Welp, we are there. Potty Training. It all began last Thursday when Easton asked to go potty. Hmm… alright. Let’s go sit on your potty. We did and she peed! I asked Easton if she wanted to go in the big girl potty and wear panties and pull ups? She excitedly said yes. The next day, while at daycare, she asked Ms. Cathy to go potty 4 times. After discussing it, Cathy and I thought she was ready to begin potty training. That evening Easton and I headed to Target and purchased Dora Pull-Ups and Gerber thick training panties. Thus began our weekend of potty training.
Now this past weekend wouldn’t have been my first choice to begin this adventure, but I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to act on her willingness and eagerness to potty train. There is never going to be a “good” time to potty train and honestly, it really isn’t our decision on the timing of potty training. It is Easton’s. She is only going to do what she wants to do.
Overall, the first weekend was not great. I take full responsibility for this because of our crazy schedule. Easton spent the night with Nana and Papa Friday night so I could race a 10K in the morning. Josh had been out of town since Thursday afternoon for a death in the family. After my 10K I jetted to Fort Scott for a funeral and returned to pick up Easton around dinner time. While at Nana and Papa’s house Easton spent a lot of time in the pool and not much time focusing on potty training. Sunday wasn’t that much better.
After the weekend, I started having second thoughts about Easton being ready. Maybe we are starting too soon? This is our first time down this road and we have no idea what is “normal”. Even with doubts I packed Easton’s daycare bag with pull-ups. Monday when I arrived I spoke with Ms. Cathy about our potty training weekend and she reassured me that Easton is ready and it will take time.
So began an hourly potty break…
Monday- Average. Ms. Cathy took Easton to the potty every hour and she used it a couple of times. That evening however was a different story. I had picked up Minnie Mouse panties for Easton and showed them to her. Of course she wanted to put them on. So on they went. She wore them for several hours and we kept taking her to the potty, but had not luck. Until she peed her panties. I was outside watering the garden and flowers and Josh was inside playing with Easton when all this went down. When I finished and went inside Josh told me what happened. Apparently Easton was only upset about peeing her panties when Josh told her she had to take them off. She wanted to wear her Minnie panties.
Tuesday- Easton surprised us all and pooped in the potty for the first time! This is huge! Seriously, getting kids to do #2 in the potty is a major accomplishment and to have Easton do it within a week of starting potty training is just amazing! Daycare called me Tuesday morning and said Easton had some news to share with me. “I potty Momma!” from the background I hear Ms. Cathy say what kind “Poop!” Of course I ohh and awww over her about how proud I am of her and what an awesome job she is doing potty training!
Wednesday- Easton is sick! Ugh… Fever. Even not feeling good, Easton sat on the potty and did her thing.
Thursday- Easton is still sick. After last night’s late night vomiting I knew today I would be lucky if she sat on the potty one time. It wasn’t our best day.
Friday- We are holding strong with sitting on the potty, but nothing is coming out. Easton is still sick and just isn’t as excited to be potty training. I am hoping once we kick this bug to the curb we will be back on track with potty training.
So the first week of Mission: Potty started off amazingly. I had such high hopes that in a month we would be out of pull ups and rocking princess panties. Guess the Sick Fairy had other plans in mind. I am hoping to spend the weekend getting Easton healthy and start again on Monday. Wish us luck!