Monday, April 30, 2012

Road to 13.1: Dorthy Dash 5K

This month’s race was the Dorthy Dash 5K. It is part of Garmin’s Land of OZ race event. I headed into this race determined to cross the finish line in less than 30 minutes. It was a cold one, but part of me didn’t mind because I got to rock my new running jacket. Loved it! It was a very smooth and easy course. Very few hills and mostly through neighborhoods. I hated the stupid u-turn halfway up a side street they made you do. It felt cramped, like we were on top of each other. The food sucked. Usually after a race there are bananas, oranges, bagels, yogurt, milk, chocolate milk, and much more. The only things offered at after this race was bananas and yogurt. Crappy. Seriously, you are GARMIN. I think you can afford to shell out some additional money on recovery food. Overall, it was an easy course with shitty food.

I did meet my goal! In fact I exceeded it…
Time: 28:48.96
Pace: 9.18

Pre-Race Game Face

Post Race Game Face

Later that afternoon Lexie and I headed to Topeka to meet Jentry Ann Mader. She is a sweet little girl and cute as a button. I thought holding a newborn would give me baby fever for baby #2, however it did just the opposite. Not that Jentry was crying and out of control while we were there, she was an angel. It just made me realize how much work a new baby is and I am just not ready to do it all over again. I enjoy my one on one time with Easton and our time as a family of three. It will happen. Just not yet.

Friday, April 20, 2012

No, I sleep

Every morning I go into Easton's room; turn on her lamp light; cover her back up, rubber her back and tell her good morning. I then pick her up and we rock in the nursery chair for a bit. This morning was different. This morning went like this:

Me: Good morning Easton Bug! Are you ready to get up, get dressed, and start your day?
Easton: No, I sleep.
Me: Ok, then I will leave you in here to sleep.

I walk out of the room thinking she will set up, reach her arms and asking me to pick her up. Boy, was I wrong! She laid there covered up and happy. She was sleeping. Our morning routine my get a little more complicated...
Bed Head!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Tomatoes, Strawberries, Onions... Oh My

This past Saturday, Josh and I finished up our pinterest project.  A lot of the time my grand ideas involve Josh doing the manual labor and me doing the fun, pretty, easy parts. I have an awesome husband! Who also curses the day pinterest hit the world wide web! Just kidding. As soon as I showed him my idea of a cinder block garden he was game. Now we have friends that have wonderfully ginoramus gardens that produce amazing produce, however we don’t have the time nor the energy to be plucking, picking, weeding and hoeing a large garden. We do have time for this simple and cute cinder block garden. Of course I thought we could do this in one weekend, but hell if that ever happens. So this pinterest project ended up being spread over several busy weekends. Finally this past Saturday we completed our cinder block garden with planting veggies, flowers, and strawberries. Now we must water and watch them grow (hopefully). Cause if it doesn’t we just destroyed part of our back yard, wasted money, and now have a mud pit for Easton to play in.

Easton did a lot of this.. snacking and watching Daddy work. Hmmm... she may or may not have learned that from her Momma!

But she did occasionally put her gardening tools to use.

Daddy bought her some gloves like Momma's so she could help plant flowers and strawberries.

Lunch break on the jungle gym

"No, that dirtie"

Our little helper

Our busy bee right in the action

Finished garden

So in the holes of the cinder blocks I planted strawberries and marigolds (they keep bugs away)

 And that is our first garden. What we plant? Vidalia Onions, Cherry Tomatoes, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Squash, Yellow and Orange Peppers, Jalapeno Peppers, Sweet Banana Peppers, Basil, Cilantro, and Strawberries.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Milestone Reward!

In honor of hitting another weight loss milestone, this Momma went out and bought a new workout outfit! Extra clingy, spandexy, curve (fat) hugging, ass and thigh jiggling minimizer black capris. And a hot pink ruffly running jacket.

Ignore all the crap in my bathroom!

Entire outfit was purchase at JCP for $35 + tax. Score!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Sucky Runs!

