Friday, May 31, 2013

Evening at the K

2 buckets of popcorn, 2 hotdogs, 1 sausage, 1 taco salad, 1 ice cream sundae, 1 bottle of water, 1 Gatorade, and 1 soda later, Easton had an amazing first Royals game! A couple of Fridays ago, The Bosleys put on their Royals gear and headed to the K. It was Easton's first Royals game and I was so excited to take her. Josh was even more excited.
Easton fell asleep during the car ride to the K. Which couldn't have been better, since it was going to be a long night of baseball and fireworks!

No baseball game is complete with an hotdog.
 The highlight of the entire game, aside from the amazing fireworks, was when Josh snagged a foul ball. Seriously, it was a Micheal Jordan leap, one handed snag. It was awesome!
Bug and Daddy with his first ever foul ball. 

After dumping the entire first bucket, Momma had to come to the rescue and get another. Not how I wanted to spend $10, but accidents happen.

Proud of Daddy's foul ball.


Easton did great at the game. She loved having her own seat and enjoyed people watching. Her favorite part was the fireworks. Once they were done she said "Let's do it again!"

Our growing Easton Bug

This crazy kid needs to stop growing. I notice I refer to her more and more as a kid. Not a baby, not a toddler, but a full blown crazy, funny, independent kid. She wants to do everything herself and gets pretty mad when she can't figure something out by herself.

People talk about terrible twos. Whelp, two's seem to be flying by with mild bumps. Bug really isn't a big fit thrower so it made two much easier. In fact, I can honestly say that Josh and I were lucky enough to never experience the screaming, crying, head, arms, and feet wailing tantrum in the local Target. I am going to call that a blessing. We pretty much escaped the terrible twos.

Now as we get closer to Easton turning three, pssshh.. that kid is deaf. Freaking deaf. I have never counted to three so much in my life over the past month. Lord help me and give me patients. 'Cause Mommy and Daddy are going to need it.

Aside from Easton's need for an hearing aid, she really is a great kid. Full of questions, enthusiasm, innocence, and life. This is a great age. She is eager to learn new things, full of questions galore, and pretty dang funny.

She is a lover. Easton will give random hug and kisses just because. But she also knows how to work the system and will use her ammo, hugs and kisses, as a delay tactic. The kid is good!
Snuggling with her Uncle Marky
Our little music diva really has picked up what it means to "jam out". She loves music, but not the "bad" songs. You know, the songs Mommy runs to that really isn't appropriate for a kids ears. About a month ago, Easton was in her room supposed to be going to bed. Josh was downstairs watching TV and having a snack. I was in our bedroom surfing Pinterest. Out of no where Easton starts busting out "That Girl is On Fire! That Girl is On Fire!" over and over again. Now she wasn't just speaking it. This was a full out singing at the top of your lungs kind of moment. Of course, I could hear her because I was across the hall. Josh could hear her because A. the baby monitor next to him was on and B. she was so dang loud! Josh and I couldn't stop laughing. It totally melted my heart.

Part of her being so innocent is her unique style. The kid can rock rubber boots and a princess dress like no one I know! I always thought I would be that Mom that just had to have her kid well dressed all the time. I am proud to say I am not that Mom. I love that Easton thinks putting on a dress makes her a princess. I am that Mom that wants to encourage creative thinking, imagination, and self confidence. So bring on the princess dresses, fairy wings, ballet shoes, and pink plastic high heels. I'm raising a self confident little girl, here!  
"I wanna do it or I can do it" is phrases we hear often in our house. Easton Bug wants to be a helper. No matter what the task. And when she can't help, she is mad.
Helping Daddy mow the lawn

Helping set up the cages for the tomatoes

Patiently waiting on Daddy to swing back by and pick her up so they could go get mulch

Her best friend will always be her Harlie Dog. Easton and Harlie have very special relationship... hmmm.. maybe it's more like a special understanding. Easton feeds Harlie, Harlie lets Easton tackle  hug her, hang on her like a leech, and give her kisses. We couldn't ask for a more patient, loving, and easy going dog.

If Easton had it her way she would always be outside and ALWAYS be naked. Can you blame her? Clothes are so binding and feeling the warm sunshine on your skin is soothing. She gets this from her Momma! Ask the Hubby. ha!


Confession: I do not own lipstick or blush. Second Confession: Only in the last 6 months have I started consistently wearing makeup to work.
With that being said, I had to buy lipstick and blush for Easton to wear for dance recital. We decided to see if it was a good color for us!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Sunshine Days of April

April warmed up a bit, and even though we had snow the first of May, there were days in April we could pull on some shorts, rock our sunglasses, and cruise in the Gator.
 Of course, it's much more fun with friends.
Easton also got introduced to smores. Though she enjoyed eating plain ol' marshmallows more. I'm gonna have to teach that girl the importance of chocolate! 

Finger licking good! 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Seattle... all Sun and No Rain

The last full week in April I packed my bags, hopped on a plane, and headed to Seattle for a work conference. Of course, most of my day was spent like this...
and my co-worker may have been bored out of his mind, but....
we did spend the evenings enjoying the city
Space Needle

 We took the ferry to Bainbridge Island for dinner.

 My co-worker and I may have been regulars at this bar...

It was a great conference, but I sure did miss my family. A week away almost too long. We had great weather the entire time we were there. Absolutely no rain. All sunshine. Not to mention I ate some amazing seafood!