2010 was a great year for the Bosleys. We had a quite a few "firsts". We made it through our first pregnancy, labor and delivery, our first baby was born, we experience many holidays as a family of three for the first time. Yep, 2010 was an awesome year for us. We celebrated the New Year with some great friends. One of Josh's best friends was back from Chicago with his family. They had their first little boy in September and we were excited to meet Blake. Though we did not ring in the New Year with them we did however spend the afternoon and evening out at the Lake House enjoying good food and company.


Blake is a month and a half behind Easton and he is a tank!

Reason # 327 you know you are a parent- You leave the party around 9:00 pm so you can get home and do bath time. Then you proceed to watch the 11:00 pm New York ball dropping. Then your husband looks over at you and says "I am going to bed."
Yep, we didn't even make it to midnight! Happy New Years everyone!
LOL-that's ok, you're new parents, not staying up till midnight is to be expected! ;-)
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year!