I want to talk about sucky runs. A couple of days ago I had a sucky run. On my drive home all I thought about was how much I was dreading this run. In fact, if I hadn’t made special arrangements with my parents to pick up Easton from daycare so I could get my run in then I probably would have bailed on it. But I knew if I didn’t run I would feel guilty for making these arrangements and then not doing what I said I was going to do. So I laced up the asics and head out the door. Turned on the jams and put one foot in front of the other. I felt choppy. My stride felt weird. My breathing was more like Lamaze. But I sucked it up (literally) and kept going. That is until around 2.5 miles when I started gagging. So here I am running down rural Leavenworth Road, cars are happily headed on their way home, and I am spitting all sorts of cotton mouth saliva crude. It is stuck in the back of my throat and I began gagging. Ugh… my eyes begin to water. My nose is now running. I am spitting like a flippin’ camel trying to get this crude out of my mouth. I am sure I look like I am going to projectile vomit all over the side of the road. All while I am still running. Who the hell keeps running when you are gagging. I do! Because I was afraid if I stopped I wouldn’t be able to start back up and I would flag one of those happy cars passing me and hitch a ride home. I finally got it together and pushed on to finish my 4 mile run. What a sucky run!
But even sucky runs feel good in the end. Right now I am running 4 miles 3-4 days a week. I just can’t seem to get over that 4 mile hump. I wanna push on to 5 miles, but for the life of me I can’t bring myself to do just one more mile.
I believe my last Mommy gets her body back post said I would be running, a lot, and continuing to do 30 Day Shred. That so much isn't happening. What is happening, is running and semi-healthy eating. I wouldn’t say I am running a lot, but I am running. As far as 30 Day Shred, well I am just not motivated to start it up again. I keep going back and forth with it so how knows. I might get a motivational kick in the giggly booty and start Monday.
I want to fill you in on the food intake these days. I am not one to give up food. Especially deserts, bread, or flavor for that matter. When I say I am eating semi-healthy I am talking about being a calorie hoarder, portion size awareness, stop at full capacity, and not eating just to eat. Lets break that down.
I am a calorie hoarder. I hoard my calories for dinner meals. I would much rather eat low cal lunch and snacks all day so I can eat a delicious “normal” meal in the evening. Basically I save a nice chunk of my calories for family dinner time.
Portion Size Awareness. You know those tiny salad plates that hardly get used. That is my plate. Actually Easton and I share the same plate size. Instead of overloading a dinner plate with food. I dish out my food onto a salad plate to insure healthy portion sizes. What is funny is that I feel 10x better after dinner. Not bloated, not like you have to roll me out of the chair, not miserably full that I have to undo a button on the pants. I am content. This also allows me not to have to eat a separate meal. Who wants to cook two meals a night. Shit I am doing good to get one meal on the table. Portion control is huge.
Full capacity is knowing when to stop. I stop when I am full. I do not continue to chow down. I stop. Simple as that.
Mindless eating you are the devil. I have totally cut out eating because I am bored. Instead, if I feel the urge to snack I find something else to do. Play with Easton, fold laundry (because that is never ending), go outside, pick up the house. Anything to keep me busy.
These are just things I think about and do. Right now it’s working for me. I do want to make it very clear that I still eat “normal” food and I am not eating like a rabbit every day. I have jello cake, a piece of chocolate, ice cream, cheese dip, the occasional cheeseburger, but what I don’t do is eat this every day, super size anything, or pile it on. Moderation is key. I love food and still want to be able to enjoy it.
I haven’t taken any measurements since finishing 30 Day Shred, but I do weight myself every Wednesday at work. Yes at work. Why? One, I do not have a scale at home. Why? Because I would obsess over it and I refuse to be that person. Two, we are doing a Biggest Loser Competition at work and currently I am in second place! If I win I will be $200 richer! So after the Shred I was 186.8 and my current weight is 180.2. In about a month I am down another 6.6 pounds. Overall weight loss since I started this journey on January 10th is 20 pounds. I will take it!
So true...