Family picture before we hit the road...

What Easton did most of the ride down there.

Five Generation Picture.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010 Doctors Appointment:
This past Tuesday Easton and I headed to the doctor for a check up. I must say that I was SUPER proud of myself. Our appointment was at 9:15 am and I managed to be on time! This is a big deal since this is the first time I had to get Easton ready and myself without any help. I was totally on my own! It was a very proud moment for me. While at the doctors office, Easton manages to spit up on me twice. I change her diaper before we weigh her, only for her to poop in it as soon as I get the new one on. I think she was testing me since I was on my own. She wanted to see if I could handle all of it. I did! Easton now weighs 9 lbs. and 2 oz. Her height is 21 inches. She great head control and is staying awake for longer periods of time. She loves looking around at her surroundings. She is such a joy and we love watching her learn and grow.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010, we made the decision to move our little girl into her crib. She has grown so much in length that she could no longer stretch out her legs without hitting the sides of the bassinet. I must say this made me panic for several reasons. One this means my baby is growing and getting bigger and will soon be going off to college (I know a little dramatic, but this is what I thought). Two she will not be right next to me in her bassinet where I can hover over her like a crazy mommy to make sure she is breathing, not choking, didn't roll over, or suffocate herself with her blanket. I know, I know.... I am worrying way too much, but I am now a Mom so this is what I will do until the day I die... Worry and Care about my kids. This was a great milestone for Easton, but a very sad one for Mommy and Daddy. I mentioned to Josh that I would just sleep in the nursery rocking chair and he said "Well then I am sleeping on floor in there." We did not end up sleeping in the nursery. Instead I turned the volume on the monitor up to max so I could hear her every whimper, grunt, gasp and cry. I also checked on her fifty million times before I finally feel asleep.
First night in the crib...

Below are some pictures I snapped while Easton was laying in her crib enjoying her mobile!
Melissa, she is absolutely adorable! I am so impressed that you made it on time to your 9:15 appointment. I'm running around like a crazy woman for our 11:30 appointments! Sounds like you guys are doing well!
ReplyDeleteEaston is gorgeous! I love the crib pictures. Such a precious doll!
ReplyDeleteOMG! This is wonderful! She is beautiful and I am not just saying that because we're related either! How considerate of you to keep everyone updated like this just after having your first! Lucky us! I sure wish I could have been in Douglas for the reunion! I haven't been there since Grandma left to live with Marian. One day I will be there and get caught up! Thanks again for taking the time to do this AND I got your card.
ReplyDeleteLove to All,