I want to talk about sucky runs. A couple of days ago I had a sucky run. On my drive home all I thought about was how much I was dreading this run. In fact, if I hadn’t made special arrangements with my parents to pick up Easton from daycare so I could get my run in then I probably would have bailed on it. But I knew if I didn’t run I would feel guilty for making these arrangements and then not doing what I said I was going to do. So I laced up the asics and head out the door. Turned on the jams and put one foot in front of the other. I felt choppy. My stride felt weird. My breathing was more like Lamaze. But I sucked it up (literally) and kept going. That is until around 2.5 miles when I started gagging. So here I am running down rural Leavenworth Road, cars are happily headed on their way home, and I am spitting all sorts of cotton mouth saliva crude. It is stuck in the back of my throat and I began gagging. Ugh… my eyes begin to water. My nose is now running. I am spitting like a flippin’ camel trying to get this crude out of my mouth. I am sure I look like I am going to projectile vomit all over the side of the road. All while I am still running. Who the hell keeps running when you are gagging. I do! Because I was afraid if I stopped I wouldn’t be able to start back up and I would flag one of those happy cars passing me and hitch a ride home. I finally got it together and pushed on to finish my 4 mile run. What a sucky run!

But even sucky runs feel good in the end. Right now I am running 4 miles 3-4 days a week. I just can’t seem to get over that 4 mile hump. I wanna push on to 5 miles, but for the life of me I can’t bring myself to do just one more mile.

I believe my last Mommy gets her body back post said I would be running, a lot, and continuing to do 30 Day Shred. That so much isn't happening. What is happening, is running and semi-healthy eating. I wouldn’t say I am running a lot, but I am running. As far as 30 Day Shred, well I am just not motivated to start it up again. I keep going back and forth with it so how knows. I might get a motivational kick in the giggly booty and start Monday.

I want to fill you in on the food intake these days. I am not one to give up food. Especially deserts, bread, or flavor for that matter. When I say I am eating semi-healthy I am talking about being a calorie hoarder, portion size awareness, stop at full capacity, and not eating just to eat. Lets break that down.

I am a calorie hoarder. I hoard my calories for dinner meals. I would much rather eat low cal lunch and snacks all day so I can eat a delicious “normal” meal in the evening. Basically I save a nice chunk of my calories for family dinner time.

Portion Size Awareness. You know those tiny salad plates that hardly get used. That is my plate. Actually Easton and I share the same plate size. Instead of overloading a dinner plate with food. I dish out my food onto a salad plate to insure healthy portion sizes. What is funny is that I feel 10x better after dinner. Not bloated, not like you have to roll me out of the chair, not miserably full that I have to undo a button on the pants. I am content. This also allows me not to have to eat a separate meal. Who wants to cook two meals a night. Shit I am doing good to get one meal on the table.  Portion control is huge.

Full capacity is knowing when to stop. I stop when I am full. I do not continue to chow down. I stop. Simple as that.

Mindless eating you are the devil. I have totally cut out eating because I am bored. Instead, if I feel the urge to snack I find something else to do. Play with Easton, fold laundry (because that is never ending), go outside, pick up the house. Anything to keep me busy.

These are just things I think about and do. Right now it’s working for me. I do want to make it very clear that I still eat “normal” food and I am not eating like a rabbit every day. I have jello cake, a piece of chocolate, ice cream, cheese dip, the occasional cheeseburger, but what I don’t do is eat this every day, super size anything, or pile it on. Moderation is key. I love food and still want to be able to enjoy it.

I haven’t taken any measurements since finishing 30 Day Shred, but I do weight myself every Wednesday at work. Yes at work. Why? One, I do not have a scale at home. Why? Because I would obsess over it and I refuse to be that person. Two, we are doing a Biggest Loser Competition at work and currently I am in second place! If I win I will be $200 richer! So after the Shred I was 186.8 and my current weight is 180.2. In about a month I am down another 6.6 pounds. Overall weight loss since I started this journey on January 10th is 20 pounds. I will take it!  

So true...

