This was Easton first 4th of July! This time last year I was a hot, swollen, pregnant mess and that I would pop any day. Anyways, we had a very busy weekend that didn't allow for many naps, but Easton was a trooper and went with the flow. Saturday I spent the majority of my day working on Easton's birthday stuff. Though I got a lot accomplished, I still have some minor projects to finish in the next couple of weeks. Sunday we headed to McLouth Lake to visit friends in from Chicago. Of course me being me and Josh... well being influenced by me... we packed and brought everything we thought we may need. This included a highchair, pack n play, several blankets, food, several changes of clothes, camera, toys, inflatable pool and the list keeps going. But hey, I would much rather be prepared then stuck with out something. Well packed and prepared = fun trip for EVERYONE! We also had a huge event happen this weekend... Easton took her first steps, but more on that in a separate post. On to the pictures...
Before we headed to the lake...

Kim, Colby, Josh, Me, Blake and Easton

Easton and Blake playing in there kiddy pool.

She LOVED the pool and is quite the dare devil.

So we left the kiddy pool at the lake house Sunday so that Blake could use it the rest of the week. Monday daddy went to Wal-Mart in search of new pool for Easton to play in and came back with a bigger kiddy pool which she loved. Like I said before Easton has no fear. We sat her down to check out her pool and she crawled into it clothes and all. So striped her wet clothes off her and she went baby dipping.

4th of July with Nana

Cruising the neighborhood with Daddy on the 4th.

Watching fireworks with Grandpa. She loved them all... loud, high pitched, bright, flashing....
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