Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Hello Big Girl Food!!! Good-bye Baby Food

June 6th, after a weekend in Arkansas, we began introducing Easton to "Adult" food. I am pretty we are enjoying the process just as much as her. I love watching her try new foods! How her nose crinkles when it tastes sour or if she doesn't like it or if she REALLY likes something she bangs her feet and waves her hands up and down in excitement. Just to name a few things she loves to eat....

  • Scrambled Eggs (even hotel scrambled eggs)

  • Bananas

  • Grapes

  • Spaghetti

  • Meatballs

  • Macaroni and Cheese

  • Peas

  • Apples

  • Carrots

  • Sweet Potatoes

  • Pancakes

  • Chicken Nuggets

  • Strawberries

  • Ice Cream

  • Hamburger

  • Watermelon

We have only found two things Easton really doesn't like... blueberries and zucchini. Even though she doesn't have any teeth, Easton can put away some food. The other night she had 2 1/2 two inch meaastballs with rice, grapes and some broccoli. Of course this has benefited us too. We keep more fruit in the house and we are more concious about consuming our food groups. We eat better! We prepare Easton's food ourselves. I have steamer bags that I steam sweet pototoes in. I boil her apples and carrots to make them tender. We cut every thing up into tiny pieces so she can gum them to mush.

Easton is such an awesome eater! I love that she isn't picky and enjoys eating. It is important to us that Easton gets a well balanced meal. Her little body is growing every day along with her mind and right now we can control what she consumes. One day we will not be able to so we want to instill in her the imporatnce of a good meal.

It is no secret that my husband LOVES ice cream. He would eat it every night as a snack before bed if I would keep our freezer stocked with it. I would also... so that's why I don't keep our freeze stocked with ice cream. Daddy, I am going to attache your ice cream!

What... you don't use sweet potatoes to style your hair?!

Yummm-O... Sweet potatoes and apples.

Sweet Potatoes and Peas!

Don't even think about touching my watermelon!

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean about feeding thing good/healthy food. When we started feeding Carson adult food I worried myself sick over it! I haven't done the steamer bag trick yet but I think I'm going to have to try it. So easy!

