We have officially moved Easton into her bathroom for bath time. We had been putting her whale across the kitchen sinks to do bath, but with the temperature dropping and having a window right above our sink we thought is was time to move to a warmer location. Also we have been filling the whale up with more water and she LOVES it! She kicks her little legs and splashes around like a fish. I think she will be a water baby! SPF 500 here we come! Especially if she keeps that red tinted hair. Below are two pictures from last nights bath time.
I can barely get a spike going.

Easton has recently started sucking her big toe. It is so funny. Sometimes she will stick her whole dang foot in her mouth. This brings a whole new meaning to open mouth insert foot!

Daddy's camera work...
I think it's so cute when babies suck on their fingers and toes. Easton is so darn cute!