This was also a very BIG weekend for me because it was my first weekend away from Easton! I must say that we both survived, however my boobs were another issue. I am still nursing which meant I had to pump all weekend long. And my left boob flat out sucks at pumping. I am lucky if I get an ounce after pumping for an hour. Needless to say by the time we got back Sunday I thought it was going to explode. Josh and Easton spent the weekend hanging out and he had no trouble with her. Well, except Friday evening when she wouldn't let him put her down. So while Daddy was putting up Easton's clothes, Easton hung out in the baby back pack. Josh sent me pictures and videos regularly so I wouldn't miss my little girl too much. I was pretty proud of myself for not shedding a tear. My family was also surprised at how well I was handling being away from Easton. But you gotta remember that this past winter Josh stayed home with Easton several days a week when the construction industry slowed down. Also Josh is fabulous with Easton so I really didn't have any worries. Though I missed my little girl dearly it was nice to hang out with my mom, cousin, aunt and memaw! Oh, Josh did call and me Saturday evening and began the phone conversation with "Don't worry we are alright!" Seriously who does that! I respond with "What are you talking about!" Come to find out the sirens were going off and Kansas City was receiving bad weather. Who does that to a Mom who is away from their baby for the first time. Husbands! Can't live with them....can't have babies without them. On to the shower pictures!

These are my cakeballs. I must say they were adorable and YUMMY!

I took a old wood window and used picture mats to make each pane a frame for a picture.