Friday, March 30, 2012


Snack Time

Lunch picnic with Momma and Nana

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Daycare Update

People are curious about the new daycare. So ask and you shall receive…  I am happy to report that we successfully made it through 2 weeks. Week 1 was full of alligator tears and heart wrenching good-byes.  Week 2 was much better with some tearless mornings, but still tough good- byes. Easton enjoys her new daycare. There is a girl Easton’s age named Josie. She is Easton’s BFF.  One thing I was curious to see was how well Easton would do with sleeping on a cot for nap time. Of course, she did fantastic. In fact,  one day she grabbed her blanket and crawled halfway up onto the cot and conked out. She didn’t care Ms. Cathy was still putting down the rest of the cots, the fact that half of her body wasn’t even on the cot, or that the other kids were laughing because they thought she was being funny. She was exhausted and ready for a nap.

They do school time, circle and reading time, outdoor play, and activities daily. When we pick Easton up we have at least 3 papers each day showing what she did that day. Usually there is a paper with the day’s shape that they learned, one about the day’s letter and one of a  coloring she did. There afternoon actives consist of painting, decorating dinner placemats, and other toddler friendly activities.

They have a nice big play area outdoors with all kinds of toys for Easton and her friends to climb, drive, and play with.

Note: This daycare is wonderful and we are lucky to have found a place that works with Easton on a daily basis. However, this is not our Mandy and though Ms. Cathy is great with Easton. We still can’t wait to get back to our Mandy.
Easton's Masterpieces!
First 2 weeks of papers from daycare

Lots of learning going on!


Friday, March 23, 2012

20 month Glimpse

I just can’t explain just how stinkin’ smart and cute Easton is. Of course, I am her mother and I think she is a genius and the most adorable toddler on this planet. And like all moms I just have to brag on her and how impressed people are with her vocabulary, sentences, and just how much she is aware of. Like I said genius (wink). A 20 month old genius!

Some of my favorite sayings right now:
  • I liked it- She will point to anything and everything and say “I liked it”. Daddy’s truck? I liked it. Cookie? I liked it. Momma’s Apron? I liked it. If you can’t tell, she likes everything.
  • I love it- When she tells you she loves you she replaces "you" with "it".
  • I “E”:  which means she wants to color. This comes from us always writing her name when she colors. So she thinks coloring is “E”ing.
  • I helpin’
  • I touch: she wants to touch everything. Plants, food, furniture.
  • Josh- Yep, she heard me call Josh Josh and she immediately mocked me. Needless to say Josh isn’t a big fan of it. Thank goodness it doesn't happen often.
  • I do it- We hear this a lot! Total Ms. Independent. 
She really is into mimicking everything she sees or hears. Needless to say we really watch the “Oh, shits” and other inappropriate slip ups. Easton is fun. She has a little bit of her daddy's class clown and a lot of her momma's smarts. Thankfully we have not experienced any great escapes from the crib so I don't see a toddler bed anytime in the near future. She is an awesome sleeper and I can't even remember the last time we got up with her in the middle of the night.

So the other day I was thinking about Easton's baths and it dawned on me that Easton has had a bath every day of her life (well once her belly button fell off). That is a lot of baths!

Easton still eats really great for us when her teeth are not bothering her. Her appetite just isn't there when those pearly whites are breaking through. She loves all food, meat, veggies and fruit. It is hit and miss with breads, mashed potatoes, carbs in general.

Our daughter is obsessed with saying poop. "I poop!" "Poop?" "I poopy!" This kid is out of control. Funny story: Last week a daycare Easton had pooped during naptime (she is famous for this). She went to every little kids cot and tapped them until they woke up. She then told them "I poop!" She is totally Josh's daughter. She also thinks it is hilarous when she toots. The louder the funnier. So I see potty training in the near future. Thank God dress season will be upon us soon.

Clothes... Well poor girl is built like her Momma. Long arms, torso and skinny (well back when I was her age. Not so much these days). So this means that she can wear most 24 mo./2T shirts, but still needs 18 mo. britches.

Easton still takes afternoon naps. Depending on how active her morning is will determine if you get a 1 hour nap or a 2+ hour nap out of her. We still have the same bedtime routine of bath, books and bed. We are very lucky/thankful/blessed that Easton goes down without tears 99% of the time.

