I never thought I would be on all fours crawling out of my daughter's room just to avoid her waking up and seeing me.
I never thought I would be thrilled to spend my Friday and Saturday nights with my favorite little gal.
I never thought I would make it this long nursing. My first goal was 6 months and 10 months later here we are enjoying every minute. I couldn't be prouder of the two of us.
I tell people ALL THE TIME that we have the world's greatest baby! Seriously... I know I am a little bias because I am her Mom, but she really is the happiest, smiliest, lovable, self-soothing, best eating, greatest personality baby I have ever seen. She is just so happy go lucky and is all smiles 99% of the time. (can you tell I am one proud Momma!) We are VERY blessed to have such a wonderful little girl.
Those are just some of my Mommy thoughts there many more stuck in my head, but I will save them for another post.
On to Mother's Day.... I am such a brat! Really, but it all could have been avoided if my lovely husband went a different route. The story... My cousin's college graduation was the Saturday before Mother's Day in Conway, Arkansas. This meant Easton I would be in Arkansas with my family for Mother's Day while Josh was here (he couldn't get off work). So we decided to celebrate Mother's Day the Sunday before. Well that Saturday before we celebrated Mother's Day Josh tells me I have a receipt from Wal-Mart, but I can't give it to you because it has stuff on it you can't see. My thoughts to his comment "What the hell do I want from Wal-Mart for Mother's Day? Geez" Welp Sunday evening rolled around and after dinner Josh took Easton down to the garage to gather my gift. Five minutes later he comes up the stairs holding Easton who has 3 DVD movies and two cards piled on her. Alright here is where the brat comes out.... Instantly I think to myself... " I barely have time to watch 30 minute shows how the hell am I going to watch 6 hours of movies!" Then I tried my damnist to put my big girl panties on and fake excitement and thankfulness. Apparently I sucked at it because Josh makes the comment as he is walking out the door to go mow "Don't look so disappointed." I think to myself, "How do I not look disappointed when I am crushed. This is my first Mother's Day and you get me movies!"Of course I only respond with "Well I thought you would get something more Motherly." Josh heads out the door to mow. In times like these what does every Mom do? Call there Mom. I grabbed my cell phone....
Me: Mom, I am so disappointed.
Mom: Why? What happened?
Me: Josh got me movies for Mother's Day!" (now the tears are flowing)
Mom: Melissa, he did the best he could. You gonna have bad Mother's Days where you just don't get what you expect.
Me: But he didn't do the best that he can. That is the thing he can do SO much better. He just wasn't thinking and rushed out and grabbed something.
Mom: Melissa, it will be ok.
Me: I am just so disappointed in my first Mother's Day.
Mom: They will get better, Especially when Easton gets older.
I got off the phone and gave Easton her bath. Josh opens the door and says " You know Mother's Day isn't over. Its not even here yet!" Me being the Wiseman/Bryant that I am reply with " Well anything you do now, I know you are only doing it because I didn't really like my first gift and you are trying to make up for it." I went to bed that evening disappointed with the day and a little annoyed with the situation.
And now why I say I am brat.... Mother's Day rolled around and low and behold Josh sent a gift down with my parents. And it was THE BEST MOTHER'S DAY EVER! The entire time I was throwing my Momma fit he had a wonderful gift already made for me and waiting to be opened on actual Mother's Day while I was in Arkansas. A couple weeks prior to Mother's Day he had asked Mandy (daycare lady) if she would help him and Easton paint me a canvas. It was the best, most motherly, beautiful present I had ever received. And I felt like a jerk for my prior shenanigans. If this this situation where I am in one state and Josh is in another for Mother's Day ever happens again... we are waiting to celebrate after I get back not before.

Momma and the Artist!

4 Generations of Blondells

Momma and Easton on Mother's Day!

I am laughing out loud. Sounds like something I would do!