Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mommy thoughts....

  • Shaving my legs is no longer a priority.
  • I totally feel like a milk cow, but I am so determined to nurse for at least 6 months. Anything after that is bonus!
  • I don't care if it spoils her, I am still going to let her sleep on my chest from 4:00 to 6:00 am. It is great snuggle time and I no longer get that during the day since heading back to work.
  • A pony tail is perfectly fine for work.
  • I refuse to pump and dump. I work way to hard for that milk. Hell if I am going to dump it down the drain. Alcohol can wait another three months.
  • The evenings are entirely too short.
  • I no longer care if my panties are inside out. In fact the other morning I was getting dressed and didn't notice they were inside out until I was putting my jeans on. I thought screw it. I gotta go. No time to fix it now.
  • Being a Mom has totally changed my perspective on life.
  • Easton melts my heart every time she flashes me that huge grin.
  • I LOVE to hear Josh talk to Easton and read to her. It is the sweetest thing to hear him chit chat with her while he bathes her, changes her, reads to her, snuggles with her, and so much more! He is so hands on and I am grateful!
  • Breastfeeding is so much harder than I expected. Especially since I am back at work. Easton gets bottles ONLY at daycare. Which means I am on duty seven days a week, but I wouldn't change it for anything! I love that I am able to do this for Easton and gives us great bonding time!
  • It makes me sad that Easton was not able to wear all the cute dresses she received before it turned chili.

One Saturday afternoon we took a family trip to get Josh's hair cut and run some errands. While Josh was getting his haircut there were a couple of girls at the salon getting up-dos for homecoming. So that of course led to the dress conversation once we were done and in the car. Josh simply said "I will be more than happy to go with Easton shopping for a dress for a dance. I will tell her "Yes, that looks good, No I do not like that one, or Hell no you are not wearing that!" And of course I will come home to you and tell you how ridiculously it is that we are paying $400 for a dress that she will wear once." I seriously had to laugh because I was totally that girl. A new dress for every dance and for every sorority formal. Easton is totally going to be that girl! Just wait until he sees how many shoes she will own!
When I put this hat on her Josh said "She looks like she is straight out of Little House on the Prairie."

Daddy and Easton at story time!

Rockin' her pink jacket!

So attempted to use the bumbo... it started like this...

and ended like this... Not quite ready for it.

The morning after she slept through the night for the first time! All smiles.. so was mommy!

Yeah... we have the jacket in brown also! A girl can never have too many clothes!

The bow is huge! But to dang cute!

Monday, September 20, 2010


So I survived my first week back to work. It has been a huge adjustment for me. My morning work routine has totally been made over. I still work in a morning shower, however you can forget about shaving my legs. No time for that. Shaving is strictly reserved for my night time shower. If Josh is lucky ;) Yes, I am one of those people who HAS to take a shower in the morning and before I go to bed. Speaking of being one of those people, I am also one of those people who NEEDS 8 hours of sleep. When I don't get those required 8 hours I become one irritable lady. Needless to say now that I am back to work I am struggling! Easton still gets up around 3:15 AM every night to nurse. By the time we are done at 4:oo AM I am supposed to be up in one hour and thirty minutes. So guess what this mommy does.... we recline back in the nursery rocking chair. Easton sleeps on my chest and I get a solid two and half hours of sleep in. Two and half you wonder? You just said you get up at 5:30 am? This brings me to my next subject.... I am totally late for work every day. Not just 10 or 15 minutes, but like 30 to 45 minutes late. The other day I was an hour and a half late. I just can not make myself get up at 5:30 am when I just went back to bed at 4:00 am . Good thing my boss is so understanding and gets it because he has four kids of his own.

Easton is not sleeping through the night as I stated earlier, but the pediatrician said I was doing great to get 6 hours straight out of her at night. She has found her tongue and loves to stick it out at everyone. This is why in most pictures her tongue is hanging out.

Two Month Pictures Courtesy of MB Bosley Photography ;)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The TIME came....Back to WORK!

