Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I am always amazed at the things my husband comes up with or does. Sometimes it is a great amazement and other times, well, its just not that great. But this weekend was one of those times I was truly amazed at what my husband did/accomplished.

Saturday morning I woke up ready to go! I had an agenda I wanted to get done and wasn't going to let anything stop me. My agenda was to deep clean the house with the help of my husband. I wake up around 6:15 am on the weekends thanks to our two four legged diva dogs! Josh usually wakes up around 8:00 am if not a little earlier on the weekends. So I began picking up the house and ate breakfast. Once Josh got up we finished hanging the last couple of decorative items. Josh still need to go through a couple of boxes so he began doing this while I got this bright idea to clean our windows. Ok so we have the windows that fold out so you can clean the outside. I am not going to lie our windows are so CONTRACTOR GRADE! This means they are crap they buy in bulk, but they still look nice. I somehow managed to completely detach one side of the window from the frame and leave the other side connected. Josh had left the room to clean the ceiling fan in the living room so I tried, I mean really tried to fix it myself, but there was no hope. So I yelled "A little help please!" Josh came in the bedroom and all he could say is how the hell did you manage this? After an hour of fighting with the dang window with the sun beating down on him, Josh looked at me and said in the pissiest voice ever "Now what did we learn from this.... We are not cleaning or messing with the windows." Did I mention that I am sure our neighbors thought we were crazy! We were hanging out the window trying to line it back up to fix the damn thing! I am sure it was a sight! Oh, so my comment back to him in a very stern voice was "I am cleaning the other window in this bedroom and the ones downstairs in the living room. So you can help me or we can have this disaster again!" I finished cleaning my windows, knocked out the two bathrooms and dusted. Mean while Josh vacuumed. Ok so on to the part where I am truly amazed by him, well I am amazed and grateful he is the type of husband that will dust, vacuum, mop, whatever in order to help me out. Not too many men are like this.

Alright the amazed part...
Josh has wanted to build a work bench for the garage since day 1. So once the house cleaning was tackled we were off to Home Depot. Damn do I hate this store. For the past two months we have spent more time and money at this place! Ok so we were off to get lumber so Josh could build his bench. The scary part is that his plans and measurement were all in his head. All I could think was shit! We grab 2x4s, and 4x4s, and plywood and some screws and $77.00 later we were out of there! Home bound with one detour to my mom and dad's house of course. Seriously we are young and haven't accumulated the massive amount of tools that my dad has. So we picked up the hand saw, jig saw, and some other random items to build Josh's ultimate work bench! Now we were off. Josh spent the rest of the evening measuring, cutting, and nailing. Well at least until our neighbors came over to bull shit and drink. Once this started the work bench was no longer high priority. We ended up not going to bed until 2:00 am. Sunday morning rolled around and at 7:00 am (an extra hour of sleep!) my dogs wanted feed and let out. Sunday morning we didn't move to fast even though Josh need to finish the work bench and rearrange the garage to make it a new home for it. Once completed and put into place we ended up with some additional space! Yay! Ok finally the amazement part.... Josh built a very strong and functional work bench! No plans or drawings. It was all in his head! This was the first real project I had ever seen him do and do VERY well! You know something he built his self and it turned out really great and we didn't have to run to Home Depot fifty million times. I must say for his first project it turned out GREAT! He was so proud of it and himself! Below our some pictures of his fabulous handy work! Watch out Handy Manny… Josh is on a roll!

Our purchase...

Hard at work...

Slowly coming together....
Handy Joshey...
Working into the night...
Tah DAh!

The PROUD Builder!

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