Monday, October 31, 2011
Pumpkin Patch 2011
I my name is Melissa Bosley and I have a problem. I am an addict. Umm... I am addicted to my camera and taking pictures. So with that being said... We headed to Kerby's Farm for some fall fun, pumpkins and a crazy amount of pictures.

Closet Purge... Heartbreaking.
This past weekend I worked on our walk-in closet. Umm well, I worked on my side. I finally bit the bullet. Gave into what is now and stop thinking I might. It was heartbreaking. There were times my heart absolutely sunk and other times I was like Peace Out Homie. Who knew going through your pre-pregnancy clothes would be such an emotional roller coaster. I am definitely not at my pre-pregnancy weight. In fact I am like 25 lbs. away from that. So all those fabulous concert going tight fitted jeans, sexy and strappy tank tops, and get free drinks miniskirts made the move to the storage/garage sale container. I am not going to lie I was sad and mopey about this. I love my daughter and adore her, but part of me misses those days when Josh and I would spend every weekend night at P&L or at a concert. When we could be irresponsible and drink until the wee hours of the morning. These days we are ready for bed by 9 pm on a weekend.
It wasn’t just the “party/going out” clothes that saddened me, but also the crazy number of Limited dress pants, Calvin Klein dresses, GAP jeans, many more name brand items that are in perfect condition that I had to toss in the outsie pile.
By 9:30 pm last night my wardrobe was cut to less than half and I was left with a ridiculous amount of hangers, a trash bag full of clothes for Good Will, and 2 containers full of clothes for the garage sale pile.
There were two things I just could not part with. I tried. Really hard. Just wasn’t happening. Mostly because I knew how much I spent on them. A pair of black GAP capri pants that I wore maybe twice and a Calvin Klein dress that I wore twice. I just couldn’t take them out of my closet.
On the bright side of my closet purge, it really lite a fire under my rear-end to lose some weight. I have until June 2012 before the Basehor City wide garage sale to restore those pre-pregnancy clothes to my closet! Well, at least the jeans. BTW I am now accepting prays to help make this happen.
Though there are times I miss those wild and crazy days before I was a Mommy, I wouldn’t change a thing about my life right now… my family of three. I am right where I belong.
Oh, and I am in need of more clothes.
It wasn’t just the “party/going out” clothes that saddened me, but also the crazy number of Limited dress pants, Calvin Klein dresses, GAP jeans, many more name brand items that are in perfect condition that I had to toss in the outsie pile.
By 9:30 pm last night my wardrobe was cut to less than half and I was left with a ridiculous amount of hangers, a trash bag full of clothes for Good Will, and 2 containers full of clothes for the garage sale pile.
There were two things I just could not part with. I tried. Really hard. Just wasn’t happening. Mostly because I knew how much I spent on them. A pair of black GAP capri pants that I wore maybe twice and a Calvin Klein dress that I wore twice. I just couldn’t take them out of my closet.
On the bright side of my closet purge, it really lite a fire under my rear-end to lose some weight. I have until June 2012 before the Basehor City wide garage sale to restore those pre-pregnancy clothes to my closet! Well, at least the jeans. BTW I am now accepting prays to help make this happen.
Though there are times I miss those wild and crazy days before I was a Mommy, I wouldn’t change a thing about my life right now… my family of three. I am right where I belong.
Oh, and I am in need of more clothes.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
To Arkansas....
A couple of weekends ago we headed to Benton, AR.....
To enjoy the 80 degree weather and eat grapes from a bag!
To make a stop at the Bella Vista information center.
To give our power wheel a tune-up
To attend the Nutt Family Reunion
(Bryant Side)

To play on the farm with Uncle Sparky
To feed the fishies
To push our power wheel that ended up breaking down even after a tune-up. Man I gotta hire better mechanics! 
To see Memaw and Papa
(and Uncle Jerry, Aunt Rita, Cousin Lacey, Kyle and Jacob)

(Bryant Side)

