Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Where in the hell is this coming from!?

In the past couple of weeks Easton has used the word “bad”, a lot.  Not in the context of something tasting bad or the milk has gone bad, but more like yelling it very meanly to her babies that they are bad. Good Lord.  I ask her how are the babies bad and she responds with “don’t know”. I have explained that we don’t use that word to be mean or correct. No, Josh and I do not tell Easton she is bad. When she does something wrong we tell her not to do it and explain why she should not do it. Of course, my next thought is daycare. I spoke with Cathy this morning and she also doesn’t use the word “bad”, but she asks them to stop and then explains to them why they cannot do it.  Hmmm… are you kidding me. Where the heck did she pick up on this?! Just how bad is it?

Well last night while in the pharmacy line at Wal-Mart, my daughter yells, very loudly, “BAD!” to a little girl, probably around 6, who is standing next to her Daddy sucking her two middle fingers and looking at Easton. This little girl didn’t make a peep, be mean, or do anything wrong. But my daughter felt the need to verbally abuse her with shouting “BAD” right at her. She did this several times! After every time I calmly explained that we do not yell at other people or say hurtful things. I was humiliated and got the hell out of Wal-Mart.

The other day I asked Josh “Do you remember when she would just nurse and sleep!” Oh those were the days. I also throw out there that this is why people only have one child. I am sure that this will not be my last time feeling mortified. We have a long road ahead of us and there is going to be many “where the hell is this coming from” moments.

Josh and Melissa Bosley welcome to parenthood. There is no turning back now!  

For every trying moment there are millions of these moments…

1 comment:

  1. I told Michael that the first year seemed easy, you just provide them with basic needs. It's after that where the real parenting skills come in!
