Monday, August 30, 2010

Tiblow Days Parade, Life Style Change, and Over Half Way there!

This past Saturday Easton attended her first parade at Tiblow Days. Yes, she is only 6 weeks old and yes, she slept through the majority of it, but I a huge believer in starting traditions early. The noise from the cars, fire trucks, motorcycles, dirt bikes or the bands did not even phase her. In fact I think the noise soothed and put her to sleep. She did stay awake briefly to watch some politicians, a band, and a couple of fire trucks.

Guess who got a new toy in their crib!!!! She loves to lay in there and look at herself. She coos away!

Right after bath time

People ask all the time how we are doing and if we are settling in. Well below are just some of the things we are getting use to, some random experiences and thoughts....

1. Grocery Shopping with a baby.... If you have toilet paper, paper towels and diapers on your list and Easton is with you.... you are screwed.... right off the bat you will need two shopping carts. So sometimes Wal-Mart is a family affair in order to get all the necessities!

2. My husband asked me the other day "Are we ever going to go to bed a the same time again?!" I responded with "Not any time in the near future." Our evening routine is bath time at 8:00 pm, nurse right after- around 8:30 pm , I pump for 30 to 45 minutes (lord knows I gotta drain those suckers so I don't wake up at 3:00 am with boobies the size of watermelons.) Of course before I shower, I run around like a mad woman trying to finish random tasks that never got completed through out the day. Then lastly I shower and get ready for bed. If Easton gets up I nurse, but if I am lucky she sleeps until 2:00 0r 3:00 am and I can go straight to bed. So I am in bed anywhere from 10:00 pm to midnight. Since it has been so hot, Josh has been going to bed around 9:00 pm. Wow how our bed time routine has changed.

3. While on maternity leave the majority of my time has been spent nursing. Seriously, A LOT OF TIME. During the day I nurse every two to two and a half hours. This being said. I see no point in getting "dressed". My attire for almost every day (assuming we are not expecting company) is a nursing bra and cut off jogging pants that I made into shorts. Yep, I run around my house in the bare minimum. It is so much easier and quicker to not have to deal with a shirt. Josh has totally gotten use to it and comes to expect it in fact. I think if I was fully dressed when he came home he would be in total shock. Believe in simplifying.

4. Excited about going to Wal-Mart for groceries... who knew! There was a time, pre-pregnancy, when I dreaded going to Wal-Mart to get groceries, but these days I live for it! I spend most of my day cuddling and taking care of Easton. So when grocery time rolls around every two weeks I more than happy to leave Easton with Daddy for a couple of hours and head out to get the Bosleys some food! I am telling you my priorities have totally changed!

I went to the doctor this past Friday for my six week follow up visit. I am happy to report that I have lost 37 of the 60 pounds I gained during my pregnancy!!!! That is over half and I am thrilled! Now I am total lose baby weight mode!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Dogs, Another LONG road Trip for Ms. Easton & Heartbreaking Parent Duty

A lot of people ask how are dogs are adjusting to Easton. Mainly, I think, because we have a pit bull and a lab/pit bull mix. Well Harley, our pit bull, is concerned. When Easton cries or makes a noise she runs over to check on her. She wants to know what is going on and to see if Easton is ok. Ella, our lab/pit bull mix, is protective and nosey. She is always right under my feet all the time and constantly wants to know what is going on. She will set right at my feet and will cut Harlie off or block her when Harlie comes over to see what is going on with Easton. Don't get me wrong it wasn't this good at first. The Sunday we came home from the hospital Josh had a "come to Jesus meeting" with both of them after they got into a fight with each other in the nursery. I was in tears and was ready to get rid of the dogs. Every since that meeting things have gotten much better! They have got use to hearing Easton cry and coo. We actually had to take the front bumper off the crib so Harlie could see in to check on her. Right now baby and dogs are working, however, this maybe a whole new story when Easton starts crawling and needing to be on the ground more, but we will cross that bridge when we get there.

Harlie checking in on Easton.

This past Sunday we headed to Springdale, AR to pick up my Memaw. This is the first time my grandparents, Uncle Jerry B and cousin Lacey had seen Easton. Of course she got lots of love, hugs and kisses from all. Below are the pictures we took at the restaurant.
My cousin Lacey and Easton
Papa and Memaw with Easton

Papa, Nana, Me, Lacey, Memaw and Easton

Papa with Easton

My uncle Jerry B and Nana with Easton

My Memaw rode back with us and is staying at Nana's house for a week and a half to spend time with her Granddaughter and Great Granddaughter. This is a picture from Memaw and Easton's mini-photo shoot.
Easton's middle name is very special! It is not only unique, but she is the fourth generation of the middle name Blondell. Below is all the lovely ladies of Blondell- My Memaw, Nana, Me and Easton.

We busted out the playtime mat. Easton could take it or leave it. She loves to hear the music, but other than that she doesn't seem to care if she is on her playtime mat or in her crib. I am sure as she gets older this will be much more fun for her and us.

