Saturday, January 5, 2013


This Momma jumped on the canvas and masking tape bandwagon. Early in December, Easton made snowflakes for her grandparents and I must say they turned out cute.
Easton started off using the foam brush but...
 that is too clean and boring....

While Daddy scrubbed up Bug, Momma scrubbed the table and chair.
I stuck the canvas in the guest room and let them dry for 24 hours. We peeled off the tape and revealed Easton's masterpieces!


  1. That is absolutely adorable!!! Love it!! Oh and Easton is more than adorable!!! Did you run today??? HAHAHA gotta keep you on your toes!

  2. What a cute idea! I'll have to remember it for next year!

  3. LOVE this!! I had never seen this idea before.
