Wednesday, March 6, 2013


So, we have hit the halfway point of training. Halfway, people. I am nervous as shit! Not going to lie. I haven't been logging nearly as many miles as last time. My excuses, because they are just that, time, weather, and lack of daylight. Excuses. Ugh. Also lack of motivation.

Magic Pants. BUY them! You won't regret it! Promise! ps. my feet look huge

 While I am not checking off my short runs during the week, Vern and I have been busting out our long runs during the weekends. A couple of Sundays ago we picked up this guy...

Unbeknownst to him, I snapped some pictures of him.
The man picked us up at 2.25 miles and chatted it up until we hit our 6 miles. Yes, it was weird, but not too weird. I didn't think he was some kind of axe murder looking for two girls to kill, but some random dude looking for company on his run. If that makes sense. He has ran a marathon in all 50 states. He was far from a rookie in the race circuit. It was by far our most interestingly weird run we have ever had.

Just call us Chatty Cathy these days. Seriously, Vern and I had a cardinal rule, No talking while running. It was that simple. Don't expend energy via talky talky, save it for running. Well that was when we were newbies and less comfortable with running long distances. Now, we know it can be done. You can talk and run and not feel like you are going to die. So we do just that. Talk, run, and be merry. Of course, our pace is slower, but the conversation is great.  
Vern and I have pounded out a lot of pavement together. I'm not just talking about running either. Before running, it was the roads to the bars and fraternity houses. Nope, we weren't always running and most of the time it was more stumbling, but we have always had fun together. No matter where the asphalt is taking us.

In other randomness, my Jillian Michaels cd has vanished. My guess, a two year old snatched it up and it no resides in the bottom of a toy box.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Well since Easton and I have had not 1, not 2, but 3 snow days in the past couple of weeks, I thought I would share with you all what we have been doing.

SNOWMAGGEDDON #1: I was off for 2 days. Thursday and Friday. Josh was stuck in Fort Scott, KS until late Friday. So Easton and I made the most of our time.

We bundled up and headed out to explore and play in the snow. 

 What else do you do when you are stuck at home... BAKE! I made brownies from scratch. They were rich and delicious. This picture is precooking... I was so anxious to taste them that I totally forgot to snap a picture after they had been cooked. Take my word for it, make them from scratch... yummy!
 Gel decal fun on the patio door.
 Like I said, Josh was stuck in Fort Scott for the first snow. Thankfully I have amazing neighbors that dug me and Bug out!
 Harlie snow gazing
 We watched a lot of movies, made silly faces and rarely got out of our pajamas.

Red Gatorade snow!
We broke the rules and had lunch and breakfast downstairs instead of at the table.
Easton had been couped up and began going stir crazy!
We did a lot of reading.

And even more laying around in our undies.
More baking... Smore Cookie Bars. A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!


Enjoying snow ice cream with pink sprinkles.

We all survived, ate too many sweets, lounged around, and enjoyed the time off. Bring on Spring!