Friday, June 22, 2012

MISSION: Potty Training

Welp, we are there. Potty Training. It all began last Thursday when Easton asked to go potty. Hmm… alright. Let’s go sit on your potty. We did and she peed! I asked Easton if she wanted to go in the big girl potty and wear panties and pull ups? She excitedly said yes. The next day, while at daycare, she asked Ms. Cathy to go potty 4 times. After discussing it, Cathy and I thought she was ready to begin potty training. That evening Easton and I headed to Target and purchased Dora Pull-Ups and Gerber thick training panties. Thus began our weekend of potty training.

Now this past weekend wouldn’t have been my first choice to begin this adventure, but I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to act on her willingness and eagerness to potty train. There is never going to be a “good” time to potty train and honestly, it really isn’t our decision on the timing of potty training. It is Easton’s. She is only going to do what she wants to do.

Overall, the first weekend was not great. I take full responsibility for this because of our crazy schedule. Easton spent the night with Nana and Papa Friday night so I could race a 10K in the morning. Josh had been out of town since Thursday afternoon for a death in the family. After my 10K I jetted to Fort Scott for a funeral and returned to pick up Easton around dinner time. While at Nana and Papa’s house Easton spent a lot of time in the pool and not much time focusing on potty training. Sunday wasn’t that much better.

After the weekend, I started having second thoughts about Easton being ready. Maybe we are starting too soon? This is our first time down this road and we have no idea what is “normal”. Even with doubts I packed Easton’s daycare bag with pull-ups. Monday when I arrived I spoke with Ms. Cathy about our potty training weekend and she reassured me that Easton is ready and it will take time.

So began an hourly potty break…

Monday- Average. Ms. Cathy took Easton to the potty every hour and she used it a couple of times. That evening however was a different story. I had picked up Minnie Mouse panties for Easton and showed them to her. Of course she wanted to put them on. So on they went. She wore them for several hours and we kept taking her to the potty, but had not luck. Until she peed her panties. I was outside watering the garden and flowers and Josh was inside playing with Easton when all this went down. When I finished and went inside Josh told me what happened. Apparently Easton was only upset about peeing her panties when Josh told her she had to take them off. She wanted to wear her Minnie panties.

Tuesday- Easton surprised us all and pooped in the potty for the first time! This is huge! Seriously, getting kids to do #2 in the potty is a major accomplishment and to have Easton do it within a week of starting potty training is just amazing! Daycare called me Tuesday morning and said Easton had some news to share with me. “I potty Momma!” from the background I hear Ms. Cathy say what kind “Poop!” Of course I ohh and awww over her about how proud I am of her and what an awesome job she is doing potty training!

Wednesday- Easton is sick! Ugh… Fever. Even not feeling good, Easton sat on the potty and did her thing.

Thursday- Easton is still sick. After last night’s late night vomiting I knew today I would be lucky if she sat on the potty one time. It wasn’t our best day.

Friday- We are holding strong with sitting on the potty, but nothing is coming out. Easton is still sick and just isn’t as excited to be potty training. I am hoping once we kick this bug to the curb we will be back on track with potty training.

So the first week of Mission: Potty started off amazingly. I had such high hopes that in a month we would be out of pull ups and rocking princess panties. Guess the Sick Fairy had other plans in mind. I am hoping to spend the weekend getting Easton healthy and start again on Monday. Wish us luck!

Well HELLO SKINNY jeans!

This is a Momma update. So if you are looking for adorable pictures of a blue eyed, dirty blonde haired, sassy 23 month old, it won't be in this post. This is Momma's post.

Momma gets her Body Back Update: Currently I am running. I must admit I am lucky to log 9 miles a week these days. It's so hard to get motivated to go sweat your ass off when all I really want to do is play in the garden and hang out with Easton bug. But I am lucky enough to have a husband that bosses me around and tells me to "Go Run!". Even going as far as setting out my i-pod, garmin watch and heart rate monitor on the kitchen table. Glad I have such a great husband that likes to boss me around.

Since January I am down 23 pounds and have 4.4 pounds to go until I am at my pre-house weight. Yeah, you read that right, not my pre-baby weight... pre-home ownership weight. After Josh and I bought our house in 2009 I just stopped going to the gym and working. No gym + eating out + house projects= 15 +/- additional pounds (more on the plus side).

Of course I have an "ideal" size of pant I want to be. Before I had Easton 173 = Size 12, but I don't think that will be the case this time around. With only 4.4 pounds to go, I can't possibly see 4 pounds making that big of a difference and dropping me a down a whole pant size. So I may have to readjust my goal weight to get into those size 12 jeans that have been collecting dust in my closet.

