I just can’t explain just how stinkin’ smart and cute Easton is. Of course, I am her mother and I think she is a genius and the most adorable toddler on this planet. And like all moms I just have to brag on her and how impressed people are with her vocabulary, sentences, and just how much she is aware of. Like I said genius (wink). A 20 month old genius!
Some of my favorite sayings right now:
- I liked it- She will point to anything and everything and say “I liked it”. Daddy’s truck? I liked it. Cookie? I liked it. Momma’s Apron? I liked it. If you can’t tell, she likes everything.
- I love it- When she tells you she loves you she replaces "you" with "it".
- I “E”: which means she wants to color. This comes from us always writing her name when she colors. So she thinks coloring is “E”ing.
- I helpin’
- I touch: she wants to touch everything. Plants, food, furniture.
- Josh- Yep, she heard me call Josh Josh and she immediately mocked me. Needless to say Josh isn’t a big fan of it. Thank goodness it doesn't happen often.
- I do it- We hear this a lot! Total Ms. Independent.
She really is into mimicking everything she sees or hears. Needless to say we really watch the “Oh, shits” and other inappropriate slip ups. Easton is fun. She has a little bit of her daddy's class clown and a lot of her momma's smarts. Thankfully we have not experienced any great escapes from the crib so I don't see a toddler bed anytime in the near future. She is an awesome sleeper and I can't even remember the last time we got up with her in the middle of the night.
So the other day I was thinking about Easton's baths and it dawned on me that Easton has had a bath every day of her life (well once her belly button fell off). That is a lot of baths!
Easton still eats really great for us when her teeth are not bothering her. Her appetite just isn't there when those pearly whites are breaking through. She loves all food, meat, veggies and fruit. It is hit and miss with breads, mashed potatoes, carbs in general.
Our daughter is obsessed with saying poop. "I poop!" "Poop?" "I poopy!" This kid is out of control. Funny story: Last week a daycare Easton had pooped during naptime (she is famous for this). She went to every little kids cot and tapped them until they woke up. She then told them "I poop!" She is totally Josh's daughter. She also thinks it is hilarous when she toots. The louder the funnier. So I see potty training in the near future. Thank God dress season will be upon us soon.
Clothes... Well poor girl is built like her Momma. Long arms, torso and skinny (well back when I was her age. Not so much these days). So this means that she can wear most 24 mo./2T shirts, but still needs 18 mo. britches.
Easton still takes afternoon naps. Depending on how active her morning is will determine if you get a 1 hour nap or a 2+ hour nap out of her. We still have the same bedtime routine of bath, books and bed. We are very lucky/thankful/blessed that Easton goes down without tears 99% of the time.
From day one I have always thought how lucky and blessed Josh and I are to have such a great baby. I hear and read about parents having tantrum, biting, and pinching issues. Or kids who don't sleep through the night or they can't even get them to bed. Kids who are super picky eaters who want nothing to do with veggies or a good meal. (Knock on Wood) We have never really dealt with these things. So when Easton begins to cry and scream "I do it" and all I really want to do is quickly get her fastened in her carseat and get on the road, I take a minute, step back, and remind myself that I get 8 hours of sleep every night, a child who eats what we eat, tantrums are still far and few, no one is biting or pinching, and she is only trying to learn things on her own. In the grand scheme of things spending 10 minutes watching her learn to buckle herself in isn't that big of a deal. Pick and choose your battles.