Like I said the Bosley household has been super busy. Which means we were about a week late getting Easton's 11 month pictures taken and even later getting them up on the blog. Nonetheless, she is a 11 months and a full of energy! Some highlights of the past month...
- Food... she loves to eat. EVERYTHING! Well almost everything. We have booted babyfood and have gone to "adult" food. She feeds her self... well the best she can. A lot ends up in the highchair or overboard, but she enjoys feeding herself. The dogs are also enjoying this phase too!
- Talking- EVERYTHING is a dog. She points a the ceiling fan.. dog? She points at me... dog? Yes, she sometimes will point at the dogs and say dog. She has the whole Dada and Mama thing down and now knows to associate me with mama and Josh with dada. No... she will say no to us, Nana, the dogs, whoever. Baby... This one as a couple of different versions, Babe, Baba and Baby. My theory where this came from is 10% me because I will say Heeeyyy Baba to her on occasion. But the other 90% is from little Ms. Ava and Mr. Ethan Cook (Mandy's daughter and son) every morning they say "Good morning Baby when we come in or "Hi baby" or "Can I hold Baby" or something Baby. If you can't tell they LOVE Easton.
- Still in size 3 diapers.
- I have officially stopped nursing so she gets 8 oz. of breakmilk in a bottle three times a day. We have started putting breastmilk in a sippy cup at breakfast time. She does fabulous with it! We are slowly transitioning away from the bottle to the sippy cup.
- Oh clothes... The other day she wore a 3-6 mo. onesie. I know... seriously. She can wear 12 month onesies, but they are a little big around he belly and legs. Length they are perfect. Now bottoms... she needs 6-9 months. So basically we have WIDE range of clothes in the closet!
- She has taken a few steps, but she really isn't walking. Just cruising the furniture, baby gates and whatever else she can cling on to. Easton can stand by herself for long periods of time.
- She now has attitude! Like her Daddy! Ha! Wants what she wants when she wants it! But that rarely comes out and majority of the time she is our happy giggly little girl!
- She still doesn't have a single tooth! Crazy, I know.
-She is our little dare devil. She loves to be thrown in the air and fears nothing.
-She is still a great sleeper and continues to sleep through the night for us.
- Peek-a-boo is one of her favorite games. She loves to run/walk around our ottman and be chased!
-When you ask her where your nose is... she will point to your nose.
-Loves to climb up you and onto the ottman. I pretty sure the ottman was the best purchased ever!!!
Weight- 18lbs. 1 oz.
Height- 28"
Hair bows are no longer an option. She loves to yank them off her head so currently we are boycotting them.