- clap her hands
- waves
- pull herself up on the couch, toys, crib and anything else that is stationary
- jabbers like crazy
- hauls booty crawling
I have kept this kind of a secret and haven't talked about it very much, but Easton is sleeping through the night! I was so afraid I would jinx it so I never posted anything on facebook or the blog, but since she has been doing it for over a month now I figure we were safe to spread the word. Momma is getting EIGHT hours of sleep! She now eats stage 2 baby foods and takes one 8 oz. bottle of breast milk at daycare and nurses in the morning and at bedtime (Yep, I am stilling going strong with breastfeeding). Easton is such a happy baby. She loves to laugh, play, talk and destroy. When I say destroy I am referring to her dropping items from the highchair, banging toys together and pulling on Mommy's hair as hard as she can. She is definitely at the cause and effect stage. We are still in size 2 diapers, 6 month pants (even some of those are too big) and 6-9 month shirts. No teeth yet, but she chews on everything and drools. For obvious reasons I am ok with her not having teeth right now. She weights 14 lbs. 10 oz. and is 27" long. In a month she gained 3 oz and grew 1 1/4".
I am really behind on getting her 8 months pictures done, but I will post them soon.

So glad to hear you're getting more sleep, that's great! :)