This was our first Halloween in our new home so we really didn't know what to expect as far as the number of trick or treaters we would get. So we purchased two giant bags of Snickers, two giant bags of Kit Kats, and one regular size bag of Skittles. By the end of the night we only had two hand fulls of Snickers left. I would say it was a successful sugary night! By the way Josh was thrilled about the left overs. He loves Snickers. By far our favorite trick or treaters of the night where these to little goblins below:
As Logan put it "Ummm.... candy!"

Tinker Bell is stocking up! She means business!
Looks like the Boxer was KO by Tinker Bell!

Umm... it seems that Boxer Hernandez was more interested in Tinker Bell's wand than his boxing gloves

Tinker Bell had the giggles...

There is that wand again...

Bustin' out the gloves!

I am sure Mindy gets this 'I don't know and I didn't do it' face a lot!

All smiles!

Stairs = play ground!
Jessi and Mindy thank you for bringing the kiddos by! They were adorable!
These pics are too cute! Glad you guys had a great first Halloween in your house. Bring on Thanksgiving!