I am not really in to New Year Resolutions. Not my thing. I have tried in the past only to be setup for disappointment. So my friends I like to fill you in on the Bosley’s 2012 Goals. Goals seem much more achievable.
Josh and I are making 2012 the year of pay off and nest egg. Last winter we paid my Tahoe off and this coming winter Josh’s truck will be paid off. Which means NO VEHICLE PAYMENTS! Holla! Which means this year we will be dumping money into our savings to build a bigger cushion. We will also be working towards paying off a credit card and saving for a couple of home improvement projects. There will be no major pricey purchases in the Bosley household this year. Of course unless there is an emergency, but by golly it better be a damn good emergency. I have plans for this year and I would appreciate them not being screwed up. Fingers crossed for no hiccups!
Enjoy our family of three. One day it will no longer be just the three of us. So while we can, we want to give Easton 100% of our attention. Have adventures, take trips, and just enjoy activities with her before we become a family of four one day or she no longer wants to do them with us. You know we aren’t always going to be cool. Embrace our little toddler in 2012!
Oh marriage, how perfectly imperfect you are. We argue, get pissy, tired and cranky, but we also love each other, soar with the good times, and nap when we can. Like I said our marriage is perfectly imperfect. 2012 here is to clinching a tighter bond and 4 years of marriage.
Now on to my personal goals for the year. I will be turning 30 on September 16th. Yikes! So what better time than now to work on the belly that jiggles like a bowl full of jelly.
So begins operation lose this baby weight. Geezzz… Easton has been out of this belly for 18 months now and it still looks like I am 3 months pregnant. Just how am I a going to accomplish this? Torture, embarrassment, and hopefully, reward in the end.
Torture. I am training for a half-marathon in October (thank you Lexie Manning for the motivation). I used to run. Even did cycling and kickboxing. I used to enjoy it. But exercise became obsolete the fall of 2009 when pregnant sleep comma set in. Then I had Easton and well I just didn’t care enough to work out. I was more focused on being a working mom that successfully breastfed for a year and spent her time enjoying her daughter. Then just before Christmas this year I was lucky enough to snag a treadmill from work. Making it easier to run after Easton is in bed or in the mornings before she wakes up. So I am going to exercise my booty off (literally) in order to conquer a half-marathon in 2012. Along the way I will be doing 5K, 10k, and other runs in order to keep mini-goals in front of me. Kind of like a little mini-boost of confidence.
The embarrassment part…
This picture was taken after completing the Bonner Springs Tiblow Trot on August 29, 2009. That was one proud moment!

Now this picture was taken on January 4, 2012. Present. Seriously, look at the tire I got going on. I will post a picture once a month. Hopefully it will be my skinny timeline!
(Pardon my super dirty bathroom mirror!)

Reward… being that I conquered a Half-Marathon, I am back to my pre-baby weight, and I am a much healthier person.
In all, we are hoping for a calm, inexpensive, healthy, family orientated, 13.1 mile kind of year.