We had to perform our first heartbreaking parent duty this past Saturday night. Easton had not pooped in a week and Dr. Yu told us to be concerned after a week and call the office. For not pooping for a week Easton was not fussy or seemed to even be bothered by it. She was acting completely normal. I think Josh and I were more concerned then she was. So late Saturday evening I spoke to the Doctor on call and she told me to insert a glycerin suppository. She said we only need to insert a pinch of it and not the entire thing. So Josh headed to Bonner Springs Wal-Mart while I got her ready for bed. This all started around 8:30 pm Saturday night. Wal-Mart was a no go and Walgreens across the street didn't have it either. Josh headed down 7 hwy across the river to the Walgreens and CVS off Johnson Drive. No luck! By this point it was 9:30 pm and I was super annoyed with the situation. Seriously I didn't know there was such a high demand for suppositories. Really who wants to do that! So Josh called back the on-call doctor and asked about the liquid kind he had been seeing on the shelf. The doctor was not familiar with it and told him to head to the CVS in Kansas City, Ks because they have a 24 hour pharmacist and he could be of assistance. So Josh trucked up 7 hwy. No luck at CVS, but Josh had success at the Walgreens just down the street in KCK. By the time Josh got back it was 10:30 pm and we had to be up early for our Arkansas road trip. Now this was the worst thing I have had to do since being a Mommy. At first I looked at Josh and asked him if he wanted to do it. He looked at me, shook his head and said no. I think he didn't want to hurt her. So we put Easton on her changing table. Josh held her down as she cried, loudly and I attempted multiple times to insert this pinch size suppository into her tiny bottom. It was so awful! It broke my heart to have to do such an awful thing to my sweet little girl. I know it was for the better, but God was it horrible for Mommy and Daddy. Of course once completed, I felt so bad that we just sat in the rocking chair for a while and I hugged, kissed and loved on her. Needless to say I will not be going solo to her two month shots next month. No way am I going to be able to handle this!
Easton's Nicknames....
Short Stack- Used by Josh
Little Bit-Josh again.
Cutie Pie- and Josh again.
Easton Beaston- Nana uses this little rhythm.
Ms. Thang- Josh and I both use it. It originated in the hospital when the nursery nurse called her that while she was taking care of her right after delivery.
Easton Blondell- I use this. I love the way her first and middle name sound together.
Baby- I am guilty of this one.
Ms. Easton- Me again.
Beautiful- Guilty again.
My prediction is that when/if she gets into sports her friends will use E. Guess we will see.
Alright people... please refrain from asking me if I am back in my "original" clothes yet. Dude, I gained 60 pounds with this pregnancy and it has been 6 weeks. So no I have not lost 10 pound each week since Easton's arrival. Remember... it took me 10 months to put this baggage on and it may take me a year to get it off.

Friday, August 20, 2010

She's All Smiles!!!!

Easton is all smiles these days. I love talking to her and see a big silly smile come across her face!

This one makes me laugh because she looks like an old lady!

My favorite!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Easton Blondell is ONE month old

She is chunky, fabulous, adorable and one month old today! Saturday we went to JCPenney's to take one month portraits and she did much better than we thought she would. Thank God for a pacifier! When she would start to get fussy we would pop it in and calm her down. Then we would pull it out and the photographer would snap a few pictures real quick before we had to pop it right back in to settle her down. I will post/blog about those more when I get the pictures back.
Today I did my own mini photo shot with Easton to celebrate and mark her one month birthday. She really wasn't into it and it took all day and many shots to get a few were she wasn't crying.
This is the first outfit we started in, but after she nursed she spit up all over it so....

We busted out outfit number two.
Today is also our two year anniversary, Josh sent Easton and me flowers. Here is a picture of hers from Daddy. When I got them today it seriously made me cry. I thought it was the sweetest thing for Josh to send his little girl a single red rose. It just melted my heart.

This past Saturday morning I laid Easton in bed with Daddy. The snuggled and slept.

Happy One Month Birthday Easton! Daddy and Mommy love you so much and have enjoyed every minute of the last month. You have grown so much and are learning more and more everyday. I love to watch you smile in your sleep and listen the cooing sounds you make while nursing and sleeping. Your grunts make me laugh and your cries break my heart. You truly are the center of our world and we are so thankful for you!

TWO Years of WEDDED Bliss

Two years ago today I married the guy who fell out of his seat in class to watch me walk by. That was nine years ago when we were still attending good ol' Bonner Springs High School. We had no idea we would end up on an adventure of a lifetime. I am so thankful we went to prom as "just friends" and ended up being best friends and husband and wife.

We have had our moments, our ups and downs, but those fights, laughs, tears and melt downs have made us the couple we are today and I wouldn't change a thing. Here is to a million more years husband!

Josh sent me a dozon roses and Easton a single red rose to say Happy One Month Birthday. Usually I can figure out Josh's "surprises". Like today I knew something was coming to the house because he called me more often than usual. However I was totally surprised by part two of his gift. He booked us a room at the Chateau Avalon in September and made arrangments for Nana to stay the night with Easton. This is a an Anniversary/Birthday combo gift. My husband is amazing and I am so lucky to have such a wonderfual guy.

I will leave you with a few wedding pictures...

And we will live happily ever after!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Wichita or BUST...Hello CRIB...

