Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Life Moments

I once had a clean car. I mean polished leather seats, vacuumed carpets, and shiny dashboards. It was a well kept ride. These days milk spots can be found on those leather seats. The carpets… they are covered with books, toys, and bits of goldfish. Actually goldfish particles can be found in every nook and cranny, especially in Easton’s car seat. It’s funny how your life changes. Your priorities shift.

Easton pooped on her step stool. It was our typical bath time routine. I was getting her bath water ready and she was running around airing her “stuff” out. She loves being naked. Naked as a Jay Bird. I must admit I think it is adorable to watch her little buns scurry down the hallway all while she is screaming. So enough with her bottom being cute.. back to the story. She was picking up her step stool moving it back and forth between the front of the sink and the side. She climbed on top of it and did her business. I just happened to call Josh into the bathroom moments before the stinky incident so he also got the pleasure in viewing the very large poop our daughter took on her new stepping stool. Just as we realized what the heck was going on, Easton steps back and lands her foot in the pile of poo. I of course am saying “No! No! No!” As she steps back with her other foot and it too lands in the stinky pile. Easton is crying by now. I think the shock of pooping outside her diaper, stepping in it, and us slightly panicking freaked her out. I scope her up and tell Josh to turn on the sink and we begin frantically cleaning off her super stinky little tootsies. Easton and I then take off to her changing table so I can clean her up a bit more. We return to find Josh using toilet paper to scrap last night’s whole peas into the toilet. He then asks “No what do I use to clean the stool of with?” I reply with “Hose it down with 409!”

My daughter will attempt to make any toilet her personal water table. She doesn’t care if it’s a public toilet at Wal-Mart. Vomit in your mouth… you know you want to. I did when I turned around to find her splashing away in the toilet at Wal-Mart. They are sneaky and quick little stinkers.

Yes, I let me daughter jump on my bed, her bed, our couch. We have too many other life rules not to have fun jumping on the beds and furniture. Pick and choose your battles. I choose not to yell at my daughter for having fun doing something so simple and minor in the grand scheme of things.

1 comment:

  1. My how life has changes since becoming a mom! While I'm sure the 'poop situation' wasn't funny at the time, it's one of those things I'm sure you'll look back and laugh about! It's the silly moments that stick with you!
