakes up in the middle of the night. I just kinda chuckled at him and told him I wasn't ready to do that. He laughed at me and said "Well when you are ready to get some more sleep then let her cry for 20 mins". It was a great 6 month check up minus the shots.

Below are some of her 6 month photos I took. She really had no interest in taking pictures and was much more interested in what the dogs were doing. As you can tell she isn't looking at the camera very much.

She wanted nothing to do with the tutu. I don't think she liked how if felt. Hints why her hands are in the air away from it.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Highchair Hottie!

Shortly after Christmas we busted out the highchair and haven't stopped using it since. We love it! Seriously why hadn't we got this thing out sooner! When we are making dinner we put her in it and she plays with her toys. When we eat dinner we pull the highchair up to the table so she can get use to being at the table when we eat dinner. It is great because she can see what is going on and be on our "level".

First time eating cereal in her highchair!

Playing with her toys!

Da... Da... Da...

On January 4th Easton said her first word. Easton was playing with her toys and Josh was watching TV in his chair. Next thing he knew she was yelling Da-Da, Da-Da! He was like "What did you say?" Then she said it again. Just like a proud Dad he quickly busted out his cell phone and started recording her. He had to have proof that she Dad first and not Mom. He sent it to me and of course I called him right away after viewing the video.

Josh: Hello
Me: Did she say Dad?
Josh: YES!
Me: That is crazy!
Josh: I know!
I could hear the excitement in his voice and how proud he was of her. He was even more thrilled at the fact she said Da-Da first and not Ma-Ma. We are still working on Ma-Ma. It was so great that Josh was home to see, capture and experience such a milestone!

Good-bye 2010... Hello 2011

2010 was a great year for the Bosleys. We had a quite a few "firsts". We made it through our first pregnancy, labor and delivery, our first baby was born, we experience many holidays as a family of three for the first time. Yep, 2010 was an awesome year for us. We celebrated the New Year with some great friends. One of Josh's best friends was back from Chicago with his family. They had their first little boy in September and we were excited to meet Blake. Though we did not ring in the New Year with them we did however spend the afternoon and evening out at the Lake House enjoying good food and company.


Blake is a month and a half behind Easton and he is a tank!

Reason # 327 you know you are a parent- You leave the party around 9:00 pm so you can get home and do bath time. Then you proceed to watch the 11:00 pm New York ball dropping. Then your husband looks over at you and says "I am going to bed."
Yep, we didn't even make it to midnight! Happy New Years everyone!