Easton will shake her head from left to right like a crazy mad woman. She thinks it is the funniest thing to do. However, it isn't so funny when we tell her no and she does it.
She launches her highchair tray. I am not talking about some dainty nudge. I am talking about knees pulled to the chest, legs fully extended with full force and like a Frisbee the tray lofts through the air and the dogs go scurrying out of the way! Of course she thinks it is the best thing ever!
Speaking of dogs. Easton thinks it is the greatest thing in the world to say "dog" with her arm fully extended over the side of the tray, food in hand and feed her puppy dogs. Mommy and Daddy on the other hand are spending dinner telling her no and the dogs no.
She is a full fledged walker and has mastered going from a sitting position to standing up and walking without any assistance from the furniture. She can boogie along. Crawling has become a thing of the past. I must say that she looks so cute walking. All waddlely and arms shrugged up for balance.
So every night we rock Easton before we lay her down in bed. If I don't grab the blanket on the back of the chair and snuggler her in it, she will yank on it until I do. It has become a nightly ritual. She must have her blanket draped over when she is being rocked.
Sneaky... sneaky! We don't let Easton play with remotes of cell phones. For the simple fact they are not kid toys and she has an abundance of toys she can play with. Also I don't want her to throw a fit because she wants it when we need to use it. So there are certain occasions when Josh or I will leave the remote in reach of her little hands. Boy does she snatch it up and will take off running. Belly giggling the entire time because she knows she isn't supposed to have it and we will chase after her.
Speaking of chasing... Easton loves to be chased. She tries to walk faster to get away from us but gets to excited and falls all while laughing her little heart out.
We rearranged our living room and put our couch in front of our gas fireplace. For the simple reasons that we need more space for toys, we never used our gas fireplace, and we needed to change it up. We had to leave our couch out enough from the fireplace wall so that it could recline. That left just enough room for little britches to fit behind our couch. She loves it. We don't mind it and will let her run behind there and play until she pops open the bottom panel of the fireplace where the handle is to control the gas. Yep, she is a stinker!
Easton has learned the concept of 1...2...3! When ever you say it to her she knows that something excited is going to happen. Whether it is jumping of the ottoman, in the air or on our bed. She loves the phrase 1...2...3!

I can't believe how big she is getting! She's such a doll!