Easton is ONE! Of course we had a big birthday bash, but I will leave that for my next post. This post I want to share her 1 year photos and accomplishments. The week leading up to her 1st birthday Easton really started to take off with walking. She now walks long distances without any support. She is still a bit wobbly and has yet to master going from a sitting position to a standing/walking position with out some assistants from furniture or a person. Her vocabulary is expanding more and more everyday. She has become quite the chatter box. Toy, ball and balloon are the most recent additions. She is in size 9 mo. to 12 mo. clothes and size 3 diapers. Recently Easton has decided she would like eat only meat. She will eat some fruit and veggies, but the majority of her meals are meat. Though I completely stopped breastfeeding the end of June, Easton is still receiving breast milk from the stash I built up. We plan on using the remaining breast milk up and then its onto whole milk! I really thought we would have at least one tooth by her first birthday, but no such luck. She is one and still toothless. Easton still takes a morning nap and an afternoon nap. She loves her sippy cup, but still gets 3 bottles a day. I am not sure when we are going to drop the bottle. I figure she will let us know when she is ready like she did with the pacifier. Easton's bedtime is 8:30pm and she wakes up between 7 am and 7:30 am.
At Easton's one year check up she weighed 19 lbs., 15 oz. and is 29 inches tall. She also received 4 shots which broke my heart! She is developing nicely and is hitting her milestones and surpassing some!
If you can't tell or haven't figured it out by now, Easton is very much a routine baby. Even on the weekends we try our best to keep to her routine. It's simple.... from day one Easton has always known what to expect. Her life and days are stable. I believe babies can sense a lot and feed on parents energy and stress levels. A stable home is important in a child's life. People (even random strangers) ask me all the time if Easton is always this happy. I answer with "Yes, she is always this happy". I credit this to a couple of things 1. breast milk 2. routine and 3. stress-free home. Now, don't get me wrong there are times we can't follow the routine and we must adapt and be flexible, but when these times happen Easton always seems to adjust very well. Probably because she knows we will be right back into the swing of the routine once we get over the bump. I am by no means a child expert, hell this is my first one, but this is what I have learned with Easton and it is working! So to all those random strangers out there thank you for stopping your car in Wal-Mart parking lot to ask if my baby, the one waving and smiling at you, is always this happy! And to the two old lady's at Joann's fabric store, thank you for telling me how much my daughter looks like porcelain doll with those gorgeous blue eyes. You all make my day!
These pictures were taken on the 4th of July so we could hand them out at her party! Easton's onesie was purchase from Stitcheroos. Her tutu and flower bow were made by me!
Easton LOVED her cake!
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