Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Week Leading up to 13.1- It was a hoot!

Sunday: Knocked out 10 miles… wasn’t feeling so hot. I am NOT getting sick!

Monday: Ahh… shit! I am sick! Spent the day feeling like my head was under water and most of the night hacking up a lung. I kept chugging down the water! My hydration strategy for the week was to drinking 3 of these bad boys a day!

34 oz. x 3=102 oz. of water a day. Yes, I pee like a pregnant woman; Yes, I use the bathroom every 15 minutes; Yes, that is a lot of toilet paper!

Tuesday: Started my morning off at the local ghetto Walgreens (20th and State Ave) purchasing off brand Mucinex and green tea. My voice was shot to shit and yellow snot was congestion my face up!

Wednesday: Jetted out of work early, after lunch, to sleep the freaking cold off. I did more coughing and tossing then actual sleeping. Decided I HAD to get one last run in before the BIG Mamma! So I picked up Bug from daycare and headed to my parents. Ran a flat 5.25 mile course; shot off more snot rocks than any one person should; hocked up a scary number of loogies; dry heaved at least twice; returned with more snot on my sleeve than a kindergartner; and felt 10x better after pounding out the miles. Maybe there is some truth to exercising when you fell like crap.

Thursday: Hot damn! I think I am on the downward stretch of this f’ing cold. Voice was back, loogies and coughing lessened, and I could focus on my work. Spent the evening CARBING it up with my running BFF, Vern. We basically freaked out about the race in 38 hours and pretended we had some sort of plan. In that time, I did may have consumed a nice helping of salad, 5 bread sticks, ¾ of cheese ravioli with meat sauce, and a Andes’ mint. I don’t mess around when it comes to Olive Garden. We both left feeling scard as shit confident in our abilities to start at a10 minute pace and complete the half in 2:30.

Friday:  I sent this picture and caption to my running BFF, Vern:

EEK! The half is in less than 24 hours!

I kept looking at my training calender that was taped on the side of my printer and thought to myself "Damn, that is a lot of days of running!" It seemed like it was just last week when we started training and then BAM! the race is tomorrow!

At 2:00 pm I said "peace out work" and headed to meet Vern to pick up our packets and walk around the Expo.

 Then we decided we better drive the route. Not sure if this was a good thing or a bad thing.
Pretty sure this picture was taken at Troost and GHETTO, KCMO!

Friday night Bug and I were all nervous and thought "Oh No! The race is in less than 12 hours!"

All my running gear ready to go! It is all about the DESSERT!
   I was in bed a little after 9:00 pm, because....
Holly Shit! That is early!

Saturday: The day was here...

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