Wednesday, June 10, 2009

High Fives all around!

This first paragraph was typed Wednesday afternoon regarding the house. Farther down is a to date update:
Right now we are in wait mode! We do not do well with wait mode. Josh REALLY doesn't do will in wait mode. The past two days he has called me like crazy. Have you heard anything yet? Did JD (broker) call? Is our loan out of underwriting? Has Renee (agent) said anything? I mean he really has been antsy about this whole thing. He really wants a yes we are closing on Friday or a no we are not closing until the 19th. It is kinda cute because he is so excited to move into our very own place, but after the first couple times of calling I am starting to get annoyed by it.

The paragraphs below were typed today, Thursday:

We had pretty busy weekend. Friday evening we drove up to McLouth to support the Sloppy Hogs (this is my cousin's bbq competition team). We ate wonderful BBQ and enjoyed hanging out with some family!

Saturday I began training for the 5 mile Tiblow Trot! Lord help me! I ran my first two miles that morning and ended up getting rained on! Considering I had not ran in some time, I did pretty well I only had to walk a short stretch due to side cramps. So I was pretty proud! Later that evening I was co-hosting a baby shower with my Aunt Nora. It was a lot of fun and the decorations turned out really cute! Yes I made those 'baby girl' blocks from scratch, with some help from my mom of course! The shower was great and everyone enjoyed themselves. I was kinda disappointed in the number to people that showed up, but oh well it happens and life goes on!

Now Sunday was house day! We spent the day running around buying a dryer cord from NFM, a lawn mower, paint for the kitchen/dinning room, and another dryer cord from Home Depot, purchasing essential items from Wal-Mart, and buying a new dog bed from PetSmart!

Interesting Home Depot Story: We realized we needed a trash can, like the big one you put out on the curb for the trash company to pick up and dump. Well we found one with wheels that we really liked, I mean for a trash can we liked it and it was pretty sturdy. So Josh asks me if I want to push the cart or the trash can around. I chose the trash can. Trash can in tote we head to the lawn mower section. We turn down a aisle and a guy with a little girl starts following us. We make it to the lawn mowers and the guy stops and says "I wish I could sell you my trash can. It is like brand new". Of course I say "Well if you are willing to sell it I will buy it! How much do you want?" Now we picked out a $70 trash can and this guy tells me he will sell his (which is exactly like the one we picked out) to me for $10. Now I like a good deal, but shit this was a GREAT deal! I jumped all over it! He explained he bought the exact same trash from Home Depot about 3 months ago. Then Deffenbaugh (big time trash company) issued trash cans to them that they are required to use. So he wasn't too happy of a camper. I got his phone number and told him we had a couple more places to stop, but we would call when we got done in an hour or so to stop by his house and pick up our new/slightly used trash can! Rock on! We were so excited this guy stalked us in Home Depot!

Ok so after we loaded our new/slightly used trash can we headed back to NFM to return the dryer plug because we found a cheaper one at Home Depot. On the way there I raised my hand up and told Josh "High Five for the $10 new/slightly used trash can!" and he gave me a high five. Then Josh said as serious as can be and meaningful "High Five for not fighting!" and I gave him a high five! It was so flippin' funny! Remember in a previous blog a couple of weeks ago we went out shopping for house items one Saturday morning and it ended up being a battle, an all out war! Better yet a disaster! So I died laughing when Josh throw out the high five for not fighting!

It was a really great weekend and we really enjoyed ourselves!

House Update:
All I can say is BULLSHIT! Oh, and we are currently very pissed! It is Thursday and we still do not know if we are going to close tomorrow! Our agent called me at 8 am today telling me that the sellers are moving today and have scheduled a moving truck to be at their house at 8:30 am and if we do not close on Friday they are wanting someone to pay their storage fee. Well that is not happening! We are not paying a dime! So right now our agent is battling it out with our broker. The agent believes the broker should be paying it. Josh has been calling or lender on the hour every hour for updates and I have checked out! Our agent believes our broker dropped the ball and is not fulfilling his part of the deal! So we may end up closing on Monday. Oh the house saga drags on!
Keep us in your thoughts! Send good ones our way!

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