Monday, August 30, 2010

Tiblow Days Parade, Life Style Change, and Over Half Way there!

This past Saturday Easton attended her first parade at Tiblow Days. Yes, she is only 6 weeks old and yes, she slept through the majority of it, but I a huge believer in starting traditions early. The noise from the cars, fire trucks, motorcycles, dirt bikes or the bands did not even phase her. In fact I think the noise soothed and put her to sleep. She did stay awake briefly to watch some politicians, a band, and a couple of fire trucks.

Guess who got a new toy in their crib!!!! She loves to lay in there and look at herself. She coos away!

Right after bath time

People ask all the time how we are doing and if we are settling in. Well below are just some of the things we are getting use to, some random experiences and thoughts....

1. Grocery Shopping with a baby.... If you have toilet paper, paper towels and diapers on your list and Easton is with you.... you are screwed.... right off the bat you will need two shopping carts. So sometimes Wal-Mart is a family affair in order to get all the necessities!

2. My husband asked me the other day "Are we ever going to go to bed a the same time again?!" I responded with "Not any time in the near future." Our evening routine is bath time at 8:00 pm, nurse right after- around 8:30 pm , I pump for 30 to 45 minutes (lord knows I gotta drain those suckers so I don't wake up at 3:00 am with boobies the size of watermelons.) Of course before I shower, I run around like a mad woman trying to finish random tasks that never got completed through out the day. Then lastly I shower and get ready for bed. If Easton gets up I nurse, but if I am lucky she sleeps until 2:00 0r 3:00 am and I can go straight to bed. So I am in bed anywhere from 10:00 pm to midnight. Since it has been so hot, Josh has been going to bed around 9:00 pm. Wow how our bed time routine has changed.

3. While on maternity leave the majority of my time has been spent nursing. Seriously, A LOT OF TIME. During the day I nurse every two to two and a half hours. This being said. I see no point in getting "dressed". My attire for almost every day (assuming we are not expecting company) is a nursing bra and cut off jogging pants that I made into shorts. Yep, I run around my house in the bare minimum. It is so much easier and quicker to not have to deal with a shirt. Josh has totally gotten use to it and comes to expect it in fact. I think if I was fully dressed when he came home he would be in total shock. Believe in simplifying.

4. Excited about going to Wal-Mart for groceries... who knew! There was a time, pre-pregnancy, when I dreaded going to Wal-Mart to get groceries, but these days I live for it! I spend most of my day cuddling and taking care of Easton. So when grocery time rolls around every two weeks I more than happy to leave Easton with Daddy for a couple of hours and head out to get the Bosleys some food! I am telling you my priorities have totally changed!

I went to the doctor this past Friday for my six week follow up visit. I am happy to report that I have lost 37 of the 60 pounds I gained during my pregnancy!!!! That is over half and I am thrilled! Now I am total lose baby weight mode!

1 comment:

  1. She just gets more adorable every single post. It's funny how the little things (like grocery shopping) make you happy after having kids. I'm glad to hear that Easton is a good baby, it really does make everything easier.
