Thursday, March 8, 2012

Road to 13.1: Truffle Shuffle 5K

(*These are my thoughts... I cuss... Try not to.. Shit happens)

This past Saturday was the first race of the series Road to 13.1.  The Truffle Shuffle was flippin' cold! We are talking 33° with a wind-chill of 22°. It was seriously the longest 3.1 miles of my life. Not only was it cold, but the majority of the race was on rock. Teeny, tiny rocks. Make your calves, ass and thighs burn the entire race kind of rocks. It was more of an off road course and the next day I paid for it. My outer thighs and ass ached. Everyone has a go to song. One that makes them suck it up and just do it. To push through those thoughts of quitting or just walking. Well, Christina Aguilera’s song Fighter was repeated several times on my i-pod. It’s my stop being a weenie and keep moving your ass song.   

Best Race Moment: The last stretch of the course I really pushed myself. I had been keeping up with booty girl (that is the name I have her because she had a big ol’ booty) the entire time. I decided it was time to pass that bitch*. I kicked it up a notch and started gaining ground on her. Then booty girl picked up her pace. Hell no! I bumped it up another notch and caught up to her. Then I dug down deep… I mean real deep because I was freakin’ exhausted and sprinted for the finish line. It seriously was a neck and neck finish. Guess what… my neck was longer! I beat her… barley.

*I have no idea if this girl was a bitch. But it got my ass in gear. Sorry it’s the competitive side in me.

Worst Moment: When I no longer could feel my hand and fingers because they were red and numb from the wind. We were only halfway into the first mile.

Truffle Shuffle 5K
Time: 32:11
Pace: 10:22
Miles: 3.1

The Road to 13.1 series is races that I and my BFF Lexie are running everyone month until October 20th. It’s the mini races leading up to the BIG Momma… aka Waddell Reed Half Marathon.  It will be a fun, painful and rewarding journey.

Next up: Garmin Land of Oz: Dorothy Dash 5K 4.21.12

FYI: I am on day 22 (Level 3) of Jillian Michael’s 30 day shred. I am going to do a picture reveal, inches lost, and weight lost post once I complete the 30 days. Day 30 is March 16th. I can already tell things are “tighter”. I must say she kicks my ass every morning! And like I told my cousin… Sweat may or may not fall into my cheerios when I am eating breakfast after completing the workout.
And now on to some race pictures

Hard core finish!

Post Race: Hot/Cold Sweaty Mess!


  1. Good for you! I think I'm going to have to adopt your weightloss strategy after my baby girl is born!

  2. You go girl! It's all the smaller races that really help you achieve the big one! It's an awesome journey that you should enjoy, because I promise it will all be worth it when you cross that finish line after 13.1 miles!! :)

  3. This post made me laugh out loud. You should be so proud. I'm living vicariously through you. I'll join you...someday. haha