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Where in the hell is this coming from!?

In the past couple of weeks Easton has used the word “bad”, a lot.  Not in the context of something tasting bad or the milk has gone bad, but more like yelling it very meanly to her babies that they are bad. Good Lord.  I ask her how are the babies bad and she responds with “don’t know”. I have explained that we don’t use that word to be mean or correct. No, Josh and I do not tell Easton she is bad. When she does something wrong we tell her not to do it and explain why she should not do it. Of course, my next thought is daycare. I spoke with Cathy this morning and she also doesn’t use the word “bad”, but she asks them to stop and then explains to them why they cannot do it.  Hmmm… are you kidding me. Where the heck did she pick up on this?! Just how bad is it?

Well last night while in the pharmacy line at Wal-Mart, my daughter yells, very loudly, “BAD!” to a little girl, probably around 6, who is standing next to her Daddy sucking her two middle fingers and looking at Easton. This little girl didn’t make a peep, be mean, or do anything wrong. But my daughter felt the need to verbally abuse her with shouting “BAD” right at her. She did this several times! After every time I calmly explained that we do not yell at other people or say hurtful things. I was humiliated and got the hell out of Wal-Mart.

The other day I asked Josh “Do you remember when she would just nurse and sleep!” Oh those were the days. I also throw out there that this is why people only have one child. I am sure that this will not be my last time feeling mortified. We have a long road ahead of us and there is going to be many “where the hell is this coming from” moments.

Josh and Melissa Bosley welcome to parenthood. There is no turning back now!  

For every trying moment there are millions of these moments…

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter 2012 Recap... Picture Overload

This year Easton really understood the concept of finding Easter eggs. It was so much fun to watch her search for them and toss them in her basket. Her face lite up when she saw that the Easter Bunny had left her a special basket with some of her favorite things. We had a busy Easter weekend and enjoyed every minute of it with our little girl. We really are blessed with wonderful family and friends.
(I took a million pictures because I am Me and that is what I do)

Saturday we dyed eggs.
Of course, Easton loved dying eggs because it had to do with water. Even better she can drop something into the water.

 As you can see she loved making the dye overflow with the egg and her whole fist.
 Our little green monster!

 Our eggs!

Sunday morning the Easter Bunny came!
and strategically hid all the eggs in Easton's favorite spots

  Daddy doing pigtails!
 Ready to hunt some eggs
 Found one!
 Some survived being dropped into the basket...others are were cracked.
Easton's " I want my paint brushes opened and I can't do it!" face.
 Painting her new books
 Eating a "bar" from the Easter Bunny (granola bar)

 Then it was off to breakfast with Grandma Bosley. Don't you just love her Easter egg necklace!

 After a yummy breakfast, it was time to see Nana, Papa, and Uncle Marky. And of course eat some more!

 Easter egg hunt at Nana and Papa's house.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Little Ms. Bossy Britches!

Overall Easton is a great kid, but don't let those big blue eyes fool you. She can be a bossy ornery stinker. She doesn't hesitate to voice her opinion no mater who you are.

   Easton is eating grapes. Harlie likes grapes. Easton likes grapes, too.
Easton doesn't like sharing her grapes with Harlie. Easton very loudly shouts "NO!" to let Harlie know she isn't welcome to ANY of HER grapes.
 And she closely protects her grapes to her chest.
And just in case Harlie didn't get the point the first time, she makes a this is MINE not YOUR face at Harlie.
 Cruising the neighborhood having fun...
 Stuck in the grass...
 Stuck in the grass meltdown....
 Determined to get it unstuck!

 Not only are we little Ms. Bossy these days, but we are also testing our boundaries. Do you see that sneaky sly little smile and her taking off her shoe in the picture below?! I had just told her to leave her shoe on because when we play outside we wear shoes. She stops mid-action, looks up at me and smiles her "I know I am supposed to listen to my Mommy and not do this, but hell I am going to do it anyways" smile. And yes, she continued with taking her shoe off. And yes, she got in trouble.
3! JUMP!