Do you ever wonder what other people do in the morning? Maybe I am just nosy (never been told that *wink*wink), but I always wonder what other people’s lives are like, especially those with kids. Are they running around frantic trying to get out the door? Do they have a super-duper trick that saves time in the morning? I am just curious. So I thought, why don’t I document our current morning shenanigans. So here we are, Bug and I, and our morning routine!
(note: all pictures were taken with my phone, so some may suck)
Beep, Beep, Beep... it’s 5:00 a.m. I rollover and text a college buddy. We are texting each other to hold us accountable for getting our ass’ out of bed and working out. And so far it is working. Start the day right!
Beep, Beep, Beep… its 5:15 a.m, I am up. First priority, shut Easton’s door. Lord knows we don't need her getting up this early. I meander my way to our bathroom. Here I am in all my morning glory, glasses, retainer, oversized t-shirt, my husbands pajama bottoms from college. I know I am smokin'!
Now, don't everyone say how lucky my husband is all at once.
5:25 a.m.: After a quick change in attire and popping in my contacts, I am ready to sweat!
My body needs fuel in order to function that early in the morning. So I pop one of these no-bake energy bites!
These are squatting rows, or some shit like that, nonetheless they suck and burn and I wanna die after doing them. And yes, those are only three pound weights, don't judge! I switch back and forth between 3 and 5 pound weights. Depends on the exercises.
6:00 a.m.: From this hot and sweaty mess to...
Yeah, I look pissed. You would to after 27 minutes with Jillian! |
6:45 a.m.: A showered, energized, and prettier Momma.
While I shower, Josh has woken up and got ready for work. With a kiss and "I love you" goodbye, he is off to bring home the bacon!
Behind me is Easton's door. She is still fast asleep and I am dressed and off to make my lunch.
I have been really doing my best to eat clean. Every morning when I get to work I have a big bowl of oatmeal. Not that instant stuff, this is the quick oats, some cinnamon, and brown sugar. Oatmeal is good stuff in that it keeps you full for a long period of time and is low in calories. Add a banana and some honey to spice it up. See those energy balls? Yep, I pack 4 of those little bad boys for the day. I am really on a chicken taco/fajita kick right now. So most days I do a whole wheat tortilla, chicken fajita mix, and half of an avocado. And you can't forget your fruit and greek yogurt!
7:00 a.m.: Once I load up the car I go and wake up bug.
At this point she is saying " I tired. I wanna go to bed. Go away."...
Then rolls over, covers back up, and goes back to bed.
So I scope her up and we spend a few minutes rocking while she wakes up. I am SO THANKFUL she still wants to rock. We do it every night before bedtime.
There is nothing like morning snuggles
This morning was a special treat. Look at the wad of hair I battled.
I may have threatened to shave it all off if she didn't let me finish brushing it. We are picking up detangler this weekend!
Shinny pearly whites!
You see that face above? Not the sweet one to the left. Nope, look towards the right. That is a face of a kid on the verge of a whiny fit. In a matter of seconds, we are battling over sparkly boots vs. rubber boots. Sparkle won.
7:15ish (on a good day): With cheese stick in hand, we are in the car and on our way to daycare.