From day one I have always thought how lucky and blessed Josh and I are to have such a great baby. I hear and read about parents having tantrum, biting, and pinching issues. Or kids who don't sleep through the night or they can't even get them to bed. Kids who are super picky eaters who want nothing to do with veggies or a good meal. (Knock on Wood) We have never really dealt with these things. So when Easton begins to cry and scream "I do it" and all I really want to do is quickly get her fastened in her carseat and get on the road, I take a minute, step back, and remind myself that I get 8 hours of sleep every night, a child who eats what we eat, tantrums are still far and few, no one is biting or pinching, and she is only trying to learn things on her own. In the grand scheme of things spending 10 minutes watching her learn to buckle herself in isn't that big of a deal. Pick and choose your battles.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spring is here...

Spring is here! The weather is gorgeous! Which means...

Popsicle evenings,
 Popsicle kisses,
 Popsicle messes,
 Sidewalk chalk,

 Play ground fun,


And the neighborhood kids come out to play!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Booyah... 30 day SHRED

With inspiration from this blog Mama Laughlin, I decided to start Jillian Michael’s 30 Day Shred. 

I did each level for 10 days.  Yes, I did do this for 30 days straight. Working my way up to a new level every 10 days. Ok, truth be told, there were 3 days that I just didn’t do the workout. I regretted it horribly the next day. Looking back I totally could have found 30 minutes to get a quick, effective and efficient workout in, but I didn’t and I kick myself in the ass for this. However, that is pretty damn good to only miss 3 workouts in a 30 day period. Especially when you have a, um, life.

In the beginning I would do this workout  late in the evening, while Josh did Easton’s bath or after Easton was in bed. But then I realized how bad is sucked to run on a treadmill after completing this workout so I started doing it in the mornings. I get up around 5:30 am anyways, so what’s 15 minutes earlier. Before working out in the morning, I would get up and take my time, not rush, scroll facebook, shave, shower, and pee every morning. Ya know do my thang. Well something had to give once I began getting up to workout so no more morning shaves. That is strictly a night time shower routine (BTW my husband loves my smooth non-prickly legs at night ). No dilly dolling around in the morning. No wasting time scrolling facebook, no more moving at a slow pace, and all clothes, including Easton’s, are decided and laid at the night before. Efficient, efficient, efficient! And you know what? Not only did I start feeling a million times better throughout the day, but I also left the house much sooner than I did before. I blame it on being energized from my morning workout.  It wasn’t just my morning routine that affected by this new workout commitment, but my night time routine was also.  I was in bed by 9:30 am (I need 8 hours people!) Old I know, but shit 5:15 am comes sooner than later.  Because my “bedtime” was moved up, I spend less time watching TV.

Level 1- The first 4 days I was so sore that I flopped down on the toilet to pee in an effort NOT to use any muscles in my legs.  My arms ached when I would pick up Easton. I was miserable the first several days, but then my endurance and muscles started to build and by day 6 I was a Level 1 pro. Able to complete the workouts without stopping for breaks.

Level 2- I hate it! It is the devil. Out of all three levels this one is the worst to me. I seriously dreaded this workout. But I sucked it up and pushed through. I never got to the point when I could complete Level 2 without taking a break. I just wasn’t happening. I could, however, see a change in my endurance and fitness level after several days of doing level 2.  

Level 3-  Oh bring on some crazy arms. I felt level 3 really worked my arms. Which is great because my are in need of a serious overhaul! Especially the undercarriage that does a lot of shakin’ when I do some waving bye! Some of the moves I had to modify because of my knee (afraid it would impact it too much), like the jump squats and rockstar kicks (rockstar my ass).

There were times when I would be eating my cheerios after completing my workout and sweat would still be rolling off me and into my cheerios.  Now that’s an awesome 30 minute workout!

Now on to the results…

Weight: 193
L. Arm: 12 3/4"
R. Arm: 12 3/4"
Chest: 39"
Belly: 41 1/4"
Hips: 43"
R. Thighs: 25"
L. Thighs: 25"

Weight: 186.8
L. Arm: 12 1/2"
R. Arm: 12 1/2"
Chest: 38 1/2"
Belly: 40"
Hips: 42"
R. Thighs: 24 1/2"
L. Thighs: 24 1/2"

Weight: -6.2 lbs 
L. Arm: -.25"
R. Arm: -.25"
Chest: -.5"
Belly: -1"
Hips: -1"
R. Thighs: -.5" 
L. Thighs: -.5"
Total Inches Lost: -4"

2/16/12 Before
3/16/12- After

2/16/12- Before

3/16/12- After

Overall I am happy with the results, of course you are always wanting more, but I can really tell my booty got an uplift.   My muscle tone and endurance have increased tremendously over the past 30 days also. What's up next on mission get Momma's body back? Well, running! And LOTS of it! I am also going to continue doing the 30 Day Shred except I am going to rotate the levels every day. So every three days I will be starting over. We will see what happens next month!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Bakin' Mommas! Strawberry Burst Cookies

Saturday morning after swim lessons Easton and I did some baking. Well... I did baking, she did more licking and sneaking powder sugar. 
 (don't worry it's just cool whip)


 These are Strawberry Burst Cookies and they are absolutely AMAZING! I have made these several times over the past month. Easton and Josh love them. I seriously have to fight/argue with Josh about taking some to work. Since the recipe makes like 35+ cookies, I don't think it is in my best interest to leave that many cookies lying around our house. Oh, and this recipe was found on Pinterest!

