Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Easton the GREAT LISTENER! Hot Damn!

Some days I think Josh and I rock as parents. Other days, not so much. Monday night we were freaking rockstars!

Monday after the kids poured out of the gymnastics room, the gymnastics teacher begam walking towards Easton and I. As she is making her way towards us, my first thought was "Crap, what did she do. Bite, hit, push". I have no reason to think these things at all. Easton is a great kid, but I instantly thought the worst and that she was in trouble. I cringed at the sight of the teacher walking towards us.

Boy, was I wrong! The teacher told me how great of a listener Easton always is during class. That she followed instructions very well and was such a good kid. Awww, my heart beamed with pride! During class she had told Easton she was such a great listener and that she was going to tell her Momma. As the teach is telling me these things, Easton is grinning from ear to ear with pride. As we put her coat on, I told Easton good news from teachers = milkshake from McDonalds!

It was for sure a proud parenting moment. One of those moments you think "We are raising a wonderful little girl. Hot damn, we are doing things right!". Seriously though, I was very proud of our Bug and even more excited I wasn't wasting $50 every month.... just kidding... kinda.

With a vanilla milkshake in hand, we called Daddy to share the news!

Our little dancing diva that night at dance class:

Here Easton is loving her milkshake!