So I survived my first week back to work. It has been a huge adjustment for me. My morning work routine has totally been made over. I still work in a morning shower, however you can forget about shaving my legs. No time for that. Shaving is strictly reserved for my night time shower. If Josh is lucky ;) Yes, I am one of those people who HAS to take a shower in the morning and before I go to bed. Speaking of being one of those people, I am also one of those people who NEEDS 8 hours of sleep. When I don't get those required 8 hours I become one irritable lady. Needless to say now that I am back to work I am struggling! Easton still gets up around 3:15 AM every night to nurse. By the time we are done at 4:oo AM I am supposed to be up in one hour and thirty minutes. So guess what this mommy does.... we recline back in the nursery rocking chair. Easton sleeps on my chest and I get a solid two and half hours of sleep in. Two and half you wonder? You just said you get up at 5:30 am? This brings me to my next subject.... I am totally late for work every day. Not just 10 or 15 minutes, but like 30 to 45 minutes late. The other day I was an hour and a half late. I just can not make myself get up at 5:30 am when I just went back to bed at 4:00 am . Good thing my boss is so understanding and gets it because he has four kids of his own.
Easton is not sleeping through the night as I stated earlier, but the pediatrician said I was doing great to get 6 hours straight out of her at night. She has found her tongue and loves to stick it out at everyone. This is why in most pictures her tongue is hanging out.
Two Month Pictures Courtesy of MB Bosley Photography ;)

Easton is so stinking cute! It sounds like you both are doing well, so glad to hear it!