Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Craziness...

We had a fabulous Christmas this year, like we always do. It was merry, bright, filled with butt and gut enlarging foods, gifts galore, plenty of laughs, some naps, and most importantly family and friends.
Christmas eve began with some baking. Josh made a amazing cheesecake with the help of his sous chef. Umm... wait.... the second cheesecake Josh made was AMAZING. The first was black on top and runny in the middle.

They were waiting for the top of the cheesecake to brown so they could knock the temperature down.

Then it was time to bake Santa some chocolate chip cookies. My assistant was most helpful and looked stinking cute in her apron. Though she thought it was a dress.

That evening we exchanged gifts and had dinner with Josh's mom.
Easton didn't even have to open this gift to figure out it was something to ride.

Just before bedtime Easton put milk and cookies out for Santa.

Christmas morning Santa had came and left a rock climbing gym with a slide in our living room!

Can you tell she absolutely LOVES her slide! She really wasn't into opening presents as much as playing with the jungle gym Santa brought. When she goes down it she says "Weeeeeee!"

She wanted to put her boots on, but she couldn't with her footy pajamas. So we striped her down and she rocked the boots with a diaper. Let me tell you she strutted her stuff between all the boxes and wrapping paper.

Most of the time she enjoyed crawling on top of presents than opening them.

After the gifts were open and the dinner was consumed, we had friends from out of town stop by. Easton was a bit of a bully to Blake. He is 3 months younger than Easton and she didn't like him drinking out of her cup or playing with her toys. But we all survived and it was a great learn experience for all of us.

Someone also received a potty. Nope, not Josh. He already has his thrown (wink wink). We aren't hitting potty training hard core yet, but she sits on it and knows that it is there if she is willing to go potty in the big girl potty.

Easton was showered with wonderful gifts and love. She is one lucky and spoiled little girl. It was a great Christmas and we look forward to next year when she will really be into Christmas and Santa!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The best present for a working mom!

This morning I received the greatest gift any working mom could receive. A book. But this just isn't any book. This is a book called...
When I unwrapped the book it only took seeing the front cover to make the tears start flowing. My hearted melted at the fact that I was receiving a small glimpse into my daughter's life while I am away at work for 8+ hours of the day. Of course, Mandy and I hugged each other through tears and I will be forever grateful to her for the love and care she gives our daughter and for the best present a working mom could receive.

This is just a small portion of what's in the book.

Thank you Mandy for taking such amazing care of our daughter. For helping her grow into a bright, funny and loving soul. We love you and appreciate all that you do for us!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree...

A Christmas tradition we started last year when Easton was a wee little baby is buying her a new Christmas ornament every year for her tree. I bought a little 3' tree after Thanksgiving that is pre-lit and perfect in size for her. Of course since last year was the first year and everyone was excited she received just a few more than one. A lot are Baby's 1st Christmas ones, but there a few others that are fun and cute and have nothing to do with her 1st Christmas. The idea behind buying a new Christmas ornament every year is to reflect what went on in Easton's life that year. What happened? What was she into? When I stumbled across this little guy on Hallmark's website I just knew it was the ornament for 2011. It fit Easton to a T...Ball, monkey, and books. Every time she sees an object that is round... it's a ball. She loves monkeys. Her monkey pajamas, saying mokey, and the song 5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed. And she is a bookworm! She loves to try to read, to be read to, to carry around books, and to bring you books.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Christmas Time with The Bosleys

Tis the season....
Which means in the Bosley household we cut down our Christmas tree...

The perfect one must be found...

Daddy does most of the work and we love him for that!

Decorating is soooo much fun! Especially when I can pull out all the ribbon (see pile of red ribbon behind little britches)

Lots of lights is a must!

Lots of ornamets too.
And it wouldn't be Christmas without a John Deere Tractor on your tree...
Of course everyone needs to take a trip to Bass Pro to see Santa...
Lets not forget about the fishies...
A bear... Oh my...

Never too young to learn how to shot...
Hugs for Dada

Santa, I want this!
oooowww presents...
And finally a sit down with Santa!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Our Toddler! Update....

It has been a long time since I've given an Easton update. Geeez... almost 4 months! For the first year of her life I was giving monthly updates and then just like that they come to a holt. The monthly pictures too! We did take her to the doctor for her 15 month check up at the end of October and she weighted 22 lbs. and was 30" long. Here are some of my favorite Easton things:

Her NOOOO as she runs down the hall naked. She does it every night before bath time.
Her wet and sometimes open mouth kisses.
The hugs and pats you receive from her at random moments. She is a lover.
The two white and shiny teeth on bottom and her two that are slowly but surely coming in on top.
Her "Pleeeeaaase" and "Gank You"
The curiosity she has for everything
Her desire to wear chap stick like her Momma
Her need to help. Whether it’s feeding the dogs, giving treats, or throwing something away. She loves to assist.
How ticklish she is on her feet, belly, and thighs.
She is a Momma's girl
Her adorable “Mooooo” when you ask her what sound does a cow make
She is definitely a meat and veggie kind of girl. No carbs for her!
How independent she wants to be
Her love for jumping on her bed, our bed, and couch
Like her daddy, she loves music. Her head bob is adorable!

As hard as it was I picked a couple of my favorite photos from our family photo session with Kelley Photo. She does AMAZING work. We love her! These were taken the last Saturday in October.... a super windy day.