Friday, June 15, 2012

You are my sunshine!

You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy
When skies are gray
You’ll never know dear
Just how much I love you
Please don’t take my sunshine away

Every night after you’ve had your bath and are squeaky clean, drank your milk and read all three of your bedtime stories, you melt my heart. Since you were an itsy bitsy baby I have sang “You Are My Sunshine” to you as we rocked in the nursery chair. Now at 23 months you sing it with me every night. Daddy has even had to learn it.

The first time you decided to sing it with me about was about two months ago. You were snuggled in my lap as we were rocking. I began to sing and then out of nowhere you chimed in. It was the most adorable heart melting moment.   Though only sunshine, happy, gray, dear, I love you, and away could be made out clearly, you melted my heart that evening. Midway through I began to tear up, but than I got the urge to laugh because it was just so damn cute.

Now, two months later, you sing the majority of the words with a sweet smile on your face. Daughter, you amaze me every day. 

Remember that you are always our sunshine.

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