Lemon Burst Cake Mix Cookies
1 box Lemon Cake Mix*
1- 8 oz container Cool Whip
1 egg
1/3 cup powdered sugar (for rolling)
  • Preheat oven to 350°
  • In medium bowl, beat cool whip, egg and cake mix until well blended. Dough will be thick and sticky.
  • Drop by teaspoonfuls into a bowl of powdered sugar and roll to coat.
  • Place on parchment lined cookie sheet and bake for 10- 12  minutes
*Try these using strawberry or orange cake mix for variety.
Enjoy the burst of lemon flavor from these light and soft baked cookies.

Our Little Fishy is back in the Water

Easton is back in the water! This past Saturday was her second swim lesson and since both Mommy and Daddy could make it Josh was able to take pictures of our little fishy. She sure does love the water and did fantastic! (sorry some of them are so dark)

 Blowing bubbles

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Road to 13.1: Truffle Shuffle 5K

(*These are my thoughts... I cuss... Try not to.. Shit happens)

This past Saturday was the first race of the series Road to 13.1.  The Truffle Shuffle was flippin' cold! We are talking 33° with a wind-chill of 22°. It was seriously the longest 3.1 miles of my life. Not only was it cold, but the majority of the race was on rock. Teeny, tiny rocks. Make your calves, ass and thighs burn the entire race kind of rocks. It was more of an off road course and the next day I paid for it. My outer thighs and ass ached. Everyone has a go to song. One that makes them suck it up and just do it. To push through those thoughts of quitting or just walking. Well, Christina Aguilera’s song Fighter was repeated several times on my i-pod. It’s my stop being a weenie and keep moving your ass song.   

Best Race Moment: The last stretch of the course I really pushed myself. I had been keeping up with booty girl (that is the name I have her because she had a big ol’ booty) the entire time. I decided it was time to pass that bitch*. I kicked it up a notch and started gaining ground on her. Then booty girl picked up her pace. Hell no! I bumped it up another notch and caught up to her. Then I dug down deep… I mean real deep because I was freakin’ exhausted and sprinted for the finish line. It seriously was a neck and neck finish. Guess what… my neck was longer! I beat her… barley.

*I have no idea if this girl was a bitch. But it got my ass in gear. Sorry it’s the competitive side in me.

Worst Moment: When I no longer could feel my hand and fingers because they were red and numb from the wind. We were only halfway into the first mile.

Truffle Shuffle 5K
Time: 32:11
Pace: 10:22
Miles: 3.1

The Road to 13.1 series is races that I and my BFF Lexie are running everyone month until October 20th. It’s the mini races leading up to the BIG Momma… aka Waddell Reed Half Marathon.  It will be a fun, painful and rewarding journey.

Next up: Garmin Land of Oz: Dorothy Dash 5K 4.21.12

FYI: I am on day 22 (Level 3) of Jillian Michael’s 30 day shred. I am going to do a picture reveal, inches lost, and weight lost post once I complete the 30 days. Day 30 is March 16th. I can already tell things are “tighter”. I must say she kicks my ass every morning! And like I told my cousin… Sweat may or may not fall into my cheerios when I am eating breakfast after completing the workout.
And now on to some race pictures

Hard core finish!

Post Race: Hot/Cold Sweaty Mess!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Swimming and Playdate

So Josh took Easton to her first swim lesson class this past Saturday. They are at the Y from 9:00  to 9:30 am... which is perfect. Not too long and not too short of a time frame. I was not able to attend because of race (separate post coming soon). Josh said at first she was a clingy, but soon she was gulping down the water like it was her own personal bath tub. Friday evening I snapped these pictures of her trying on her "Pretty" aka swimsuit. Josh did say that I no longer could do races while we have swim lessons. He apparently had some trouble with getting himself dress and Easton opening the family restroom door.

 Saturday afternoon we met the Wiseman Clan for the first annual play date. Now this isn't all of them, but it is a good chunk of the kiddos.
 Easton enjoyed playing with the play-doh
 And giving Baby Ava a million kisses and hugs.
 Also getting assistance from Rylie and Austyn with putting her shoe back on.