Holy Bajesus! I started this post a week ago then yesterday I got on the scale and it said 174.4. Wowza! I almost peed my pants! Guess that 10K paid off. Then late last night I said what the hell and dug out my super cute American Eagle size 12 long pre-house jeans and Boo-Ya! They fit! I strutted downstairs beaming from ear to ear and Josh just looked at me. Then he smiled and realized that I was wearing my "skinny" jeans! He said that he was proud of me and I looked good. Then I told him to take my picture 'cause I am just so freaking happy. Of course I ran upstairs and tried on more clothes. A dress from our honeymoon zipped right up! In fact, I am wearing it today at work. Last night was a very proud moment for me. All my hard work had paid off. Now, I by no means have the body I once had, but it is getting there. I may have a muffin top from my baby belly, but dam it... I like muffins... especially blueberries.

My Momma gets her Body Back journey has not ended. At the beginning of July I will begin my half-marathon training. Hello swamp ass! Who trains in the hottest months... seriously... what was I thinking when I said "Sure I will do it with you, Lex!" I see some very early or late runs in my future. I would really like to tone up.... especially this baby gut I have going on. We will see.

Last night in my "skinny" jeans

Hell, who was I kidding! Here she is... that blue eyed, dirty blonde haired, sassy 23 month old that we LOVE so much!

Taking a bite out of Zucchini from our garden!

A NOT so Jazzy 10K

This past Saturday I did my first ever 10K and it was the first time I got to use my
Garmin watch in a race. I was super excited about this! That is 6.2 miles for those of you who didn't know just how stinking far that is. Six point two freaking miles! This was Corporate Woods' Jazz in the Woods 10K and in my opinion we couldn't have picked a better race to do our first 10K, for several reasons. 1. The race began at 7:30 am, though it was already humid and warm at this time. 2. The course was pretty dang flat. No crazy hills. 3. The majority of the course was shaded which meant not having the sun beating down on you the entire time. Finally, 4. It was a smaller race.

  • Mile 1- When I went into this race I had the mind frame that I wanted my pace to stay between a 10:00 - 10:30 minute mile. But Sexy Lexie took off out of the chute and we ended up with a 9:48 minute mile the first mile. And I kept thinking to myself that I was going to pay for it later. And I did.
  • Mile 5 to 6 was so ridiculously long. At one point, I asked a volunteer if she was sure we didn't turn here and head to the finish. Unfortunately, I was told no.
  • The mile markers on the course were not accurately marked and we actually ran 6.25 miles! And yes, those .23 miles do matter!
  • My average pace was 10:27 and I burned 870 calories. Then, through out the day, I consumed all the calories I had burned by eating everything in sight!  
  • I completed 6.25 miles in 1 hour and 5 minutes!

Can you see the fear in our eyes...

A hot, sweaty, mess... but we did it! 6.2 freaking miles!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Just Like Daddy!

Happy Father's Day to the BEST Daddy in the World!

Friday, June 15, 2012

You are my sunshine!

You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy
When skies are gray
You’ll never know dear
Just how much I love you
Please don’t take my sunshine away

Every night after you’ve had your bath and are squeaky clean, drank your milk and read all three of your bedtime stories, you melt my heart. Since you were an itsy bitsy baby I have sang “You Are My Sunshine” to you as we rocked in the nursery chair. Now at 23 months you sing it with me every night. Daddy has even had to learn it.

The first time you decided to sing it with me about was about two months ago. You were snuggled in my lap as we were rocking. I began to sing and then out of nowhere you chimed in. It was the most adorable heart melting moment.   Though only sunshine, happy, gray, dear, I love you, and away could be made out clearly, you melted my heart that evening. Midway through I began to tear up, but than I got the urge to laugh because it was just so damn cute.

Now, two months later, you sing the majority of the words with a sweet smile on your face. Daughter, you amaze me every day. 

Remember that you are always our sunshine.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Busy Bosleys

It is summer and we have been busy! Doing what you ask?

Drinking pool water
 Soaking up some sun
 Watering the dog
 Riding the horsey at Basehor's Dairy Days

 High-Fiving the Sonic Cherry Limeade
 and enjoying ice cream

Yep, so far summer has treated us well! 

Friday, June 1, 2012

Hot Spring Days

We have really enjoyed our first gardening experience. And so far so good, even though we have only plucked radishes so far. But we are excited for all the other veggies.  

One evening while we were wedding the garden, Easton asked to play in the sprinkler. She then decided she needed to play in the sprinkler without any clothes on. It was all fun and games until...
Backing her booty up to the sprinkler.
She tinkled...
and was upset to have pee pee running down her leg
Then we put our diaper back on and she was all smiles and giggles