"But what if she calls Mandy Mommy!" I sobbed out those words to my husband this past Sunday night. All weekend I was doing just fine. I didn't let myself think about what Monday would hold. I refused to let the sad thoughts enter my head when it was the last weekend of my maternity leave. However, Sunday evening around 10:15 pm I LOST it! Total meltdown! I was in our bedroom getting things ready for tomorrow and it hit me! I would have to take my daughter to daycare in the morning. I would have to leave her for 9 hours! No more afternoon naps, snuggle time, or Mommy and Easton time. That all would have to wait until after 5 pm or the weekends. Monday morning rolled around and Easton must had felt my stress because she woke up every 20 minutes from 1:00 to 4:00 am. Finally at 4:00 am I gave in and reclined in our nursery rocker and she fell asleep for two solid hours on my chest. Needless to say Monday morning we moved slow with a lot of tears. We finally made it out the door at 7:50 am. Once again tears streamed down my face as I made my way to Mandy's house. Crying to my Mom on the phone the entire time. Sunglasses couldn't hide my alligator tears. I was heartbroken to be taking her to daycare. Once we got to Mandy's house and I quickly took Easton out of the car, put her car seat on Mandy's couch, gave her a kiss and jetted before I started sobbing uncontrollably. I made it to my car and let the tears roll and dialed my Mom once again. I cried all the way to work and took a moment in the parking lot to get myself together before going in. I walked straight into my office, sunglasses and all. Before I could even put my stuff down, my temp came bee bopping in . Really! I thought. "Good morning Melissa! How was dropping Easton off at daycare?" she blurted out. Before she could get another sentence out, I cut her off and told her I was ONLY working on emails today. She got my point and left the room before I punched her in her ear. What the hell did she think it was like dropping my daughter off at daycare? A freaking picnic! Hell no, it was awful. Seriously tune in!!! I came in looking like a mess and wearing sunglasses. Have I mentioned my temp annoys the hell out of me. The rest of the day I was in a very calm and solemn mood. However, Mandy did help make my first day back to work much easier. She sent me photos all day long and email updates on how Easton was doing. I called and checked in and she gladly gave a run down of the morning. We are very lucky to have found someone who cares about Easton as much as we do. Her son and daughter love Easton too. They are great entertainment for Easton. So a HUGE thank you goes to Mandy Cook for making my first day manageable and for taking such great care of my daughter. Oh, and my boss sent me home early my first day to get some rest.
That first day was the worst for me. The rest of week, so far, has been tear free. Now that I am back at work Josh and I fight over Easton time. When I was on maternity leave I would hand Easton over to Josh in the evenings, but now that I am back to work he has to pry Easton away from me. I basically suck at sharing her!
If going back to work wasn't bad enough, we also had Easton's two month shots Tuesday. She is weighs 10 lb.s 5 oz. and is 23" long! She as grown 2" since her last appointment! She is happy and healthy. My mom came with me for this appointment because Josh couldn't get off work. Once again my heart was broken! She had no idea it was coming and she cried. Not a I am hungry cry, but one of those ones when she can't catch her breathe. As soon as I picked her up she was fine. But Mommy was not!
Easton with her pink camo band-aids.
It seriously has been the birth week from hell. Daycare, shots, and turning 28. What an emotional roller coaster this week has been.

Happy 28th Birthday to Mommy and Two Month Birthday to Easton!

Easton is growing like a weed and is cuter than ever. I know going back to work is tough, but it'll get easier. Have a good weekend with your baby girl :)
ReplyDeleteEaston is SO cute, I can’t believe how big she is getting already. Keep the pics coming! ;-)