Friday, February 24, 2012

Pic Friday!

These first two pictures had Josh and I cracking up.


Thursday, February 23, 2012


We have always talked about how blessed we are to have our Mrs. Mandy to watch Easton. I have said and wrote it a million times. We are so lucky to find someone who adores and loves Easton as much as we do. But our world has been flipped upside-down, but not nearly like Mandy’s has. A couple of weeks ago Mandy found out she had breast cancer and cancer in one of her lymph nodes. She may hate me for this, but she is 28. Yes 28… cancer doesn’t discriminate. And it just pisses me off that she has to go through this as such an young age. They caught it early. Thank God! Within a week of removing the cancer, she was given her game plan. Every two weeks for the next 4 months she will receive chemo. After 4 months she will get a short break and jump right into 30 treatments of radiation. Mandy was determined to keep her life as normal as possible and wanted to continue to watch Easton. Seriously what a heart of gold! However, after her first round of chemo she realized that she would not be able to watch Easton until she had completed all her treatments. It would just be too tough on her and not fair to Easton.

When Mandy first told us my heart sunk. As selfish as this may seem, I was mad at the cancer for taking our Mrs. Mandy away from us, even if it was just temporarily. No one will do as good of a job as she does. I have shed many tears over this. Worried beyond belief about taking my baby to a stranger. Mandy was never a stranger. I knew her since… well forever. We may have estranged from each other after high school, but she has never been stranger. I trust Mandy. We have the same ideas when it comes to raising children; firm believers of routine; eat smart; play and enjoy life; read, read, read. I could go on and on. To find someone to live up to Mandy… hmmm… that will never happen. She is definitely irreplaceable. This is hard on Mandy, too. In the end she needs to take care of herself and fully heal. All while trying to still be there for her family. I get that, but I am selfish and want our Mrs. Mandy. I keep telling myself that it is temporary and we will be back into our “normal” routine before we know it!

We have found a lady to watch Easton until Mandy is ready to take on our Easton bug again. She is located in Edwardsville and not too far from parents. She watches two 3year old boys right now. She was been doing if for 31 years. When we left I asked Josh what he thought of this lady. He said "She isn't Mandy." I replied with a simple "Nope, she defintley isn't our Mandy". Of course we are going to compare everyone to Mandy and hold them to the Mandy standard, as I like to call it. But like I said before there will never be another Mandy. Don't get me wrong we are not sending our daugther to some witch. The lady is nice, enjoys kids, and has a good setup for play and nap time, but like I said a million times we just LOVE our Mandy!

So we will suck it up for the next serveral months until we get our Mandy back. Please pray for Mandy to have more good days than bad.

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Josh had a birthday recently... the 10th to be exact. I being the domestic goddess that I am (wink wink) made red velvet cupcakes from scratch. Oh, and they were topped with cream cheese frosting that I also made from scratch. Watch out Betty Crocker... Momma Bosley is in the house. Seriously, it was a great evening with family and even Easton gotta shy when we sang happy birthday to her Daddy. Josh took his some of his birthday money and bought a guitar. Isn't he cute! Now we just need to get him some guitar lessons so he can jam out for Easton and I.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Update on Life...

So I figure I should update everyone on what the heck has been going on at The Bosleys.

It’s been a over month since I started my get skinny journey and I have already ran into a wall. Well not literally, but I have had to stop running due to an injury. At first I ignored the annoying pain on the inside of my ankle and just kept running. I did this for several days. Bad idea! My last run on Tuesday, January 24th did me in. I couldn’t finish my cool down walk. The throbbing was unbearable. So I finally heed my husband’s advice and took a break from running (seriously what do husbands know anyways ;) ) The pain got worse to the point I was almost in tears. I iced it, elevated, and tried my best to stay off it, but that is hard when you have a toddler running around and a job to do. By the end of each day my ankle would become a cankle. I finally scheduled a doctor’s appointment that following Monday. X-rays and a conversation later, he told me exactly what I already knew and was doing. It isn’t fractured or broke. Keeping icing it 5 times a day for 20 minutes and take ibuprofen. What a waste of money! I think I bruised/stretched a tendon and or a muscle on the inside of my ankle, but I am not paying for an MRI to confirm it. Two and a half-weeks later of no running my ankle is much better. I have began running again and have two weeks and three days before my first 5K… Truffle Shuffle. It is the first of many runs on the road to 13.1. So mission hot momma is coming together slowly, but surely. My weight loss to date is 7 lbs as of this morning.
January 4, 2012

February 16, 2012

We have decided to pay Josh’s truck off with income tax. I can’t even explain how exciting this is. To not have any vehicle payments is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. If you remember that was one of my finaical goals for this year so it is great to check that one of the list. Next up… bye bye credit card. Also just in time for income tax… a Tahoe repair. Rats ate my wiring harness in my Tahoe. Yes you read that correctly. I drove it into work two Friday ago and had to have towed home the next day. I work for a construction company and since winter is our slow time our superintendents have been doing a lot of cleaning and reorganizing our shop area. Well it must have stirred up our pack rats because one of them decided to crawl up onto my warm motor and gnaw away at my wiring harness. Good news is that insurance pays for this. In fact, they weren’t surprised when I called it in and said they get lots of claims with rodents eating cars. So $500 later and a week in the shop, I will have a up and running Tahoe!
Oh and our crazy diaper running around toddler... also known as Easton bug. Bath time seems to be the only time I can get her to stop long enough to snap pictures of her. She is one busy little lady.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

First Haircut!

We decided it was finally time to cut Easton's hair. As much as I wanted to let it grow out into thick flowing curly locks, it just wasn't happening. Poor baby has her Momma's hair. Fine and thin. So Saturday, Febuary 4th we headed to Uptown Image for our 11:30 pm appointment with our cousin Jessi. Though it took less than 5 minutes and we only cut her bangs, she looks so much older. The baby face and 'do is gone. Heartbreaking for this Momma.

Sitting in the chair like a big girl

Once the cap was put on she was done with sitting in the chair by herself. It scared her. Maybe it was the wild print?

Beautiful! Thank you cousin Jessi!

Doesn't the new 'do make her look so much like a little kid.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Caught Red Handed!

Look who got caught red handed! (Don't judge the outfit.)

We have had fabulous weather her in Kansas and we are making the most of it!

Even if it is a little windy!
Rocking our boots and skirt