"But what if she calls Mandy Mommy!" I sobbed out those words to my husband this past Sunday night. All weekend I was doing just fine. I didn't let myself think about what Monday would hold. I refused to let the sad thoughts enter my head when it was the last weekend of my maternity leave. However, Sunday evening around 10:15 pm I LOST it! Total meltdown! I was in our bedroom getting things ready for tomorrow and it hit me! I would have to take my daughter to daycare in the morning. I would have to leave her for 9 hours! No more afternoon naps, snuggle time, or Mommy and Easton time. That all would have to wait until after 5 pm or the weekends. Monday morning rolled around and Easton must had felt my stress because she woke up every 20 minutes from 1:00 to 4:00 am. Finally at 4:00 am I gave in and reclined in our nursery rocker and she fell asleep for two solid hours on my chest. Needless to say Monday morning we moved slow with a lot of tears. We finally made it out the door at 7:50 am. Once again tears streamed down my face as I made my way to Mandy's house. Crying to my Mom on the phone the entire time. Sunglasses couldn't hide my alligator tears. I was heartbroken to be taking her to daycare. Once we got to Mandy's house and I quickly took Easton out of the car, put her car seat on Mandy's couch, gave her a kiss and jetted before I started sobbing uncontrollably. I made it to my car and let the tears roll and dialed my Mom once again. I cried all the way to work and took a moment in the parking lot to get myself together before going in. I walked straight into my office, sunglasses and all. Before I could even put my stuff down, my temp came bee bopping in . Really! I thought. "Good morning Melissa! How was dropping Easton off at daycare?" she blurted out. Before she could get another sentence out, I cut her off and told her I was ONLY working on emails today. She got my point and left the room before I punched her in her ear. What the hell did she think it was like dropping my daughter off at daycare? A freaking picnic! Hell no, it was awful. Seriously tune in!!! I came in looking like a mess and wearing sunglasses. Have I mentioned my temp annoys the hell out of me. The rest of the day I was in a very calm and solemn mood. However, Mandy did help make my first day back to work much easier. She sent me photos all day long and email updates on how Easton was doing. I called and checked in and she gladly gave a run down of the morning. We are very lucky to have found someone who cares about Easton as much as we do. Her son and daughter love Easton too. They are great entertainment for Easton. So a HUGE thank you goes to Mandy Cook for making my first day manageable and for taking such great care of my daughter. Oh, and my boss sent me home early my first day to get some rest.

That first day was the worst for me. The rest of week, so far, has been tear free. Now that I am back at work Josh and I fight over Easton time. When I was on maternity leave I would hand Easton over to Josh in the evenings, but now that I am back to work he has to pry Easton away from me. I basically suck at sharing her!
If going back to work wasn't bad enough, we also had Easton's two month shots Tuesday. She is weighs 10 lb.s 5 oz. and is 23" long! She as grown 2" since her last appointment! She is happy and healthy. My mom came with me for this appointment because Josh couldn't get off work. Once again my heart was broken! She had no idea it was coming and she cried. Not a I am hungry cry, but one of those ones when she can't catch her breathe. As soon as I picked her up she was fine. But Mommy was not!
Easton with her pink camo band-aids.

It seriously has been the birth week from hell. Daycare, shots, and turning 28. What an emotional roller coaster this week has been.
I celebrated my 28th birthday with family and friends!

Family birthday picture!

Happy 28th Birthday to Mommy and Two Month Birthday to Easton!

One morning before heading over to daycare! Happy as can be!

Easton still LOVES bath time. She just chills! We tried spiking what hair she had, but it didn't work out too well.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

DQ Ice Cream will NEVER be the SAME!

WARNING- This is a little gross and maybe too much information, but hey this is our life!

We have been having poop issues with Easton. Basically in the past 2 1/2 weeks she has pooped twice! No this is not "normal", but she never was fussy or acted any different. I think Josh and I were more worked up about it than her. So our pediatrician told us to give her 1 tablespoon of Dark Karo Syrup in 1 ounce of pedilite or breast milk 3 times a day. After several days of doing this, Little Ms. Thang let it ALL go this past Wednesday. Of course we had plans to meet Aunt Vern for lunch and then head to Babies R Us, but after spending 20 minutes catching poop in anything I could grab we were late for lunch and I decided to nix Babies R Us. It started when I went to get Easton dressed to head out. I opened her diaper and WOW! a full load. I then proceeded to praise her for going pooping! I got her all cleaned up and then it started.... she began pooping uncontrollably. It was like the soft serve ice cream machine at Dairy Queen that would not shut off. I was grabbing wipes, diapers, burp clothes, all while trying to keep her feet and hands out of it. This was the first time she had done this to me or Josh. I seriously was beside myself. After 20 minutes of wiping and catching poop, she finally had got it all out. It was
Our little stinker right after the poop chaos.

P.S. I will never look at DQ ice cream the same way.

I finally put some decorations on Easton's wall. I have had her name since my last shower in June, but I kept moving around the furniture so I never committed to hanging them anywhere. I finally stuck them on the wall. Her room still needs some more, but it is a work in progress.

Here is Easton and her Great Grandma. Easton loved getting lots of snuggle time in with her before she had to return to Arkansas.

These days Easton is all about smiling at you when you talk to her. I haven't been able to get her to giggle, but she is so so so close. Everyone says she doesn't look 9 lbs. she looks smaller. Well Easton is a skinny minnie! She is LONG and doesn't have any belly. So her 9 lbs. comes from length and not width. Right now Easton can't fit into her newborn clothes. They give her a wedgie because she has grown too long for them. However, she can't really fit into the 3 month clothes either. We are kinda in limbo! A lot of the bloomers that go with her 3 month dresses she can't even hold up. I really hope we get to wear some of her cute summer dresses before it turns too cold.

Our little gal!