Friday, July 20, 2012


Oh Easton Bug, you are two. Boy, are you 2! You are independent and full of energy. Stubborn and adventurous. Curious about the world and how it works. You will do it, but in your own time. Your mind is sharp and full of knowledge. You are quick to learn and amaze your Daddy and me every day. You don’t always want the spotlight and can sometimes be very shy. But then there are times when you want the world to stop and look at what you are doing and watch you shine. You seek our approval and every day you make us proud. You love to smile and giggle, be chased by anyone, run fast and can swim like a fishy. You love being outside, whether you are swinging, chasing your big pink ball, watering the garden or picking tomatoes and strawberries. Bossy Blondell should have been your middle name. You are a leader, for sure. Listening isn’t always your best trait. Some days time out is a never ending cycle, then others days it is nowhere in sight. Like I said, you are 2.   

Favorite Activities:
Coloring in the lines
Swimming in your pool
Watering and picking veggies from the Garden
Reading books
Listening to music in the car

Favorite Songs:
You are my Sun Shine
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Rock a Bye Baby
Wheels on the Bus
Bunny hop

Weight: 27.2
Height: 34 ¼”

2nd Birthday Party Recap coming soon! 

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