Note: I started working on this post over a week and half ago and still have yet to finish it because just when I think I got all the fun new things Easton is doing covered she surprises us with something new. It is crazy how fast she is picking up on things!)
August 16th was a big day for the Bosleys. Not only was it my hubby and I's 3rd anniversary, but Easton turned 13 months! Seriously it seems like we have been married forever... in a good way. These past years have been CRAZY! In '08 we got hitched!, '09 bought our first house and I got knocked up ;) , '10 we welcomed Easton Blondell into our lives and in '11 I got knocked up again! Hmm.... just kidding! We are laying low in the baby department these days. It will be a couple more years before we go round 2.
So normally on the anniversary post I would go on and on about how much I love my husband, how great of a father he is, how blissfully happy we are, blah, blah, blah. You all know this already. I say it all the time. So I will spare you this one time :). Instead I am going to talk about our lives. The day in and out. The craziness of a toddler. Yep, as of July 16th we are proud new owners of a toddler!
Our day begins when Josh's fog horn goes off at 5:00 AM. It then continues to go off every ten minutes until 5:30 AM. Then cue my alarm and we have symphony of alarms going off in our bedroom at 5:30 AM. Which Easton some how manages to sleep through. I roll out of bed and head to do the morning pee, let the dogs out and feed them, then I feed myself. Usually a bowl of cereal while cruising facebook or working on the blog. I like to say it is my 20 mins. of me time. Then off to the shower to become human and alert. Following the morning shower I kiss my husband good-by, dress, blow dry hair and its off to the kitchen. I gather Easton's things for daycare, put my lunch together, load my car, let the dogs out again and then head into Easton's room to wake her up.
Now this is my favorite time in the morning. It's our time. I scope Easton out of bed and we cuddle in the recliner. She snuggles up to me and I rock her as she begins to wake up. She will just lay there on my chest for as long as I want. The house is quiet, no lights are on and it is just Easton and me having our morning snuggles before we take on the day. I do this every morning no mater how late I am running or what is going on. I always make time to snuggle with Easton as there will come a time when she no longer wants to. Then it's a quick diaper change and we are out the door on our way to Mrs. Mandy's house.
I have come to the conclusion that Easton plays hard at Mandy's house. Over the summer she had to keep up with Ethan, 5 and Ava, 2. Now since school has started it's just the girls, Ava, Easton and Mandy. She has a very busy day at the Cook household.
Lately I have been picking Easton up from daycare after work. We head home to start dinner and eat at 6:00 pm. We play until 7:30 pm and then it is on to bath time! Which Easton loves! Josh and I take turns giving Easton and bath. Ideally we started out with the motto of you do bath, bottle and bed, but little miss Easton isn't letting that happen. If I am sitting down stairs while Josh is giving her part of her bottle, she will whine and reach out for me. Of course this breaks my heart so I finish giving her bottle. Around 8:00 pm one of us takes Easton up to her room where we read two books and finish giving her her bottle. At 8:30 pm we lay her down in her bed. The ritual is the sheep must be making the ocean noise, the turtle must be lite up placing star and the moon on the wall and you lay Easton on her back. Take her blanket and cover her up then she rolls to her belly and tucks up into a ball. We do this every night and without any tears!
So that is our weekday life in a nutshell.
I always telling myself "I hope I can remember all the little things about Easton 20 years from now." The funny, cute and crazy things Easton is doing right now. I am going to share some of those little things....
* She loves to comb her hair. After bath and tell her to comb your hair and she knows exactly what to do. It is so stinkin' cute!

(Don't mind the shiner. She feel on a corner of a book at Nana and Grandpas)
*She loves to be chased! Especially down the hall.
*Her vocabularry is expanding everyday: Bottle=baba, Book=boo, Uh Oh, Duckey
*Dare devil and a climber!
*Easton loves whole milk just as much as breastmilk. It was a super easy transition and Easton has officially been on cow's milk since the first week in August.
*This week we have began the process of getting rid of the bottle. This week we dropped her morning bottle and replaced it with a sippy cup. She has been using the sippy cup since she was six months old so replacing the morning bottle hasn't even phased her. This weekend we will drop the afternoon bottle. Then next week the evening bottle. Good-by to bottle cleaning! Yippie! I can tell she is ready and this is a great time to make the transition.
*Can you see them! Look real close! Ladies and gentlemen we finally have teeth coming in! TWO pearly whites are making their way through. And boy are we paying for those suckers through some pretty foul diapers and lots of chewing!

*Where's Easton's belly button?! Easton loves to show off her belly button and has no problem lifting up her shirt to do so.
*She gives hugs and kisses all the time! To everyone and anything thing, i.e. her rocking horse. *She will bring you a book, climb onto your lap and flip the pages as you read to her. She doesn't care if it is the hundrenth time you read "Good Night Moon". She loves books and to be read to!
Oh, and we have taken out the bumpers in her crib. We also figured we should take out the mobile. The crib looks so naked and it really got to me when I was putting them away. She really is a toddler!
*Easton has found her nostril! Ooh, there is a hole in my nose that my finger fits into! Fun!

*She is still a great eater! Though there are times she hates grapes at breakfast then LOVES them at lunch! Of course she loves her ice cream!