It’s been a over month since I started my get skinny journey and I have already ran into a wall. Well not literally, but I have had to stop running due to an injury. At first I ignored the annoying pain on the inside of my ankle and just kept running. I did this for several days. Bad idea! My last run on Tuesday, January 24th did me in. I couldn’t finish my cool down walk. The throbbing was unbearable. So I finally heed my husband’s advice and took a break from running (seriously what do husbands know anyways ;) ) The pain got worse to the point I was almost in tears. I iced it, elevated, and tried my best to stay off it, but that is hard when you have a toddler running around and a job to do. By the end of each day my ankle would become a cankle. I finally scheduled a doctor’s appointment that following Monday. X-rays and a conversation later, he told me exactly what I already knew and was doing. It isn’t fractured or broke. Keeping icing it 5 times a day for 20 minutes and take ibuprofen. What a waste of money! I think I bruised/stretched a tendon and or a muscle on the inside of my ankle, but I am not paying for an MRI to confirm it. Two and a half-weeks later of no running my ankle is much better. I have began running again and have two weeks and three days before my first 5K… Truffle Shuffle. It is the first of many runs on the road to 13.1. So mission hot momma is coming together slowly, but surely. My weight loss to date is 7 lbs as of this morning.
January 4, 2012

February 16, 2012

We have decided to pay Josh’s truck off with income tax. I can’t even explain how exciting this is. To not have any vehicle payments is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. If you remember that was one of my finaical goals for this year so it is great to check that one of the list. Next up… bye bye credit card. Also just in time for income tax… a Tahoe repair. Rats ate my wiring harness in my Tahoe. Yes you read that correctly. I drove it into work two Friday ago and had to have towed home the next day. I work for a construction company and since winter is our slow time our superintendents have been doing a lot of cleaning and reorganizing our shop area. Well it must have stirred up our pack rats because one of them decided to crawl up onto my warm motor and gnaw away at my wiring harness. Good news is that insurance pays for this. In fact, they weren’t surprised when I called it in and said they get lots of claims with rodents eating cars. So $500 later and a week in the shop, I will have a up and running Tahoe!
Oh and our crazy diaper running around toddler... also known as Easton bug. Bath time seems to be the only time I can get her to stop long enough to snap pictures of her. She is one busy little lady.
Oh and our crazy diaper running around toddler... also known as Easton bug. Bath time seems to be the only time I can get her to stop long enough to snap pictures of her. She is one busy little lady.
Congrats on your weight loss journey. I'm already thinking of getting these pregnancy pounds off! Easton is adorable and seems as happy as ever!
ReplyDeleteDang girl, lookin' good!