A little behind on this post, but better late than never. We went for Easton's 18 month check up and she is as healthy as a horse. Dr. Yu gave us the go ahead to start giving Easton 2% milk and told us how lucky I was to have such a happy and good baby. He has no idea how grateful I am for this and how often I thank God for such a blessing. Meal times are going great as long as those teeth aren't bothering her she eats like a champ. Easton sleeps through the night with the occasional wake up from teeth, but no complaints here. Easton is built like her Momma. Long arms, broad shoulders and a long torso. So long sleeves can be tricky and most of her 18 mo tops are too small.
24.8 lbs.
Size 5 diaper
18-24 mo. clothes. (depending on brands. She can wear a 2T from Old Navy!)
Easton loves...
Bath time. She plays and splashes around like a mad woman!
Her dollies.
Climbing on the kitchen chairs.
Being outside and playing.
Books. She can listen to someone read books all day long to her. She even sets on the floor and reads them to her self. It is adorable.
Good home cooked meals. She is a food lover!
I want to remember....
-Her I love you which sounds more like "Wove gu"
-How sweet her "Pleeeease" is and her heart melting her "Thank You"
-The stool. AKA Easton's sidekick! She carries that thing everywhere... the kitchen, her bathroom, our bathroom, the bedroom, closet.
-Her obsession with Poop. When I change her diaper she says "Poopie?". Or she will pound on the door and say "Poopie".
-Her curiosity and sense of adventure.
-Ms. Independent.
-When you ask her if she wants to brush her teeth- she opens her mouth and says "awwww"
-The way she sings the first part of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
-Her dance moves and love for music!
-Her eagerness to help. Whether it is with laundry, dinner, setting the table, or putting things up. She loves to assist!
-She knows when we are leaving and tells people "Bye". Even an entire restaurant. They must know we are departing.
-She loves the tickle monster. The belly laugh comes out in full force.
-She has discovered what it means to hide. The little stinker hides under tables and behinds things.
-Her love for crayons. Not only for coloring, but as a snack also.
-Her "Sorry", hugs, and kisses when she as hurt someone.
-Morning snuggle time. She will snuggle with you forever in the mornings after she wakes up. It is the most heart melting, calming thing ever.
- Her giggles when she toots!
-When she wants you to pick her up: "Here, Here, Here" both are hands up and grabbing at the air.

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