To snap an handsome picture of my Papa

To recreate a family photo

Monday, October 24, 2011
Easton's first Urgent Care Trip!
We had a sick little girl several Sundays ago and we had our first trip to Urgent Care. She had woke up from a late afternoon nap with a fever and wheezing. The fever didn't worry me because it was pretty low, 101, but her chest and breathing sounded horrible. It was like she couldn't catch her breathe. While I googled Urgent Cares, Josh got Easton dressed and ready. We were out the door and on our way to Shawnee's Urgent Care around 5:00 pm.
There are certain times in your life that show what you are really made of. These are also the times when Mothers and Fathers establish their roles. This was one of those times. Never... I mean NEVER in a million years would I have thought Josh would be the panicky parent and I would be the calm and collective one. Funny how kids change you. With this being said. I told Josh to drive and I would sit in back with Easton. He needed something to keep his mind occupied.
By the time we arrived at Urgent care Easton's temperature had shot up to 104 and all she wanted was to be cuddled. So Josh snuggled her while I filled out the paperwork. (side note: when I came to the section requiring Easton's social security number. I looked at Josh and he looked at me and neither of us knew it. Her card was at home and we had never had to use it)
The nurse called us back to the room and began asking us questions... the standard stuff. Is she allergic to anything? Is she taking any medications? ... Then the doctor came in. Apparently they are still hiring Doogie Howsers! He was young, tan and studly. And spoke like a stoned surfer. Hmmm....
He told us he wanted an x-ray of her chest/lungs. We followed the tech guy to the x-ray room. Now what unfolds once we enter the room is absolutely heart breaking!
X-ray Tech: The nurse (he was a male) is going to assist me with getting her chest x-rayed.
Me: Ok
X-ray Tech: He will grab her by her arms and let her hang down in front of the machine.
Me: What?!
X-ray Tech: It won't hurt her. If we lay her down and there is any fluid in her lungs it will level out and we will not get a very clear and accurate reading.
Me: Ok.
The male nurse takes Easton from me and begins to position her. Josh and I step back into the booth. Easton is screaming bloody murder and our poor baby girl was dangling there by her arms crying for us. The tech takes the picture only to realize that she is throwing her head back and blocking some chest area.
X-ray Tech: Dad we are going to need your help. Hold her head forward so it will not block the x-ray of her chest.
Then round two begins. By this time I am tearing up and feeling helpless.
Finally we completed the x-ray torturing and head back to the room. They didn't find any fluid in her lungs and believe it was croup. The doctor sent us home with a breathing treatment machine that we are to do every 4 hours. They also told us to alternate Motrin and Tylenol until the fever breaks.
Of course by the time we leave Urgent care it is 7:30 and we have to head to the Wal-Greens at 81st and State (24 hour pharmacy) to pick up the medication for the breathing treatments. The plot thickens.... The pharmacist says Easton isn't listed on our pharmacy cards. Are you freakin' kidding me! So the pharmacist calls the number listed on back of the card and they confirm they do not have her listed. Seriously.... it's 8:00 at night on a Sunday... there isn't shit we can do about this now. The pharmacist ask us if we still want to get the medication for $150.00? Uh, yeah! I have a sick kid who needs it.
Fortunately, once I got the insurance straightened out on Monday, we were able to go back to Wal-Greens and they reprocessed the prescription with our insurance and credited us.
Monday I took Easton to our regular doctor's office and the Nurse Practitioner confirmed that Easton had croup.
There are certain times in your life that show what you are really made of. These are also the times when Mothers and Fathers establish their roles. This was one of those times. Never... I mean NEVER in a million years would I have thought Josh would be the panicky parent and I would be the calm and collective one. Funny how kids change you. With this being said. I told Josh to drive and I would sit in back with Easton. He needed something to keep his mind occupied.
By the time we arrived at Urgent care Easton's temperature had shot up to 104 and all she wanted was to be cuddled. So Josh snuggled her while I filled out the paperwork. (side note: when I came to the section requiring Easton's social security number. I looked at Josh and he looked at me and neither of us knew it. Her card was at home and we had never had to use it)
The nurse called us back to the room and began asking us questions... the standard stuff. Is she allergic to anything? Is she taking any medications? ... Then the doctor came in. Apparently they are still hiring Doogie Howsers! He was young, tan and studly. And spoke like a stoned surfer. Hmmm....
He told us he wanted an x-ray of her chest/lungs. We followed the tech guy to the x-ray room. Now what unfolds once we enter the room is absolutely heart breaking!
X-ray Tech: The nurse (he was a male) is going to assist me with getting her chest x-rayed.
Me: Ok
X-ray Tech: He will grab her by her arms and let her hang down in front of the machine.
Me: What?!
X-ray Tech: It won't hurt her. If we lay her down and there is any fluid in her lungs it will level out and we will not get a very clear and accurate reading.
Me: Ok.
The male nurse takes Easton from me and begins to position her. Josh and I step back into the booth. Easton is screaming bloody murder and our poor baby girl was dangling there by her arms crying for us. The tech takes the picture only to realize that she is throwing her head back and blocking some chest area.
X-ray Tech: Dad we are going to need your help. Hold her head forward so it will not block the x-ray of her chest.
Then round two begins. By this time I am tearing up and feeling helpless.
Finally we completed the x-ray torturing and head back to the room. They didn't find any fluid in her lungs and believe it was croup. The doctor sent us home with a breathing treatment machine that we are to do every 4 hours. They also told us to alternate Motrin and Tylenol until the fever breaks.
Of course by the time we leave Urgent care it is 7:30 and we have to head to the Wal-Greens at 81st and State (24 hour pharmacy) to pick up the medication for the breathing treatments. The plot thickens.... The pharmacist says Easton isn't listed on our pharmacy cards. Are you freakin' kidding me! So the pharmacist calls the number listed on back of the card and they confirm they do not have her listed. Seriously.... it's 8:00 at night on a Sunday... there isn't shit we can do about this now. The pharmacist ask us if we still want to get the medication for $150.00? Uh, yeah! I have a sick kid who needs it.
Fortunately, once I got the insurance straightened out on Monday, we were able to go back to Wal-Greens and they reprocessed the prescription with our insurance and credited us.
Monday I took Easton to our regular doctor's office and the Nurse Practitioner confirmed that Easton had croup.
Helping Daddy with her breathing treatment. She was a total Rockstar and didn't cry a bit when we did these. In fact, when the nurse at Urgent Care gave her her first treatment she was very impressed that Easton didn't cry and wasn't scared one bit. 

Not feeling good face.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Little Licker...
For a couple of weeks Easton was into licking things. The trash can, chairs, kitchen utensils, pretty much anything she could get her little hands on. One evening I was able to catch her licking the dishwasher.

Do you see the enthusiasm in her face. Oh, and the tongue hanging out

Target in sight!

Going in for the kill.


Do you see the enthusiasm in her face. Oh, and the tongue hanging out

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