We have been having poop issues with Easton. Basically in the past 2 1/2 weeks she has pooped twice! No this is not "normal", but she never was fussy or acted any different. I think Josh and I were more worked up about it than her. So our pediatrician told us to give her 1 tablespoon of Dark Karo Syrup in 1 ounce of pedilite or breast milk 3 times a day. After several days of doing this, Little Ms. Thang let it ALL go this past Wednesday. Of course we had plans to meet Aunt Vern for lunch and then head to Babies R Us, but after spending 20 minutes catching poop in anything I could grab we were late for lunch and I decided to nix Babies R Us. It started when I went to get Easton dressed to head out. I opened her diaper and WOW! a full load. I then proceeded to praise her for going pooping! I got her all cleaned up and then it started.... she began pooping uncontrollably. It was like the soft serve ice cream machine at Dairy Queen that would not shut off. I was grabbing wipes, diapers, burp clothes, all while trying to keep her feet and hands out of it. This was the first time she had done this to me or Josh. I seriously was beside myself. After 20 minutes of wiping and catching poop, she finally had got it all out. It was
Our little stinker right after the poop chaos.
P.S. I will never look at DQ ice cream the same way.
I finally put some decorations on Easton's wall. I have had her name since my last shower in June, but I kept moving around the furniture so I never committed to hanging them anywhere. I finally stuck them on the wall. Her room still needs some more, but it is a work in progress.
I finally put some decorations on Easton's wall. I have had her name since my last shower in June, but I kept moving around the furniture so I never committed to hanging them anywhere. I finally stuck them on the wall. Her room still needs some more, but it is a work in progress.
Here is Easton and her Great Grandma. Easton loved getting lots of snuggle time in with her before she had to return to Arkansas.

These days Easton is all about smiling at you when you talk to her. I haven't been able to get her to giggle, but she is so so so close. Everyone says she doesn't look 9 lbs. she looks smaller. Well Easton is a skinny minnie! She is LONG and doesn't have any belly. So her 9 lbs. comes from length and not width. Right now Easton can't fit into her newborn clothes. They give her a wedgie because she has grown too long for them. However, she can't really fit into the 3 month clothes either. We are kinda in limbo! A lot of the bloomers that go with her 3 month dresses she can't even hold up. I really hope we get to wear some of her cute summer dresses before it turns too cold.
Our little gal!
Melissa I love your blog!! Also the pics of your adorable little angel! You have to bring her next time you come in.