Thursday, January 24, 2013

A cold run and the scale MOVES!

A couple of questions...
Who in their right mind signs up for a half marathon in April? Did I not realize I would be training during some freaking cold ass months!
Who's bright idea was it to train while hubby is going to school 2 nights a week and Momma is holding down the fort? Thank God, for parents.

It was nice yesterday, when I say "nice", I mean it was above 35. I took advantage and called in reinforcements, my parents. They picked up Easton and I high tailed it home to change and get a quick 3 miles in before it got a. colder and b. too dark. I like to think that, even with my cold weather gear on, I burned double the calories from shivering the first mile.  Oh, and don't let the pace fool you, 7:42 is not normal. I was pushing hard to finish strong. BTW... I so have my mother's chin. Damn double down chin!
Did you see the moon?
 And in the true spirit of being a working mom, I served my daughter pizza, hot dog, mixed veggies, and peaches. She gobbled it all up. Hey, I was crunched for time and that was available in the fridge.

After some play time, I asked Easton if she wanted to take a shower with me. The girl couldn't get her clothes off fast enough.
 No, she isn't sleeping. She is pretending because she doesn't want to get out.
And today... Momma is putting away the water!

Good news: I am in the 160's!  For months, and I mean several annoying months, I was teetering between 173 and 175. Ugh... finally with some help from Jillian, running, and somewhat clean eating I am at 167.6. 

1 comment:

  1. Good for you!! I'm with you on the chin bit...I WILL have that sucker tacked up for good someday. I'm still running...but on the treadmill. I haven't braved the cold yet.