Easton took her first roadtrip this weekend. Saturday, August 7th we headed to Douglas, KS (just outside of Wichita) for a family reunion. More importantly Easton was headed down to meet her Great Grandma Wiseman and her Great Great Grandma Houser. This was a one day trip and we of course packed EVERYTHING, but the kitchen sink. Extra wipes, diapers, outfits, burp clothes and blankets. We didn't forget the camera, toys, stroller or breast pump machine. We were pretty loaded down for a round trip to Wichita. We left around 10:00 am and didn't make it far before we had to stop. QT for ice, drinks and of course donuts for me and my mom. Back on the road.... only to stop a McDonalds in Bonner Springs for the guys. But wait it was 10:15 am and they didn't start serving lunch until 10:30 am. Of course Josh wanted breakfast and my dad and brother wanted lunch items. So Josh ordered breakfast and we hit the road... briefly. We made it as far as Olathe before stopping at the next McDonalds for my dad and brother. Most of you know I am not a patient person at all! I struggle with this and here is where I get it from... my Dad! We got in the drive thru line and bolted when my Dad realized it was VERY long and not even moving. We jetted off once again in search of a McDonalds. Finally, Mission McDonalds was accomplished! By this time Easton was waking up and getting hungry so my dad pulled over in the parking lot and Josh gave Easton a bottle while my dad and brother ate. Easton did FABULOUS! We only had to stop once to feed and change her on the way down there and on the way back. The funniest part about our trip is me having to pump. We took my parents Yukon, so I was able to climb in the very back seat and pump. As soon as the machine started my dad and brother just looked at each other and turned up the radio. They didn't to know or hear it! Can't blame them. It is kinda awkward, but hey if I didn't pump I swear to God my boobies would explode. I only had to pump once so they all survived.

Family picture before we hit the road...

What Easton did most of the ride down there.

Five Generation Picture.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010 Doctors Appointment:
This past Tuesday Easton and I headed to the doctor for a check up. I must say that I was SUPER proud of myself. Our appointment was at 9:15 am and I managed to be on time! This is a big deal since this is the first time I had to get Easton ready and myself without any help. I was totally on my own! It was a very proud moment for me. While at the doctors office, Easton manages to spit up on me twice. I change her diaper before we weigh her, only for her to poop in it as soon as I get the new one on. I think she was testing me since I was on my own. She wanted to see if I could handle all of it. I did! Easton now weighs 9 lbs. and 2 oz. Her height is 21 inches. She great head control and is staying awake for longer periods of time. She loves looking around at her surroundings. She is such a joy and we love watching her learn and grow.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010, we made the decision to move our little girl into her crib. She has grown so much in length that she could no longer stretch out her legs without hitting the sides of the bassinet. I must say this made me panic for several reasons. One this means my baby is growing and getting bigger and will soon be going off to college (I know a little dramatic, but this is what I thought). Two she will not be right next to me in her bassinet where I can hover over her like a crazy mommy to make sure she is breathing, not choking, didn't roll over, or suffocate herself with her blanket. I know, I know.... I am worrying way too much, but I am now a Mom so this is what I will do until the day I die... Worry and Care about my kids. This was a great milestone for Easton, but a very sad one for Mommy and Daddy. I mentioned to Josh that I would just sleep in the nursery rocking chair and he said "Well then I am sleeping on floor in there." We did not end up sleeping in the nursery. Instead I turned the volume on the monitor up to max so I could hear her every whimper, grunt, gasp and cry. I also checked on her fifty million times before I finally feel asleep.
First night in the crib...

Below are some pictures I snapped while Easton was laying in her crib enjoying her mobile!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Tummy Time... Bottle Time... Daddy Time...

This is a picture I snapped while my mom (Nana) was holding her. Is she not as cute as can be!

Friday, July 30th was the first time we took Easton to a restaurant. One of my college gals is moving to Texas and we all got together for a good-bye dinner. Easton did great. She got passed and around and loved on by all! She never even woke up!

Tummy time started out like this....

But ended like this....

We introduced the bottle for the first time Thursday night. Well, actually Josh introduced the bottle for the first time and it went really well. She drank two ounces from the bottle and then nursed right after putting away the two ounces. It really didn't seem to bother her to go from bottle to boobie. This is great!
Easton is starting to find her voice. She grunts, sighs, and makes all kinds of noises these days. Her recent "fun" thing to do is fight going to sleep. At 3:00 am she would rather stay wide awake then give into falling asleep. So needless to say Mommy has been getting less and less sleep as I try every trick in the book to get her to fall back asleep after nursing. Easton has also become more aware of her surroundings and is staying up for longer periods of time. She LOVES to lay in crib and watch and listen to her mobile. Josh and I are always telling people she is a strong little lady. She has great control over her head and some fierce leg muscles she likes to use to kick at you when she is burping. She definitely inherited my impatience personality and need to have things done right then. Because she hates to stop eating just to burp. It is a total inconvenience for her.
We are all doing well. Josh comes home from work and showers, then grabs up Easton for a little Daddy-Daughter time. We are SO in LOVE with our little girl.