Monday, March 19, 2012

Booyah... 30 day SHRED

With inspiration from this blog Mama Laughlin, I decided to start Jillian Michael’s 30 Day Shred. 

I did each level for 10 days.  Yes, I did do this for 30 days straight. Working my way up to a new level every 10 days. Ok, truth be told, there were 3 days that I just didn’t do the workout. I regretted it horribly the next day. Looking back I totally could have found 30 minutes to get a quick, effective and efficient workout in, but I didn’t and I kick myself in the ass for this. However, that is pretty damn good to only miss 3 workouts in a 30 day period. Especially when you have a, um, life.

In the beginning I would do this workout  late in the evening, while Josh did Easton’s bath or after Easton was in bed. But then I realized how bad is sucked to run on a treadmill after completing this workout so I started doing it in the mornings. I get up around 5:30 am anyways, so what’s 15 minutes earlier. Before working out in the morning, I would get up and take my time, not rush, scroll facebook, shave, shower, and pee every morning. Ya know do my thang. Well something had to give once I began getting up to workout so no more morning shaves. That is strictly a night time shower routine (BTW my husband loves my smooth non-prickly legs at night ). No dilly dolling around in the morning. No wasting time scrolling facebook, no more moving at a slow pace, and all clothes, including Easton’s, are decided and laid at the night before. Efficient, efficient, efficient! And you know what? Not only did I start feeling a million times better throughout the day, but I also left the house much sooner than I did before. I blame it on being energized from my morning workout.  It wasn’t just my morning routine that affected by this new workout commitment, but my night time routine was also.  I was in bed by 9:30 am (I need 8 hours people!) Old I know, but shit 5:15 am comes sooner than later.  Because my “bedtime” was moved up, I spend less time watching TV.

Level 1- The first 4 days I was so sore that I flopped down on the toilet to pee in an effort NOT to use any muscles in my legs.  My arms ached when I would pick up Easton. I was miserable the first several days, but then my endurance and muscles started to build and by day 6 I was a Level 1 pro. Able to complete the workouts without stopping for breaks.

Level 2- I hate it! It is the devil. Out of all three levels this one is the worst to me. I seriously dreaded this workout. But I sucked it up and pushed through. I never got to the point when I could complete Level 2 without taking a break. I just wasn’t happening. I could, however, see a change in my endurance and fitness level after several days of doing level 2.  

Level 3-  Oh bring on some crazy arms. I felt level 3 really worked my arms. Which is great because my are in need of a serious overhaul! Especially the undercarriage that does a lot of shakin’ when I do some waving bye! Some of the moves I had to modify because of my knee (afraid it would impact it too much), like the jump squats and rockstar kicks (rockstar my ass).

There were times when I would be eating my cheerios after completing my workout and sweat would still be rolling off me and into my cheerios.  Now that’s an awesome 30 minute workout!

Now on to the results…

Weight: 193
L. Arm: 12 3/4"
R. Arm: 12 3/4"
Chest: 39"
Belly: 41 1/4"
Hips: 43"
R. Thighs: 25"
L. Thighs: 25"

Weight: 186.8
L. Arm: 12 1/2"
R. Arm: 12 1/2"
Chest: 38 1/2"
Belly: 40"
Hips: 42"
R. Thighs: 24 1/2"
L. Thighs: 24 1/2"

Weight: -6.2 lbs 
L. Arm: -.25"
R. Arm: -.25"
Chest: -.5"
Belly: -1"
Hips: -1"
R. Thighs: -.5" 
L. Thighs: -.5"
Total Inches Lost: -4"

2/16/12 Before
3/16/12- After

2/16/12- Before

3/16/12- After

Overall I am happy with the results, of course you are always wanting more, but I can really tell my booty got an uplift.   My muscle tone and endurance have increased tremendously over the past 30 days also. What's up next on mission get Momma's body back? Well, running! And LOTS of it! I am also going to continue doing the 30 Day Shred except I am going to rotate the levels every day. So every three days I will be starting over. We will see what happens next month!

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